modified interaction mod
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,42 +1,92 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("interact")
interact = {}
interact.configured = true --Change this to true when you've configured the mod!
interact.default_language = "english"
--Which answer is needed for the quiz questions. interact.quiz1-4 takes true or false.
--True is left, false is right.
--Please, please spell true and false right!!! If you spell it wrong it won't work!
--interact.quiz can be 1, 2 or 3.
--1 is the top one by the question, 2 is the bottom left one, 3 is the bottom right one.
--Make sure these agree with your answers!
interact.quiz1 = false
interact.quiz2 = false
interact.quiz3 = false
interact.quiz4 = true
interact.quiz_multi = 3
--Which screens to show.
interact.screen1 = true --The welcome a first question screen.
interact.screen1 = false --The welcome a first question screen.
interact.screen2 = true --The visit or interact screen.
interact.screen4 = true --The quiz screen.
interact.screen4 = false --The quiz screen.
--The first screen--
--The text at the top.
interact.s1_header = S("Hello, welcome to this server!")
--Lines one and two. Make sure each line is less than 70 characters, or they will run off the screen.
interact.s1_l2 = S("Could you please tell me if you like to grief or not?")
interact.s1_l3 = ""
--The buttons. Each can have 15 characters, max.
interact.s1_b1 = S("No, I don't.")
interact.s1_b2 = S("Yes, I do!")
--The message to send kicked griefers.
interact.msg_grief = S("Try out singleplayer if you like griefing, because then you'll only destroy your own stuff!")
--Ban or kick griefers? Default is kick, set to true for ban.
interact.grief_ban = false
interact.grief_ban = true
--The second screen--
--Lines one and two. Make sure each line is less than 70 characters, or they will run off the screen.
interact.s2_l1 = S("So, do you want interact, or do you just want to look around")
interact.s2_l2 = S("the server?")
--The buttons. These ones can have a maximum of 26 characters.
interact.s2_b1 = S("Yes, I want!")
interact.s2_b2 = S("I just want to look round.")
--The message the player is sent if s/he is just visiting.
interact.visit_msg = S("Have a nice time looking round! If you want interact just type /rules, and you can go through the process again!")
--The third screen--
--The header for the rules box, this can have 60 characters, max.
interact.s3_header = S("Here are the rules:")
--The buttons. Each can have 15 characters, max.
interact.s3_b1 = S("I agree")
interact.s3_b2 = S("I disagree")
--The message to send players who disagree when they are kicked for disagring with the rules.
interact.disagree_msg = S("Bye then! You have to agree to the rules to play on the server.")
--Kick, ban or ignore players who disagree with the rules.
--Options are "kick" "ban" "nothing"
interact.disagree_action = "nothing"
interact.disagree_action = "kick"
--The fouth screen--
--Should there be a back to rules button?
interact.s4_to_rules_button = true
--The back to rules button. 13 characters, max.
interact.s4_to_rules = S("Back to rules")
--The header for screen 4. 60 characters max, although this is a bit of a squash. I recomend 55 as a max.
interact.s4_header = S("Time for a quiz on the rules!")
--Since the questions are intrinsically connected with the rules, they are to be found in rules.lua
--The trues are limited to 24 characters. The falses can have 36 characters.
interact.s4_question1_true = "Yes."
interact.s4_question1_false = "No."
interact.s4_question2_true = "Yes."
interact.s4_question2_false = "No."
interact.s4_question3_true = "Yes."
interact.s4_question3_false = "No."
interact.s4_question4_true = "Yes."
interact.s4_question4_false = "No."
interact.s4_submit = "Submit!"
--What to do on a wrong quiz.
--Options are "kick" "ban" "reshow" "rules" and "nothing"
interact.on_wrong_quiz = "reshow"
interact.on_wrong_quiz = "nothing"
--The message to send the player if reshow is the on_wrong_quiz option.
interact.quiz_try_again_msg = S("Have another go.")
--The message sent to the player if rules is the on_wrong_quiz option.
interact.quiz_rules_msg = S("Have another look at the rules:")
--The kick reason if kick is the on_wrong_quiz option.
interact.wrong_quiz_kick_msg = S("Pay more attention next time!")
--The message sent to the player if nothing is the on_wrong_quiz option.
interact.quiz_fail_msg = S("You got that wrong.")
--The messages send to the player after interact is granted.
interact.interact_msg1 = S("Thanks for accepting the rules, you now are able to interact with things.")
interact.interact_msg2 = S("Happy building!")
--The priv required to use the /rules command. If fast is a default priv, I recomend replacing shout with that.
interact.priv = {shout = true}
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
rule_table = {}
rule_language = {}
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("interact") .. "/rules-english.lua") --I put the rules in their own file so that they don't get lost/overlooked!
