-- path to default and ethereal schematics local path = minetest.get_modpath("ethereal") .. "/schematics/" local dpath = minetest.get_modpath("default") .. "/schematics/" -- load schematic tables dofile(path .. "orange_tree.lua") dofile(path .. "banana_tree.lua") dofile(path .. "bamboo_tree.lua") dofile(path .. "birch_tree.lua") dofile(path .. "bush.lua") dofile(path .. "waterlily.lua") dofile(path .. "volcanom.lua") dofile(path .. "volcanol.lua") dofile(path .. "frosttrees.lua") dofile(path .. "palmtree.lua") dofile(path .. "pinetree.lua") dofile(path .. "yellowtree.lua") dofile(path .. "mushroomone.lua") dofile(path .. "mushroomtwo.lua") dofile(path .. "willow.lua") dofile(path .. "bigtree.lua") dofile(path .. "redwood_tree.lua") dofile(path .. "redwood_small_tree.lua") dofile(path .. "vinetree.lua") dofile(path .. "sakura.lua") dofile(path .. "igloo.lua") dofile(path .. "lemon_tree.lua") dofile(path .. "olive_tree.lua") dofile(path .. "basandra_bush.lua") -- register decoration helper local function register_decoration(enabled, def) if enabled ~= 1 then return end def.sidelen = def.sidelen or 80 -- some handy defaults def.deco_type = "schematic" def.y_min = def.y_min or 1 def.y_max = def.y_max or 100 def.flags = def.flags or "place_center_x, place_center_z" minetest.register_decoration(def) end -- igloo register_decoration(ethereal.glacier, { place_on = "default:snowblock", fill_ratio = 0.0005, biomes = {"glacier"}, y_min = 3, y_max = 50, schematic = ethereal.igloo, spawn_by = "default:snowblock", num_spawn_by = 8, rotation = "random"}) -- sakura tree register_decoration(ethereal.sakura, { place_on = "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.001, biomes = {"sakura"}, y_min = 7, y_max = 100, schematic = ethereal.sakura_tree, spawn_by = "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", num_spawn_by = 6}) -- redwood tree register_decoration(ethereal.mesa, { place_on = "default:dirt_with_dry_grass", fill_ratio = 0.0025, biomes = {"mesa"}, schematic = ethereal.redwood_tree, flags = "place_center_x, place_center_z", spawn_by = "default:dirt_with_dry_grass", num_spawn_by = 8}) -- banana tree register_decoration(ethereal.grove, { place_on = "ethereal:grove_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.015, biomes = {"grove"}, schematic = ethereal.bananatree}) -- healing tree register_decoration(ethereal.alpine, { place_on = "default:dirt_with_snow", fill_ratio = 0.01, biomes = {"taiga"}, y_min = 120, y_max = 140, schematic = ethereal.yellowtree, spawn_by = "default:dirt_with_snow", num_spawn_by = 8}) -- crystal frost tree register_decoration(ethereal.frost, { place_on = "ethereal:crystal_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.01, biomes = {"frost", "frost_floatland"}, y_min = 1, y_max = 1750, schematic = ethereal.frosttrees, spawn_by = "ethereal:crystal_dirt", num_spawn_by = 8}) -- giant red mushroom register_decoration(ethereal.mushroom, { place_on = "ethereal:mushroom_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.02, biomes = {"mushroom"}, y_min = 3, y_max = 25, schematic = ethereal.mushroomone, spawn_by = "ethereal:mushroom_dirt", num_spawn_by = 8}) -- giant brown mushroom register_decoration(ethereal.mushroom, { place_on = "ethereal:mushroom_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.02, biomes = {"mushroom"}, y_min = 26, y_max = 50, schematic = ethereal.mushroomtwo, rotation = "random"}) -- small lava crater register_decoration(ethereal.fiery, { place_on = "ethereal:fiery_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.01, biomes = {"fiery"}, schematic = ethereal.volcanom, spawn_by = "ethereal:fiery_dirt", num_spawn_by = 6}) -- large lava crater register_decoration(ethereal.fiery, { place_on = "ethereal:fiery_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.003, biomes = {"fiery"}, schematic = ethereal.volcanol, spawn_by = "ethereal:fiery_dirt", num_spawn_by = 4, rotation = "random"}) -- basandra bush register_decoration(ethereal.fiery, { place_on = "ethereal:fiery_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.03, biomes = {"fiery"}, schematic = ethereal.basandrabush}) -- default jungle tree register_decoration(ethereal.junglee, { place_on = "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", fill_ratio = 0.08, biomes = {"junglee"}, schematic = dpath .. "jungle_tree.mts"}) -- willow tree register_decoration(ethereal.grayness, { place_on = "ethereal:gray_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.02, biomes = {"grayness"}, schematic = ethereal.willow, spawn_by = "ethereal:gray_dirt", num_spawn_by = 6}) -- default large