make biomes easier to understand

This commit is contained in:
tenplus1 2024-08-18 17:06:58 +01:00
parent 8c4e632d0c
commit ccff927392

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@ -1,457 +1,423 @@
-- helper function
-- register biome helper
local function add_biome(a, l, m, n, o, p, b, c, d, e, f, g, nd, na, ns)
local function register_biome(enabled, def)
if p ~= 1 then return end -- if not 1 then biome disabled
if enabled ~= 1 then return end
name = a,
node_dust = b,
node_top = c,
depth_top = d,
node_filler = e,
depth_filler = f,
node_stone = g,
-- node_water_top = h,
-- depth_water_top = i,
-- node_water = j,
-- node_river_water = k,
y_min = l,
y_max = m,
heat_point = n,
humidity_point = o,
def.node_dungeon = def.node_dungeon or "default:cobble"
def.node_dungeon_alt = def.node_dungeon and "" or "default:mossycobble"
def.node_dungeon_stair = def.node_dungeon_stair or "stairs:stair_cobble"
node_dungeon = nd or "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = (nd and "") or "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = ns or "stairs:stair_cobble"
-- always registered biomes
-- base biomes
add_biome("mountain", 140, 31000, 50, 50, 1,
nil, "default:snow", 1, "default:snowblock", 2)
register_biome(1, {
name = "mountain",
heat_point = 50, humidity_point = 50, y_min = 140, y_max = 31000,
node_top = "default:snow", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:snowblock", depth_filler = 2})
add_biome("grassland", 3, 71, 45, 65, 1,
nil, "default:dirt_with_grass", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
register_biome(1, {
name = "grassland",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 65, y_min = 3, y_max = 71,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
add_biome("grassland_ocean", -192, 2, 45, 65, 1,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 3)
register_biome(1, {
name = "grassland_ocean",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 65, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(1, {
name = "grassland_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 65, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256})
-- biomes that can be diasbled
register_biome(ethereal.desert, {
name = "desert",
heat_point = 35, humidity_point = 20, y_min = 3, y_max = 23,
node_top = "default:desert_sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:desert_sand", depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:desert_stone",
node_dungeon_alt = "",
node_dungeon = "default:desert_stone",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_desert_stone"})
register_biome(ethereal.desert, {
name = "desert_ocean",
heat_point = 35, humidity_point = 20, y_min = -192, y_max = 3,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:desert_stone",
node_dungeon_alt = "",
node_dungeon = "default:desert_stone",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_desert_stone"})
register_biome(ethereal.desert, {
name = "desert_under",
heat_point = 35, humidity_point = 20, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.bamboo, {
name = "bamboo",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 75, y_min = 25, y_max = 70,
node_top = "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(, {
name = "sakura",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 75, y_min = 3, y_max = 25,
node_top = "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(, {
name = "sakura_ocean",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 75, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.mesa, {
name = "mesa",
heat_point = 25, humidity_point = 28, y_min = 1, y_max = 71,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_dry_grass", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "bakedclay:orange", depth_filler = 15})
register_biome(ethereal.mesa, {
name = "mesa_ocean",
heat_point = 25, humidity_point = 28, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.snowy, {
name = "coniferous_forest",
heat_point = 10, humidity_point = 40, y_min = 5, y_max = 40,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome((ethereal.snowy or ethereal.frost), {
name = "coniferous_forest_ocean",
heat_point = 10, humidity_point = 40, y_min = -192, y_max = 1,
node_top = "default:silver_sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.snowy, {
name = "coniferous_forest_under",
heat_point = 10, humidity_point = 40, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.alpine, {
name = "taiga",
heat_point = 10, humidity_point = 40, y_min = 40, y_max = 140,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_snow", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.alpine, {