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("interact") .. "/rules-russian.lua")
local S = minetest.get_translator("interact")
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("interact") .. "/config.lua")
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("interact") .. "/rules.lua") --I put the rules in their own file so that they don't get lost/overlooked!
local rule1 = 0
local rule2 = 0
@ -10,75 +9,61 @@ local rule3 = 0
local rule4 = 0
local multi = 0
local all_languages = interact.default_language
for k in pairs(rule_table) do
if k ~= interact.default_language then
all_languages = all_languages..", "..k
if rule_table[k].secondaryname then
all_languages = all_languages.." ("..rule_table[k].secondaryname..")"
local function make_formspec(player, language)
if not language then language = interact.default_language end
local function make_formspec(player)
local name = player:get_player_name()
local size = { "size[10,4]" }
table.insert(size, "label[1,0.5;List of Languages (eg: /rules english)]")
table.insert(size, "label[1,1;"..all_languages.."]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,0;" ..rule_table[language].s1_header.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,3.25;" ..rule_table[language].s1_l2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,3.75;" ..rule_table[language].s1_l3.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[5.5,3.4;2,0.5;no;" ..rule_table[language].s1_b1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button[7.5,3.4;2,0.5;yes;" ..rule_table[language].s1_b2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,0.5;" ..interact.s1_header.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,1.5;" ..interact.s1_l2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,2;" ..interact.s1_l3.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[5.5,3.4;2,0.5;no;" ..interact.s1_b1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button[7.5,3.4;2,0.5;yes;" ..interact.s1_b2.. "]")
return table.concat(size)
local function make_formspec2(player, language)
if not language then language = interact.default_language end
local function make_formspec2(player)
local name = player:get_player_name()
local size = { "size[10,4]" }
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,0.5;" ..rule_table[language].s2_l1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,1;" ..rule_table[language].s2_l2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[2.5,3.4;3.5,0.5;interact;" ..rule_table[language].s2_b1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[6.4,3.4;3.6,0.5;visit;" ..rule_table[language].s2_b2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,0.5;" ..interact.s2_l1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,1;" ..interact.s2_l2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[2.5,3.4;3.5,0.5;interact;" ..interact.s2_b1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[6.4,3.4;3.6,0.5;visit;" ..interact.s2_b2.. "]")
return table.concat(size)
local function make_formspec3(player, language)
if not language then language = interact.default_language end
--Форма запроса на interact
local function make_formspec3(player)
local size = { "size[10,8]" }
table.insert(size, "textarea[0.5,0.5;9.5,7.5;TOS;" ..rule_table[language].s3_header.. ";" ..rule_table[language].rules.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button[5.5,7.4;2,0.5;decline;" ..rule_table[language].s3_b2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[7.5,7.4;2,0.5;accept;" ..rule_table[language].s3_b1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "textarea[0.5,0.5;9.5,5.5;TOS;" ..interact.s3_header.. ";" ..interact.rules.. "]")
table.insert(size, "field[0.5,6.4;2,0.5;answer;2+3="..S("answer")..";]")
table.insert(size, "button[5.5,7.4;2,0.5;decline;" ..interact.s3_b2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[7.5,7.4;2,0.5;accept;" ..interact.s3_b1.. "]")
return table.concat(size)
local function make_formspec4(player, language)
if not language then language = interact.default_language end
local function make_formspec4(player)
local name = player:get_player_name()
local size = { "size[10,9]" }
if interact.s4_to_rules_button == true then
table.insert(size, "button_exit[7.75,0.25;2.1,0.1;rules;" ..rule_table[language].s4_to_rules.. "]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[7.75,0.25;2.1,0.1;rules;" ..interact.s4_to_rules.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.25,0;" ..rule_table[language].s4_header.."]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,0.5;" ..rule_table[language].question1.."]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,1;rule1_true;" ..rule_table[language].s4_question1_true.."]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4,1;rule1_false;" ..rule_table[language].s4_question1_false.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,2;" ..rule_table[language].question2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,2.5;rule2_true;" ..rule_table[language].s4_question2_true.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4,2.5;rule2_false;" ..rule_table[language].s4_question2_false.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,3.5;" ..rule_table[language].question3.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,4;rule3_true;" ..rule_table[language].s4_question3_true.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4,4;rule3_false;" ..rule_table[language].s4_question3_false.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,5;" ..rule_table[language].question4.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,5.5;rule4_true;" ..rule_table[language].s4_question4_true.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4,5.5;rule4_false;" ..rule_table[language].s4_question4_false.."]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,6.5;" ..rule_table[language].multiquestion.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4.75,6.25;multi_choice1;" ..rule_table[language].mq_answer1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,7;multi_choice2;" ..rule_table[language].mq_answer2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4.75,7;multi_choice3;" ..rule_table[language].mq_answer3.."]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[3,8.4;3.5,0.5;submit;" ..rule_table[language].s4_submit.."]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.25,0;" ..interact.s4_header.."]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,0.5;" ..interact.s4_question1.."]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,1;rule1_true;" ..interact.s4_question1_true.."]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4,1;rule1_false;" ..interact.s4_question1_false.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,2;" ..interact.s4_question2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,2.5;rule2_true;" ..interact.s4_question2_true.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4,2.5;rule2_false;" ..interact.s4_question2_false.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,3.5;" ..interact.s4_question3.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,4;rule3_true;" ..interact.s4_question3_true.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4,4;rule3_false;" ..interact.s4_question3_false.. "]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,5;" ..interact.s4_question4.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,5.5;rule4_true;" ..interact.s4_question4_true.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4,5.5;rule4_false;" ..interact.s4_question4_false.."]")
