-- wild cotton added in 5.3.0 if minetest.registered_nodes["farming:cotton_wild"] then minetest.register_decoration({ name = "farming:cotton_wild", deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = -0.1, scale = 0.1, spread = {x = 50, y = 50, z = 50}, seed = 4242, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7 }, biomes = {"savanna"}, y_max = 31000, y_min = 1, decoration = "farming:cotton_wild" }) end -- water pools in swamp areas minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, place_offset_y = -1, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.01, biomes = {"swamp"}, y_max = 2, y_min = 1, flags = "force_placement", decoration = "default:water_source", spawn_by = "default:dirt_with_grass", num_spawn_by = 8 }) minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, place_offset_y = -1, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.1, biomes = {"swamp"}, y_max = 2, y_min = 1, flags = "force_placement", decoration = "default:water_source", spawn_by = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:water_source"}, num_spawn_by = 8 }) -- dry dirt patches minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass"}, sidelen = 4, noise_params = { offset = -1.5, scale = -1.5, spread = {x = 200, y = 200, z = 200}, seed = 329, octaves = 4, persist = 1.0 }, biomes = {"savanna"}, y_max = 31000, y_min = 1, decoration = "default:dry_dirt", place_offset_y = -1, flags = "force_placement" }) -- helper string local tmp -- decoration helper function local function add_deco(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) if j ~= 1 then return end minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = a, sidelen = 80, fill_ratio = b, biomes = c, y_min = d, y_max = e, decoration = f, height_max = g, spawn_by = h, num_spawn_by = i }) end --firethorn shrub add_deco({"default:snowblock"}, 0.001, {"glacier"}, 1, 30, {"ethereal:firethorn"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.glacier) -- scorched tree add_deco({"ethereal:dry_dirt"}, 0.006, {"plains"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:scorched_tree"}, 6, nil, nil, ethereal.plains) -- dry shrub add_deco({"ethereal:dry_dirt"}, 0.015, {"plains"}, 1, 100, {"default:dry_shrub"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.plains) add_deco({"default:sand"}, 0.015, {"deciduous_forest_ocean"}, 1, 100, {"default:dry_shrub"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassy) add_deco({"default:desert_sand"}, 0.015, {"desert"}, 1, 100, {"default:dry_shrub"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.desert) add_deco({"default:sandstone"}, 0.015, {"sandstone_desert"}, 1, 100, {"default:dry_shrub"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.sandstone) add_deco({"bakedclay:red", "bakedclay:orange"}, 0.015, {"mesa"}, 1, 100, {"default:dry_shrub"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.mesa) -- dry grass add_deco({"default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass", "default:dirt_with_dry_grass"}, 0.25, {"savanna"}, 1, 100, {"default:dry_grass_2", "default:dry_grass_3", "default:dry_grass_4", "default:dry_grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.savanna) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_dry_grass"}, 0.10, {"mesa"}, 1, 100, {"default:dry_grass_2", "default:dry_grass_3", "default:dry_grass_4", "default:dry_grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.mesa) add_deco({"default:desert_stone"}, 0.005, {"caves"}, 5, 40, {"default:dry_grass_2", "default:dry_grass_3", "default:dry_shrub"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.caves) -- flowers & strawberry add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.025, {"deciduous_forest"}, 1, 100, {"flowers:dandelion_white", "flowers:dandelion_yellow", "flowers:geranium", "flowers:rose", "flowers:tulip", "flowers:viola", "ethereal:strawberry_7"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassy) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.025, {"grassytwo"}, 1, 100, {"flowers:dandelion_white", "flowers:dandelion_yellow", "flowers:geranium", "flowers:rose", "flowers:tulip", "flowers:viola", "ethereal:strawberry_7"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassytwo) -- prairie flowers & strawberry add_deco({"ethereal:prairie_dirt"}, 0.035, {"prairie"}, 1, 100, {"flowers:dandelion_white", "flowers:dandelion_yellow", "flowers:geranium", "flowers:rose", "flowers:tulip", "flowers:viola", "ethereal:strawberry_7", "flowers:chrysanthemum_green", "flowers:tulip_black"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.prairie) -- crystal spike & crystal grass add_deco({"ethereal:crystal_dirt"}, 0.02, {"frost", "frost_floatland"}, 1, 1750, {"ethereal:crystal_spike", "ethereal:crystalgrass"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.frost) -- red shrub add_deco({"ethereal:fiery_dirt"}, 0.10, {"fiery"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:dry_shrub"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.fiery) -- snowy grass add_deco({"ethereal:gray_dirt"}, 0.05, {"grayness"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:snowygrass"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grayness) add_deco({"ethereal:cold_dirt", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter"}, 0.05, {"coniferous_forest"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:snowygrass"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.snowy) -- cactus add_deco({"default:sandstone"}, 