name = "taiga_under",
heat_point = 10, humidity_point = 40, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.frost, {
name = "frost_floatland",
heat_point = 10, humidity_point = 40, y_min = 1025, y_max = 1750,
node_top = "ethereal:crystal_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 1})
register_biome(ethereal.frost, {
name = "frost",
heat_point = 10, humidity_point = 40, y_min = 1, y_max = 71,
node_top = "ethereal:crystal_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.grassy, {
name = "deciduous_forest",
heat_point = 13, humidity_point = 40, y_min = 3, y_max = 91,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.grassy, {
name = "deciduous_forest_ocean",
heat_point = 13, humidity_point = 40, y_min = -31000, y_max = 3,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 2,
node_filler = "default:gravel", depth_filler = 1})
register_biome(ethereal.grassy, {
name = "deciduous_forest_under",
heat_point = 13, humidity_point = 40, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.caves, {
name = "caves",
heat_point = 15, humidity_point = 25, y_min = 4, y_max = 41,
node_top = "default:desert_stone", depth_top = 3,
node_filler = "air", depth_filler = 8})
register_biome(ethereal.grayness, {
name = "grayness",
heat_point = 15, humidity_point = 30, y_min = 2, y_max = 41,
node_top = "ethereal:gray_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.grayness, {
name = "grayness_ocean",
heat_point = 15, humidity_point = 30, y_min = -18, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:silver_sand", depth_top = 2,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "ethereal:blue_marble"})
register_biome(ethereal.grayness, {
name = "grayness_under",
heat_point = 15, humidity_point = 30, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.grassytwo, {
name = "grassytwo",
heat_point = 15, humidity_point = 40, y_min = 1, y_max = 91,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.grassytwo, {
name = "grassytwo_ocean",
heat_point = 15, humidity_point = 40, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.prairie, {
name = "prairie",
heat_point = 20, humidity_point = 40, y_min = 3, y_max = 26,
node_top = "ethereal:prairie_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.prairie, {
name = "prairie_ocean",
heat_point = 20, humidity_point = 40, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.jumble, {
name = "jumble",
heat_point = 25, humidity_point = 50, y_min = 1, y_max = 71,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.jumble, {
name = "jumble_ocean",
heat_point = 25, humidity_point = 50, y_min = -192, y_max = 1,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.junglee, {
name = "junglee",
heat_point = 30, humidity_point = 60, y_min = 1, y_max = 71,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.junglee, {
name = "junglee_ocean",
heat_point = 30, humidity_point = 60, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.junglee, {
name = "junglee_under",
heat_point = 30, humidity_point = 60, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.grove, {
name = "grove",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 35, y_min = 3, y_max = 23,
node_top = "ethereal:grove_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.grove, {
name = "grove_ocean",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 35, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.mediterranean, {
name = "mediterranean",
heat_point = 20, humidity_point = 45, y_min = 3, y_max = 50,
node_top = "ethereal:grove_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.mushroom, {
name = "mushroom",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 55, y_min = 3, y_max = 50,
node_top = "ethereal:mushroom_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.mushroom, {
name = "mushroom_ocean",
heat_point = 45, humidity_point = 55, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.sandstone, {
name = "sandstone_desert",
heat_point = 50, humidity_point = 20, y_min = 3, y_max = 23,
node_top = "default:sandstone", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sandstone", depth_filler = 1,
node_stone = "default:sandstone",
node_dungeon_alt = "",
node_dungeon = "default:sandstone",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_sandstone"})
register_biome(ethereal.sandstone, {
name = "sandstone_desert_ocean",
heat_point = 50, humidity_point = 20, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2,
node_stone = "default:sandstone",
node_dungeon_alt = "",
