import debounce from '../../util/debounce.js'; import wsChannel from '../../WebSocketChannel.js'; import layerMgr from '../../LayerManager.js'; import { getMapObjects } from '../../api.js'; export default L.LayerGroup.extend({ initialize: function(type, icon) {; this.type = type; this.icon = icon; this.currentObjects = {}; this.onLayerChange = this.onLayerChange.bind(this); this.onMapObjectUpdated = this.onMapObjectUpdated.bind(this); this.onMapMove = debounce(this.onMapMove.bind(this), 50); }, //websocket update onMapObjectUpdated: function(obj){ var hash = this.hashPos(obj.x, obj.y, obj.z); var marker = this.currentObjects[hash]; if (marker) { //marker exists var popup = this.createPopup(obj); if (popup) marker.setPopupContent(popup); marker.setIcon(this.getIcon(obj)); } }, hashPos: function(x,y,z){ return x + "/" + y + "/" + z; }, onLayerChange: function(/*layer*/){ this.reDraw(true); }, onMapMove: function(){ this.reDraw(false); }, getIcon: function(/*ob*/){ return this.icon; }, getMaxDisplayedZoom: function(){ return 10; }, reDraw: function(full){ var self = this; if ( < this.getMaxDisplayedZoom()) { this.clearLayers(); this.currentObjects = {}; return; } if (full){ this.clearLayers(); this.currentObjects = {}; } var mapLayer = layerMgr.getCurrentLayer(); var min =; var max =; var y1 = parseInt(mapLayer.from); var y2 = parseInt(; var x1 = parseInt(min.lng/16); var x2 = parseInt(max.lng/16); var z1 = parseInt(; var z2 = parseInt(; getMapObjects({ pos1: { x:x1, y:y1, z:z1 }, pos2: { x:x2, y:y2, z:z2 }, type: this.type }) .then(function(objects){ //TODO: remove non-existing markers objects.forEach(function(obj){ var hash = self.hashPos(obj.x, obj.y, obj.z); var marker = self.currentObjects[hash]; var popup, icon; if (marker) { //marker exists icon = self.getIcon(obj); if (!icon) { //icon does not wanna be displayed anymore marker.remove(); return; } //set popup, if changed popup = self.createPopup(obj); if (popup) marker.setPopupContent(popup); //redraw icon, if changed marker.setIcon(icon); } else { //marker does not exist icon = self.getIcon(obj); if (!icon) { //icon does not want to be displayed return; } marker = L.marker([obj.z + 0.5, obj.x + 0.5], {icon: icon}); popup = self.createPopup(obj); if (popup) marker.bindPopup(popup); marker.addTo(self); self.currentObjects[hash] = marker; } }); }); }, onAdd: function(map) { = map; map.on("zoomend", this.onMapMove); map.on("moveend", this.onMapMove); wsChannel.addListener("mapobject-created", this.onMapObjectUpdated); this.reDraw(true); }, onRemove: function(map) { this.clearLayers();"zoomend", this.onMapMove);"moveend", this.onMapMove); wsChannel.removeListener("mapobject-created", this.onMapObjectUpdated); } });