table.insert(size, "label[0.5,6.5;" ..interact.s4_multi_question.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4.75,6.25;multi_choice1;" ..interact.s4_multi1.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[0.25,7;multi_choice2;" ..interact.s4_multi2.. "]")
table.insert(size, "checkbox[4.75,7;multi_choice3;" ..interact.s4_multi3.."]")
table.insert(size, "button_exit[3,8.4;3.5,0.5;submit;" ..interact.s4_submit.."]")
return table.concat(size)
@ -95,22 +80,20 @@ local server_formspec = "size[10,4]" ..
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname ~= "interact_welcome" then return end
local name = player:get_player_name()
local language = rule_language[name] or interact.default_language
if then
if interact.screen2 == false then
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player))
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_visit", make_formspec2(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_visit", make_formspec2(player))
elseif fields.yes then
if interact.grief_ban ~= true then
--minetest.kick_player(name, rule_table[language].msg_grief)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].msg_grief)
minetest.kick_player(name, interact.msg_grief)
@ -121,14 +104,13 @@ end)
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname ~= "interact_visit" then return end
local name = player:get_player_name()
local language = rule_language[name] or interact.default_language
if fields.interact then
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player))
elseif fields.visit then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].visit_msg)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.visit_msg)
minetest.log("action", name.. " is just visiting.")
@ -138,30 +120,37 @@ end)
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname ~= "interact_rules" then return end
local name = player:get_player_name()
local language = rule_language[name] or interact.default_language
if fields.accept then
if interact.screen4 == false then
if minetest.check_player_privs(name, interact.priv) and not (interacthandler and interacthandler.player[name]) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].interact_msg1)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].interact_msg2)
if minetest.check_player_privs(name, interact.priv) and fields.answer == "5" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.interact_msg1)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.interact_msg2)
local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name)
privs.interact = true
minetest.set_player_privs(name, privs)
minetest.log("action", "Granted " " interact.")
if interact.disagree_action == "kick" then
minetest.kick_player(name, interact.disagree_msg)
elseif interact.disagree_action == "ban" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.disagree_msg)
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_quiz", make_formspec4(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_quiz", make_formspec4(player))
elseif fields.decline then
if interact.disagree_action == "kick" then
minetest.kick_player(name, rule_table[language].disagree_msg)
minetest.kick_player(name, interact.disagree_msg)
elseif interact.disagree_action == "ban" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].disagree_msg)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.disagree_msg)
@ -170,10 +159,9 @@ end)
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname ~= "interact_quiz" then return end
local name = player:get_player_name()
local language = rule_language[name] or interact.default_language
if fields.rules then
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player))
@ -195,17 +183,13 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
rule3 = 0
rule4 = 0
multi = 0
if minetest.check_player_privs(name, interact.priv) and not (interacthandler and interacthandler.player[name]) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].interact_msg1)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].interact_msg2)
if minetest.check_player_privs(name, interact.priv) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.interact_msg1)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.interact_msg2)
local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name)
privs.interact = true
minetest.set_player_privs(name, privs)
minetest.log("action", "Granted " " interact.")
minetest.chat_send_all(name.. " passed the rules test, welcome him/her into CitySim")
if minetest.get_modpath("irc") ~= nil then
irc.say(name.. " passed the rules test, welcome him/her into CitySim")
elseif fields.submit then
rule1 = 0
@ -214,51 +198,42 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
rule4 = 0
multi = 0
if interact.on_wrong_quiz == "kick" then
minetest.kick_player(name, rule_table[language].wrong_quiz_kick_msg)
minetest.kick_player(name, interact.wrong_quiz_kick_msg)
elseif interact.on_wrong_quiz == "ban" then
elseif interact.on_wrong_quiz == "reshow" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].quiz_try_again_msg)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.quiz_try_again_msg)
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_quiz", make_formspec4(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_quiz", make_formspec4(player))
elseif interact.on_wrong_quiz == "rules" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].quiz_rules_msg)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.quiz_rules_msg)
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player))
minetest.chat_send_player(name, rule_table[language].quiz_fail_msg)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, interact.quiz_fail_msg)
params = "<language>",
params = "",
description = "Shows the server rules",
privs = interact.priv,
func = function (name,params)
if (interacthandler and interacthandler.player[name]) then return false, "You are not allowed to use this command at this time." end
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
if not player then return false, "You must be ingame to use this command." end
local language = rule_language[name] or interact.default_language
if params ~= "" and rule_table[params:lower()] then
language = params:lower()
rule_language[name] = language
elseif params ~= "" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "There is no translation for '"..params:lower().."', Opening rules in '"..language.."'")
