Ethereal Fishing Rod API Usage: ethereal.add_item(fish, junk, bonus) Example: The fish, junk and bonus entries can all be entered or used seperately e.g. ..add fish: ethereal.add_item("mymod:myfish", "", "") ..add fish and junk: ethereal.add_item("mymod:myfish", "mymod:myjunk", "") You may also use a table that not only adds an item but the biome it can be found in: ..add fish only found in 'grassy_ocean' biome: ethereal.add_item({"mymod:myfish", "grassy_ocean"}, "", "") ..add special item only found in 'frost' biome waters: ethereal.add_item("", "", {"ethereal:crystal_spike", "frost"}) Please note that only Ethereal biome names can be used for specific finds, unless mod specifically adds ethereal as an optional dependency. Crystal Shovel has silk touch ability for digging blocks and returning the actual block intact. The {no_silktouch=1} group can be used to override this.