0.002, {"sandstone_desert"}, 1, 100, {"default:cactus"}, 3, nil, nil, ethereal.sandstone) add_deco({"default:desert_sand"}, 0.005, {"desert"}, 1, 100, {"default:cactus"}, 4, nil, nil, ethereal.desert) -- spore grass add_deco({"ethereal:mushroom_dirt"}, 0.1, {"mushroom"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:spore_grass"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.mushroom) -- red and brown mushrooms minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = { "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", "default:dirt_with_grass", "ethereal:prairie_dirt", "ethereal:mushroom_dirt" }, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.01, biomes = { "junglee", "deciduous_forest", "grassytwo", "prairie", "swamp", "mushroom" }, y_min = 1, y_max = 120, decoration = {"flowers:mushroom_brown", "flowers:mushroom_red"} }) -- jungle grass add_deco({"ethereal:jungle_dirt", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, 0.10, {"junglee"}, 1, 100, {"default:junglegrass"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.junglee) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.15, {"jumble"}, 1, 100, {"default:junglegrass"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.jumble) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.25, {"swamp"}, 1, 100, {"default:junglegrass"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.swamp) -- grass add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.35, {"deciduous_forest"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassy) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.35, {"grassytwo"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassytwo) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.35, {"jumble"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.jumble) add_deco({"ethereal:jungle_dirt", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, 0.35, {"junglee"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.junglee) add_deco({"ethereal:prairie_dirt"}, 0.35, {"prairie"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.prairie) add_deco({"ethereal:grove_dirt"}, 0.35, {"grove"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grove) add_deco({"ethereal:grove_dirt"}, 0.35, {"mediterranean"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.mediterranean) add_deco({"ethereal:bamboo_dirt"}, 0.35, {"bamboo"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.bamboo) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.35, {"grassland", "swamp"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_3", "default:grass_4"}, nil, nil, nil, 1) add_deco({"ethereal:bamboo_dirt"}, 0.35, {"sakura"}, 1, 100, {"default:grass_2", "default:grass_3", "default:grass_4", "default:grass_5"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.sakura) add_deco({"ethereal:bamboo_dirt"}, 0.025, {"sakura"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:lilac"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.sakura) -- marram grass add_deco({"default:sand"}, 0.25, {"sandclay"}, 3, 4, {"default:marram_grass_1", "default:marram_grass_2", "default:marram_grass_3"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.sandclay) -- ferns add_deco({"ethereal:grove_dirt"}, 0.2, {"grove"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:fern"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grove) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.1, {"swamp"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:fern"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.swamp) add_deco({"ethereal:crystal_dirt"}, 0.001, {"frost_floatlands"}, 1025, 1750, {"ethereal:fern"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.frost) -- snow add_deco({"ethereal:cold_dirt", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter"}, 0.8, {"coniferous_forest"}, 20, 40, {"default:snow"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.snowy) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_snow"}, 0.8, {"taiga"}, 40, 140, {"default:snow"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.alpine) -- Check onion setting local abundant = minetest.settings:get_bool("ethereal.abundant_onions") ~= false local onion_rate = abundant and 0.025 or 0.005 -- wild onion add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass", "ethereal:prairie_dirt"}, onion_rate, {"deciduous_forest", "grassytwo", "jumble", "prairie"}, 1, 100, {"ethereal:onion_4"}, nil, nil, nil, 1) -- papyrus add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.1, {"deciduous_forest"}, 1, 1, {"default:papyrus"}, 4, "default:water_source", 1, ethereal.grassy) add_deco({"ethereal:jungle_dirt", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, 0.1, {"junglee"}, 1, 1, {"default:papyrus"}, 4, "default:water_source", 1, ethereal.junglee) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.1, {"swamp"}, 1, 1, {"default:papyrus"}, 4, "default:water_source", 1, ethereal.swamp) --= Farming Redo plants if farming and farming.mod and farming.mod == "redo" then print ("[MOD] Ethereal - Farming Redo detected and in use") -- potato add_deco({"ethereal:jungle_dirt", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, 0.002, {"junglee"}, 1, 100, {"farming:potato_3"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.junglee) -- carrot, cucumber, potato, tomato, corn, coffee, raspberry, rhubarb add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.002, {"grassytwo"}, 1, 