forked from MTSR/mapserver
2019-02-07 08:02:13 +01:00

53 lines
996 B

package postgres
const migrateScript = `
alter table blocks add column mtime bigint not null default 0;
create index BLOCKS_TIME on blocks(mtime);
create or replace function on_blocks_change() returns trigger as
NEW.mtime = floor(EXTRACT(EPOCH from now()) * 1000);
return NEW;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
create trigger blocks_update
before insert or update
on blocks
for each row
execute procedure on_blocks_change();
const getBlocksByMtimeQuery = `
select posx,posy,posz,data,mtime
from blocks b
where b.mtime > ?
order by b.mtime asc
limit ?
const getLastBlockQuery = `
select posx,posy,posz,data,mtime
from blocks b
where b.mtime = 0
and b.posx >= ?
and b.posy >= ?
and b.posz >= ?
order by b.posx asc, b.posy asc, b.posz asc, b.mtime asc
limit ?
const countBlocksQuery = `
select count(*) from blocks b where b.mtime >= ? and b.mtime <= ?
const getBlockQuery = `
select pos,data,mtime from blocks b
where b.posx = ?
and b.posy = ?
and b.posz = ?