pine tree for lower elevation register_decoration(ethereal.snowy, { place_on = {"default:dirt_with_snow", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter"}, fill_ratio = 0.025, biomes = {"coniferous_forest", "taiga"}, y_min = 4, y_max = 50, schematic = dpath .. "pine_tree.mts"}) -- small pine for higher elevation register_decoration(ethereal.snowy, { place_on = {"default:dirt_with_snow", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter"}, fill_ratio = 0.025, biomes = {"coniferous_forest", "taiga"}, y_min = 50, y_max = 140, schematic = ethereal.pinetree}) -- default apple tree register_decoration(ethereal.grassy, { place_on = "default:dirt_with_grass", fill_ratio = 0.025, biomes = {"jumble", "deciduous_forest"}, schematic = dpath .. "apple_tree.mts"}) -- big old tree register_decoration(ethereal.jumble, { place_on = "default:dirt_with_grass", fill_ratio = 0.001, biomes = {"jumble"}, schematic = ethereal.bigtree, spawn_by = "default:dirt_with_grass", num_spawn_by = 8}) -- default aspen tree register_decoration(ethereal.grassytwo, { place_on = "default:dirt_with_grass", fill_ratio = 0.02, biomes = {"grassytwo"}, y_min = 1, y_max = 50, schematic = dpath .. "aspen_tree.mts"}) -- birch tree register_decoration(ethereal.grassytwo, { place_on = "default:dirt_with_grass", fill_ratio = 0.02, biomes = {"grassytwo"}, y_min = 50, y_max = 100, schematic = ethereal.birchtree}) -- orange tree register_decoration(ethereal.prairie, { place_on = "ethereal:prairie_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.01, biomes = {"prairie"}, schematic = ethereal.orangetree}) -- default acacia tree register_decoration(ethereal.savanna, { place_on = {"default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass", "default:dirt_with_dry_grass"}, fill_ratio = 0.004, biomes = {"savanna"}, schematic = dpath .. "acacia_tree.mts"}) -- palm tree register_decoration(1, { place_on = "default:sand", fill_ratio = 0.0025, biomes = {"desert_ocean", "plains_ocean", "sandstone_ocean", "mesa_ocean", "grove_ocean", "deciduous_forest_ocean"}, y_min = 1, y_max = 1, schematic = ethereal.palmtree}) -- bamboo tree register_decoration(ethereal.bamboo, { place_on = "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.025, biomes = {"bamboo"}, schematic = ethereal.bambootree}) -- bush register_decoration(ethereal.bamboo, { place_on = "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.08, biomes = {"bamboo"}, schematic = ethereal.bush, spawn_by = "ethereal:bamboo_dirt", num_spawn_by = 6}) -- vine tree register_decoration(ethereal.swamp, { place_on = "default:dirt_with_grass", fill_ratio = 0.02, biomes = {"swamp"}, schematic = ethereal.vinetree}) -- lemon tree register_decoration(ethereal.mediterranean, { place_on = "ethereal:grove_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.002, biomes = {"mediterranean"}, y_min = 5, y_max = 50, schematic = ethereal.lemontree}) -- olive tree register_decoration(ethereal.mediterranean, { place_on = "ethereal:grove_dirt", fill_ratio = 0.002, biomes = {"mediterranean"}, y_min = 5, y_max = 35, schematic = ethereal.olivetree}) -- default large cactus register_decoration(ethereal.desert, { place_on = {"default:desert_sand"}, noise_params = { offset = -0.0005, scale = 0.0015, spread = {x = 200, y = 200, z = 200}, seed = 230, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6}, biomes = {"desert"}, y_min = 5, y_max = 100, schematic = dpath .. "large_cactus.mts", flags = "place_center_x", rotation = "random"}) -- default bush register_decoration(1, { place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = -0.004, scale = 0.01, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 137, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7}, biomes = {"deciduous_forest", "grassytwo", "jumble"}, schematic = dpath .. "bush.mts"}) -- default acacia bush register_decoration(1, { place_on = {"default:dirt_with_dry_grass", "default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = -0.004, scale = 0.01, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 90155, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7}, biomes = {"savanna", "mesa"}, schematic = dpath .. "acacia_bush.mts"}) -- default pine bush register_decoration((minetest.registered_nodes["default:pine_bush"] and 1), { name = "default:pine_bush", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_snow"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = -0.004, scale = 0.01, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 137, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7}, biomes = {"taiga"}, y_min = 4, y_max = 