100, {"farming:carrot_7", "farming:cucumber_4", "farming:potato_3", "farming:vanilla_7", "farming:tomato_7", "farming:corn_8", "farming:coffee_5", "farming:blackberry_4", "farming:raspberry_4", "farming:rhubarb_3", "farming:blueberry_4", "farming:cabbage_6", "farming:lettuce_5", "farming:sunflower_8", "farming:asparagus"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassytwo) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.002, {"deciduous_forest"}, 1, 100, {"farming:carrot_7", "farming:cucumber_4", "farming:potato_3", "farming:vanilla_7", "farming:tomato_7", "farming:corn_8", "farming:coffee_5", "farming:blackberry_4", "farming:raspberry_4", "farming:rhubarb_3", "farming:blueberry_4", "farming:beetroot_5", "farming:sunflower_8", "farming:eggplant_3"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassy) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.002, {"jumble"}, 1, 100, {"farming:carrot_7", "farming:cucumber_4", "farming:potato_3", "farming:vanilla_7", "farming:tomato_7", "farming:corn_8", "farming:coffee_5", "farming:blackberry_4", "farming:raspberry_4", "farming:rhubarb_3", "farming:blueberry_4", "farming:cabbage_6", "farming:lettuce_5", "farming:spinach_3"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.jumble) add_deco({"ethereal:prairie_dirt"}, 0.025, {"prairie"}, 1, 100, {"farming:carrot_7", "farming:cucumber_4", "farming:potato_3", "farming:parsley_3", "farming:tomato_7", "farming:corn_8", "farming:coffee_5", "farming:blackberry_4", "farming:raspberry_4", "farming:rhubarb_3", "farming:blueberry_4", "farming:pea_5", "farming:beetroot_5", "farming:sunflower_8"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.prairie) add_deco({"ethereal:grove_dirt"}, 0.002, {"mediterranean"}, 1, 100, {"farming:parsley_3"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.mediterranean) -- melon and pumpkin add_deco({"ethereal:jungle_dirt", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, 0.001, {"junglee"}, 1, 1, {"farming:melon_8", "farming:pumpkin_8"}, nil, "default:water_source", 1, ethereal.junglee) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.001, {"deciduous_forest"}, 1, 1, {"farming:melon_8", "farming:pumpkin_8"}, nil, "default:water_source", 1, ethereal.grassy) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.001, {"grassytwo"}, 1, 1, {"farming:melon_8", "farming:pumpkin_8"}, nil, "default:water_source", 1, ethereal.grassytwo) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.001, {"jumble"}, 1, 1, {"farming:melon_8", "farming:pumpkin_8"}, nil, "default:water_source", 1, ethereal.jumble) -- mint add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", "ethereal:bamboo_dirt"}, 0.005, nil, 1, 75, "farming:mint_4", nil, {"group:water", "group:sand"}, 1, 1) -- green beans add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.001, {"grassytwo"}, 1, 100, {"farming:beanbush"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassytwo) -- grape bushel add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.001, {"grassytwo"}, 1, 100, {"farming:grapebush"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassytwo) add_deco({"default:dirt_with_grass"}, 0.001, {"deciduous_forest"}, 1, 100, {"farming:grapebush"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.grassy) add_deco({"ethereal:prairie_dirt"}, 0.001, {"prairie"}, 1, 100, {"farming:grapebush"}, nil, nil, nil, ethereal.prairie) -- chili, garlic, pepper, onion, hemp, soy, ginger minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "ethereal:prairie_dirt", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.002, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 760, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 5, y_max = 35, decoration = { "farming:chili_8", "farming:garlic_5", "farming:pepper_5", "farming:pepper_6", "farming:onion_5", "farming:hemp_7", "farming:pepper_7", "farming:soy_5", "farming:ginger" }, spawn_by = "group:tree", num_spawn_by = 1 }) -- pineapple,soy minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_dry_grass"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.002, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 917, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 18, y_max = 30, decoration = {"farming:pineapple_8", "farming:soy_5"} }) -- artichoke minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"ethereal:grove_dirt"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.002, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 448, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 15, y_max = 40, decoration = {"farming:artichoke_5"}, spawn_by = "group:tree", num_spawn_by = 1 }) end -- new flowers from baked clay mod if minetest.get_modpath("bakedclay") then minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = { "ethereal:prairie_dirt", "default:dirt_with_grass", "ethereal:grove_dirt" }, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.004, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7133, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 10, y_max = 90, decoration = "bakedclay:delphinium" }) minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = { "ethereal:prairie_dirt", "default:dirt_with_grass", "ethereal:grove_dirt", "ethereal:bamboo_dirt" }, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.004, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7134, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 15, y_max = 90, decoration = "bakedclay:thistle" }) minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"ethereal:jungle_dirt", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.01, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7135, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 1, y_max = 90, decoration = "bakedclay:lazarus", spawn_by = "default:jungletree", num_spawn_by = 1 }) minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:sand"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.009, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7136, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 1, y_max = 15, decoration = "bakedclay:mannagrass", spawn_by = "group:water", num_spawn_by = 1 }) end -- blue agave from wine mod if ethereal.desert == 1 and minetest.get_modpath("wine") then minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:desert_sand"}, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.001, biomes = {"desert"}, decoration = {"wine:blue_agave"} }) end if ethereal.snowy == 1 then local function register_fern_decoration(seed, length) minetest.register_decoration({ name = "default:fern_" .. length, deco_type = "simple", place_on = { "ethereal:cold_dirt", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.2, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = seed, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7 }, y_max = 31000, y_min = 6, decoration = "default:fern_" .. length }) end register_fern_decoration(14936, 3) register_fern_decoration(801, 2) register_fern_decoration(5, 1) end -- Tundra moss and stones if ethereal.tundra == 1 then -- Tundra moss minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:permafrost_with_stones"}, sidelen = 4, noise_params = { offset = -0.8, scale = 2.0, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 53995, octaves = 3, persist = 1.0 }, biomes = {"tundra"}, y_max = 50, y_min = 2, decoration = "default:permafrost_with_moss", place_offset_y = -1, flags = "force_placement" }) -- Tundra patchy snow minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = { "default:permafrost_with_moss", "default:permafrost_with_stones", "default:stone", "default:gravel" }, sidelen = 4, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 1.0, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 172555, octaves = 3, persist = 1.0 }, biomes = {"tundra", "tundra_beach"}, y_max = 50, y_min = 1, decoration = "default:snow" }) end -- butterflies mod if minetest.get_modpath("butterflies") then minetest.register_decoration({ name = "butterflies:butterfly", deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "ethereal:prairie_dirt"}, place_offset_y = 2, sidelen = 80, fill_ratio = 0.005, biomes = {"deciduous_forest", "grassytwo", "prairie", "jumble"}, y_max = 31000, y_min = 1, decoration = { "butterflies:butterfly_white", "butterflies:butterfly_red", "butterflies:butterfly_violet" }, spawn_by = "group:flower", num_spawn_by = 1 }) -- restart butterfly timers minetest.register_lbm({ name = ":butterflies:butterfly_timer", nodenames = { "butterflies:butterfly_white", "butterflies:butterfly_red", "butterflies:butterfly_violet" }, run_at_every_load = true, action = function(pos) minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(5) end }) end -- fireflies mod if minetest.get_modpath("fireflies") then minetest.register_decoration({ name = "fireflies:firefly_low", deco_type = "simple", place_on = { "default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", "default:dirt", "ethereal:cold_dirt", "prairie" }, place_offset_y = 2, sidelen = 80, fill_ratio = 0.0005, biomes = { "deciduous_forest", "grassytwo", "coniferous_forest", "junglee", "swamp"}, y_max = 31000, y_min = -1, decoration = "fireflies:hidden_firefly" }) -- restart firefly timers minetest.register_lbm({ name = ":fireflies:firefly_timer", nodenames = {"fireflies:firefly", "fireflies:hidden_firefly"}, run_at_every_load = true, action = function(pos) minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(5) end }) end -- Coral Reef minetest.register_decoration({ name = "default:corals", deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:sand"}, place_offset_y = -1, sidelen = 4, noise_params = { offset = -4, scale = 4, spread = {x = 50, y = 50, z = 50}, seed = 7013, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7, }, biomes = {"desert_ocean", "savanna_ocean", "junglee_ocean"}, y_max = -2, y_min = -8, flags = "force_placement", decoration = { "default:coral_green", "default:coral_pink", "default:coral_cyan", "default:coral_brown", "default:coral_orange", "default:coral_skeleton" } }) -- Kelp minetest.register_decoration({ name = "default:kelp", deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:sand"}, place_offset_y = -1, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = -0.04, scale = 0.1, spread = {x = 200, y = 200, z = 200}, seed = 87112, octaves = 3, persist = 0.7 }, biomes = { "frost_ocean", "deciduous_forest_ocean", "sandstone_ocean", "swamp_ocean"}, y_max = -5, y_min = -10, flags = "force_placement", decoration = "default:sand_with_kelp", param2 = 48, param2_max = 96 }) -- illumishrooms using underground decoration placement local function add_illumishroom(low, high, nodename) minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:stone_with_coal"}, sidelen = 16, fill_ratio = 0.5, y_max = high, y_min = low, flags = "force_placement, all_floors", decoration = nodename }) end add_illumishroom(-1000, -30, "ethereal:illumishroom") add_illumishroom(-2000, -1000, "ethereal:illumishroom2") add_illumishroom(-3000, -2000, "ethereal:illumishroom3")