package sqlite const migrateScript = ` PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; create table if not exists objects( id integer primary key autoincrement, x int, y int, z int, posx int, posy int, posz int, type varchar, mtime bigint ); create index if not exists objects_pos on objects(posx,posy,posz); create index if not exists objects_pos_type on objects(posx,posy,posz,type); create table if not exists object_attributes( objectid integer not null, key varchar not null, value varchar not null, FOREIGN KEY (objectid) references objects(id) ON DELETE CASCADE primary key(objectid, key) ); create table if not exists tiles( data blob, mtime bigint, layerid int, x int, y int, zoom int, primary key(x,y,zoom,layerid) ); ` const getMapDataPosQuery = ` select, o.type, o.mtime, o.x, o.y, o.z, o.posx, o.posy, o.posz, oa.key, oa.value from objects o left join object_attributes oa on = oa.objectid where o.type = ? and o.posx >= ? and o.posy >= ? and o.posz >= ? and o.posx <= ? and o.posy <= ? and o.posz <= ? order by ` const removeMapDataQuery = ` delete from objects where posx = ? and posy = ? and posz = ? ` const addMapDataQuery = ` insert into objects(x,y,z,posx,posy,posz,type,mtime) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ` const addMapDataAttributeQuery = ` insert into object_attributes(objectid, key, value) values(?, ?, ?) ` const getTileQuery = ` select data,mtime from tiles t where t.layerid = ? and t.x = ? and t.y = ? and t.zoom = ? ` const setTileQuery = ` insert or replace into tiles(x,y,zoom,layerid,data,mtime) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ` const removeTileQuery = ` delete from tiles where x = ? and y = ? and zoom = ? and layerid = ? `