Minetest mapserver ======= ![](https://github.com/minetest-mapserver/mapserver/workflows/jshint/badge.svg) ![](https://github.com/minetest-mapserver/mapserver/workflows/go-test/badge.svg) ![GitHub repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/minetest-tools/mapserver.svg) ![GitHub closed issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-closed/minetest-tools/mapserver.svg) Realtime mapserver for [Minetest](https://minetest.net) Demo: [Pandorabox Server map](https://pandorabox.io/map/#-1782.25/493.5/10) # Documentation * [Installation](doc/install.md) * [Building](doc/building.md) * [Mapserver mod](doc/mod.md) * [Parameters](doc/params.md) * [Search](doc/search.md) * [Configuration](doc/config.md) * [Recommended specs](doc/recommended_specs.md) * [Stats webfragment](doc/stats_webfragment.md) * [Contribution](doc/contrib.md) * [Development](doc/dev.md) * [License](doc/license.md) * [Changelog](doc/changelog.md) # How it works See: [Incremental rendering](doc/incrementalrendering.md) # Compatibility * Minetest 0.4.15 - * Minetest 5.0 # Features ## Current features * Click-and-run installation * Initial and incremental map rendering * Param2 coloring * Realtime rendering and map-updating * Realtime player and world stats * [Search](doc/search.md) bar * Configurable layers (default: "Base" from y -16 to 160) * POI [markers](doc/mapobjects.md) / [mod](doc/mod.md) integration * Protector display * LCD Displays as markers * Monitoring with [Prometheus](doc/prometheus.md) ## Planned Features * Isometric view * Skin support * Route planning (via travelnets / trains) # Supported map-databases The connection is auto-detected from your `world.mt`: * Sqlite3 * PostgreSql # Screenshots ## Web interface ## Terminal ## Map objects (as markers) Enable/Disable those in the [Configuration](doc/config.md) See: [mapobjects](doc/mapobjects.md) # Bugs There will be bugs, please file them in the [issues](./issues) page.