node_dungeon = "default:sandstone",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_sandstone"})
register_biome(ethereal.sandstone, {
name = "sandstone_desert_under",
heat_point = 50, humidity_point = 20, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.quicksand, {
name = "quicksand",
heat_point = 50, humidity_point = 38, y_min = 1, y_max = 1,
node_top = "ethereal:quicksand2", depth_top = 3,
node_filler = "default:gravel", depth_filler = 1})
register_biome(ethereal.plains, {
name = "plains",
heat_point = 65, humidity_point = 25, y_min = 3, y_max = 25,
node_top = "ethereal:dry_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.plains, {
name = "plains_ocean",
heat_point = 55, humidity_point = 25, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.savanna, {
name = "savanna",
heat_point = 55, humidity_point = 25, y_min = 3, y_max = 50,
node_top = "default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dry_dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.savanna, {
name = "savanna_ocean",
heat_point = 55, humidity_point = 25, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.savanna, {
name = "savanna_under",
heat_point = 55, humidity_point = 25, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.fiery, {
name = "fiery",
heat_point = 75, humidity_point = 10, y_min = 5, y_max = 20,
node_top = "ethereal:fiery_dirt", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.fiery, {
name = "fiery_beach",
heat_point = 75, humidity_point = 10, y_min = 1, y_max = 4,
node_top = "default:desert_sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.fiery, {
name = "fiery_ocean",
heat_point = 75, humidity_point = 10, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.fiery, {
name = "fiery_under",
heat_point = 75, humidity_point = 10, y_min = -31000, y_max = -256,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:lava_source"}})
register_biome(ethereal.sandclay, {
name = "sandclay",
heat_point = 65, humidity_point = 2, y_min = 1, y_max = 11,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 3,
node_filler = "default:clay", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.swamp, {
name = "swamp",
heat_point = 80, humidity_point = 90, y_min = 1, y_max = 7,
node_top = "default:dirt_with_grass", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:dirt", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.swamp, {
name = "swamp_ocean",
heat_point = 80, humidity_point = 90, y_min = -192, y_max = 2,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 2,
node_filler = "default:clay", depth_filler = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.glacier, {
name = "glacier",
heat_point = 0, humidity_point = 50, y_min = -8, y_max = 31000,
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:snowblock", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:snowblock", depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:ice",
node_water_top = "default:ice", depth_water_top = 10,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
node_riverbed = "default:gravel", depth_riverbed = 2,
node_dungeon = "ethereal:icebrick",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_ice"})
register_biome(ethereal.glacier, {
name = "glacier_ocean",
heat_point = 0, humidity_point = 50, y_min = -112, y_max = -9,
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 3})
register_biome(ethereal.glacier, {
name = "glacier_under",
heat_point = 0, humidity_point = 50, y_max = -256, y_min = -31000,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 45,
humidity_point = 65
--add_biome("underground", -31000, -192, 50, 50, 1,
-- nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
-- biomes with disable setting
add_biome("desert", 3, 23, 35, 20, ethereal.desert,
nil, "default:desert_sand", 1, "default:desert_sand", 3, "default:desert_stone",
"default:desert_stone", nil, "stairs:stair_desert_stone")
add_biome("desert_ocean", -192, 3, 35, 20, ethereal.desert,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2, "default:desert_stone",
"default:desert_stone", nil, "stairs:stair_desert_stone")
if ethereal.desert then
name = "desert_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 35,
humidity_point = 20
add_biome("bamboo", 25, 70, 45, 75, ethereal.bamboo,
nil, "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("sakura", 3, 25, 45, 75,,
nil, "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("sakura_ocean", -192, 2, 45, 75,,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
add_biome("mesa", 1, 71, 25, 28, ethereal.mesa,
nil, "default:dirt_with_dry_grass", 1, "bakedclay:orange", 15)