120, schematic = dpath .. "pine_bush.mts"}) -- default blueberry bush register_decoration((minetest.registered_nodes["default:blueberry_bush_leaves"] and 1), { name = "default:blueberry_bush", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = -0.004, scale = 0.01, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 697, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7}, biomes = {"coniferous_forest", "taiga"}, place_offset_y = 1, schematic = dpath .. "blueberry_bush.mts"}) -- place waterlily in beach areas register_decoration(1, { place_on = {"default:sand"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = -0.12, scale = 0.3, spread = {x = 200, y = 200, z = 200}, seed = 33, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7}, biomes = {"desert_ocean", "plains_ocean", "mesa_ocean", "grove_ocean", "deciduous_forest_ocean", "swamp_ocean"}, y_min = 0, y_max = 0, schematic = ethereal.waterlily, rotation = "random"}) -- coral reef if ethereal.reefs == 1 then -- override corals so crystal shovel can pick them up intact minetest.override_item("default:coral_skeleton", {groups = {crumbly = 3}}) minetest.override_item("default:coral_orange", {groups = {crumbly = 3}}) minetest.override_item("default:coral_brown", {groups = {crumbly = 3}}) register_decoration(1, { place_on = {"default:sand"}, noise_params = { offset = -0.15, scale = 0.1, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7013, octaves = 3, persist = 1}, biomes = {"desert_ocean", "grove_ocean"}, y_min = -8, y_max = -2, schematic = path .. "corals.mts", rotation = "random"}) end -- tree logs if ethereal.logs == 1 then register_decoration(ethereal.prairie, { name = "default:apple_log", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "ethereal:prairie_dirt"}, place_offset_y = 1, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.001, biomes = {"deciduous_forest", "jumble", "swamp", "prairie"}, schematic = dpath .. "apple_log.mts", flags = "place_center_x", rotation = "random", spawn_by = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "ethereal:prairie_dirt"}, num_spawn_by = 8 }) register_decoration(ethereal.junglee, { name = "default:jungle_log", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, place_offset_y = 1, sidelen = 80, fill_ratio = 0.005, biomes = {"junglee"}, schematic = dpath .. "jungle_log.mts", flags = "place_center_x", rotation = "random", spawn_by = "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", num_spawn_by = 8 }) register_decoration(ethereal.snowy, { name = "default:pine_log", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_snow", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter"}, place_offset_y = 1, sidelen = 80, fill_ratio = 0.0018, biomes = {"taiga", "coniferous_forest"}, y_min = 4, y_max = 100, schematic = dpath .. "pine_log.mts", flags = "place_center_x", rotation = "random", spawn_by = {"default:dirt_with_snow", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter"}, num_spawn_by = 8 }) register_decoration(ethereal.savanna, { name = "default:acacia_log", deco_type = "schematic", place_on = {"default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass"}, place_offset_y = 1, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.001, spread = {x = 250, y = 250, z = 250}, seed = 2, octaves = 3, persist = 0.66}, biomes = {"savanna"}, schematic = dpath .. "acacia_log.mts", flags = "place_center_x", rotation = "random", spawn_by = "default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass", num_spawn_by = 8 }) register_decoration(ethereal.plains, { name = "ethereal:scorched_log", place_on = {"ethereal:dry_dirt"}, place_offset_y = 1, sidelen = 80, fill_ratio = 0.0018, biomes = {"plains"}, y_min = 4, y_max = 100, schematic = { size = {x = 3, y = 1, z = 1}, data = { {name = "ethereal:scorched_tree", param1 = 201, param2 = 16}, {name = "ethereal:scorched_tree", param1 = 255, param2 = 16}, {name = "ethereal:scorched_tree", param1 = 255, param2 = 16} } }, flags = "place_center_x", rotation = "random", spawn_by = "ethereal:dry_dirt", num_spawn_by = 8 }) register_decoration(ethereal.grove, { name = "ethereal:banana_log", place_on = {"ethereal:grove_dirt"}, place_offset_y = 1, sidelen = 80, fill_ratio = 0.0018, biomes = {"grove"}, y_min = 4, y_max = 100, schematic = { size = {x = 3, y = 1, z = 1}, data = { {name = "ethereal:banana_trunk", param1 = 255, param2 = 16}, {name = "ethereal:banana_trunk", param1 = 255, param2 = 16}, {name = "ethereal:banana_trunk", param1 = 201, param2 = 16} } }, flags = "place_center_x", rotation = "random", spawn_by = "ethereal:grove_dirt", num_spawn_by = 8 }) end