add_biome("mesa_ocean", -192, 2, 25, 28, ethereal.mesa,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
-- was 'snowy' biome
add_biome("coniferous_forest", 5, 40, 10, 40, ethereal.snowy,
nil, "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", 1, "default:dirt", 2)
add_biome("coniferous_forest_ocean", -192, 1, 10, 40, (ethereal.snowy or ethereal.frost),
nil, "default:silver_sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
if ethereal.snowy then
name = "coniferous_forest_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 10,
humidity_point = 40
add_biome("taiga", 40, 140, 10, 40, ethereal.alpine,
nil, "default:dirt_with_snow", 1, "default:dirt", 2)
if ethereal.alpine then
name = "taiga_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 10,
humidity_point = 40
add_biome("frost_floatland", 1025, 1750, 10, 40, ethereal.frost,
nil, "ethereal:crystal_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 1)
add_biome("frost", 1, 71, 10, 40, ethereal.frost,
nil, "ethereal:crystal_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("deciduous_forest", 3, 91, 13, 40, ethereal.grassy,
nil, "default:dirt_with_grass", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("deciduous_forest_ocean", -31000, 3, 13, 40, ethereal.grassy,
nil, "default:sand", 2, "default:gravel", 1)
if ethereal.grassy then
name = "deciduous_forest_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 13,
humidity_point = 40
add_biome("caves", 4, 41, 15, 25, ethereal.caves,
nil, "default:desert_stone", 3, "air", 8)
add_biome("grayness", 2, 41, 15, 30, ethereal.grayness,
nil, "ethereal:gray_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("grayness_ocean", -18, 2, 15, 30, ethereal.grayness,
nil, "default:silver_sand", 2, "default:sand", 2, "ethereal:blue_marble")
if ethereal.grayness then
name = "grayness_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 15,
humidity_point = 30
add_biome("grassytwo", 1, 91, 15, 40, ethereal.grassytwo,
nil, "default:dirt_with_grass", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("grassytwo_ocean", -192, 2, 15, 40, ethereal.grassytwo,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
add_biome("prairie", 3, 26, 20, 40, ethereal.prairie,
nil, "ethereal:prairie_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("prairie_ocean", -192, 2, 20, 40, ethereal.prairie,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
add_biome("jumble", 1, 71, 25, 50, ethereal.jumble,
nil, "default:dirt_with_grass", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("jumble_ocean", -192, 1, 25, 50, ethereal.jumble,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
add_biome("junglee", 1, 71, 30, 60, ethereal.junglee,
nil, "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("junglee_ocean", -192, 2, 30, 60, ethereal.junglee,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
if ethereal.junglee then
name = "junglee_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 30,
humidity_point = 60
add_biome("grove", 3, 23, 45, 35, ethereal.grove,
nil, "ethereal:grove_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("grove_ocean", -192, 2, 45, 35, ethereal.grove,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
add_biome("mediterranean", 3, 50, 20, 45, ethereal.mediterranean,
nil, "ethereal:grove_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("mushroom", 3, 50, 45, 55, ethereal.mushroom,
nil, "ethereal:mushroom_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("mushroom_ocean", -192, 2, 45, 55, ethereal.mushroom,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
add_biome("sandstone_desert", 3, 23, 50, 20, ethereal.sandstone,
nil, "default:sandstone", 1, "default:sandstone", 1, "default:sandstone",
"default:sandstone", nil, "stairs:stair_sandstone")
add_biome("sandstone_desert_ocean", -192, 2, 50, 20, ethereal.sandstone,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2, "default:sandstone",
"default:sandstone", nil, "stairs:stair_sandstone")
if ethereal.sandstone then
name = "sandstone_desert_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 50,
humidity_point = 20
add_biome("quicksand", 1, 1, 50, 38, ethereal.quicksand,
nil, "ethereal:quicksand2", 3, "default:gravel", 1)
add_biome("plains", 3, 25, 65, 25, ethereal.plains,
nil, "ethereal:dry_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("plains_ocean", -192, 2, 55, 25, ethereal.plains,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
add_biome("savanna", 3, 50, 55, 25, ethereal.savanna,
nil, "default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass", 1, "default:dry_dirt", 3)
add_biome("savanna_ocean", -192, 2, 55, 25, ethereal.savanna,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
if ethereal.savanna then
name = "savanna_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 55,
humidity_point = 25
add_biome("fiery", 5, 20, 75, 10, ethereal.fiery,
nil, "ethereal:fiery_dirt", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("fiery_beach", 1, 4, 75, 10, ethereal.fiery,
nil, "default:desert_sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
add_biome("fiery_ocean", -192, 2, 75, 10, ethereal.fiery,
nil, "default:sand", 1, "default:sand", 2)
if ethereal.fiery then
name = "fiery_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 75,
humidity_point = 10
add_biome("sandclay", 1, 11, 65, 2, ethereal.sandclay,
nil, "default:sand", 3, "default:clay", 2)
add_biome("swamp", 1, 7, 80, 90, ethereal.swamp,
nil, "default:dirt_with_grass", 1, "default:dirt", 3)
add_biome("swamp_ocean", -192, 2, 80, 90, ethereal.swamp,
nil, "default:sand", 2, "default:clay", 2)
if ethereal.glacier == 1 then
name = "glacier",
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:snowblock",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:snowblock",
depth_filler = 3,
node_stone = "default:ice",
node_water_top = "default:ice",
depth_water_top = 10,
node_river_water = "default:ice",
node_riverbed = "default:gravel",
depth_riverbed = 2,
node_dungeon = "ethereal:icebrick",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_ice",
y_min = -8,
y_max = 31000,
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 50
name = "glacier_ocean",
node_dust = "default:snowblock",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand",
depth_filler = 3,
y_min = -112,
y_max = -9,
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 50
name = "glacier_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 50
if ethereal.tundra == 1 then
name = "tundra_highland",
node_dust = "default:snow",
node_riverbed = "default:gravel",
depth_riverbed = 2,
y_max = 180,
y_min = 47,
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 40
name = "tundra",
node_top = "default:permafrost_with_stones",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:permafrost",
depth_filler = 1,
node_riverbed = "default:gravel",
depth_riverbed = 2,
vertical_blend = 4,
y_max = 46,
y_min = 2,
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 40
name = "tundra_beach",
node_top = "default:gravel",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:gravel",
depth_filler = 2,
node_riverbed = "default:gravel",
depth_riverbed = 2,
vertical_blend = 1,
y_max = 1,
y_min = -3,
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 40
name = "tundra_ocean",
node_top = "default:sand",
depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand",
depth_filler = 3,
node_riverbed = "default:gravel",
depth_riverbed = 2,
vertical_blend = 1,
y_max = -4,
y_min = -112,
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 40
name = "tundra_under",
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"},
node_dungeon = "default:cobble",
node_dungeon_alt = "default:mossycobble",
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble",
y_max = -256,
y_min = -31000,
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 40
node_dungeon_stair = "stairs:stair_cobble"})
register_biome(ethereal.tundra, {
name = "tundra_highland",
heat_point = 0, humidity_point = 40, y_max = 180, y_min = 47,
node_dust = "default:snow",
node_riverbed = "default:gravel", depth_riverbed = 2})
register_biome(ethereal.tundra, {
name = "tundra",
heat_point = 0, humidity_point = 40, y_max = 46, y_min = 2,
node_top = "default:permafrost_with_stones", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:permafrost", depth_filler = 1,
node_riverbed = "default:gravel", depth_riverbed = 2,
vertical_blend = 4})
register_biome(ethereal.tundra, {
name = "tundra_beach",
heat_point = 0, humidity_point = 40, y_max = 1, y_min = -3,
node_top = "default:gravel", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:gravel", depth_filler = 2,
node_riverbed = "default:gravel", depth_riverbed = 2,
vertical_blend = 1})
register_biome(ethereal.tundra, {
name = "tundra_ocean",
heat_point = 0, humidity_point = 40, y_max = -4, y_min = -112,
node_top = "default:sand", depth_top = 1,
node_filler = "default:sand", depth_filler = 3,
node_riverbed = "default:gravel", depth_riverbed = 2,
vertical_blend = 1})
register_biome(ethereal.tundra, {
name = "tundra_under",
heat_point = 0, humidity_point = 40, y_max = -256, y_min = -31000,
node_cave_liquid = {"default:water_source", "default:lava_source"}})