if interact.screen1 ~= false then
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_welcome", make_formspec(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_welcome", make_formspec(player))
elseif interact.screen2 ~= false then
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_visit", make_formspec2(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_visit", make_formspec2(player))
minetest.after(1, function()
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player))
@ -266,14 +241,13 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("rules",{
local name = player:get_player_name()
local language = rule_language[name] or interact.default_language
if not minetest.get_player_privs(name).interact and minetest.check_player_privs(name, interact.priv) and not (interacthandler and interacthandler.player[name]) then
if not minetest.get_player_privs(name).interact then
if interact.screen1 ~= false then
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_welcome", make_formspec(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_welcome", make_formspec(player))
elseif interact.screen2 ~= false then
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_visit", make_formspec2(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_visit", make_formspec2(player))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player, language))
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_rules", make_formspec3(player))
elseif minetest.get_player_privs(name).server and interact.configured == false then
minetest.show_formspec(name, "interact_no_changes_made", server_formspec)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# textdomain: interact
So, do you want interact, or do you just want to look around=Итак, вы хотите пообщаться или просто хотите осмотреться
the server?=на сервере?
Yes, I want!=Да, я хочу!
I just want to look round.=Я просто хочу осмотреться.
Have a nice time looking round! If you want interact just type /rules, and you can go through the process again!=Приятной прогулки! Если вы хотите взаимодействовать в игре, просто введите в чат /rules, и вы сможете повторить процесс снова!
I agree=Я согласен
I disagree=Я не согласен
Hello, welcome to this server!=Здравствуйте, добро пожаловать на этот сервер!
Could you please tell me if you like to grief or not?=Скажите, пожалуйста, любите ли вы горевать или нет?
No, I don't.=Нет, я не знаю.
Yes, I do!=Да!
Try out singleplayer if you like griefing, because then you'll only destroy your own stuff!=Если вам нравится грифинг, попробуйте одиночную игру, потому что тогда вы уничтожите только свои собственные имущество!
Here are the rules:=Вот правила:
Bye then! You have to agree to the rules to play on the server.=Ну тогда пока! Чтобы играть на сервере, вам необходимо согласиться с правилами.
Back to rules=Вернуться к правилам
Time for a quiz on the rules!=Пришло время викторины по правилам!
Have another go.=Попробуйте еще раз.
Have another look at the rules:=Еще раз взгляните на правила:
Pay more attention next time!=В следующий раз уделите больше внимания!
You got that wrong.=Вы поняли это неправильно.
Thanks for accepting the rules, you now are able to interact with things.=Спасибо за согласие с правилами, теперь вы можете взаимодействовать с вещами.
Happy building!=Приятного строительства!
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--The actual rules.
local language = "english" --must be all lowercase
local yes = "Yes."
local no = "No."
rule_table[language] = {
secondaryname = nil, --secondary name, usually the language name in english, or in the actual language.
rules = [[
1. PVP is allowed, excessive RDM is not. Do not Combat Log.
2. Don't be *overly* cruel, destructive, or inappropriate.
3. Keep swearing to a minimum, and don't spam.
4. No "Dating" in global chat.
5. Alternate accounts (alts) are not allowed. contact admin if you have a friend that needs an account.
6. Hacked clients or csms that give a pvp advantage are not allowed.
7. Do not steal. (temporary, you will see when the rules change)
Players may also lock you up for other crimes. (like dealing drugs or carrying unlawful weapons)
--The questions on the rules, if the quiz is used.
--The checkboxes for the first 4 questions are in config.lua
question1 = "Are hacked clients or mods that give you a pvp advantage allowed?",
question2 = "Are alternative accounts allowed?",
question3 = "Can you 'date' in global chat?",
question4 = "Can you be banned for stealing?",
multiquestion = "Is PVP allowed?",
--The answers to the multiple choice questions. Only one of these should be true.
mq_answer1 = "No.",
mq_answer2 = "Only if you agree.",
mq_answer3 = "Yes, but there must be a valid reason.",
--The first screen--
--The text at the top.
s1_header = "Hello, welcome to CitySim!",
--Lines one and two. Make sure each line is less than 70 characters, or they will run off the screen.
s1_l2 = "Could you please tell me if you like to grief a lot?",
s1_l3 = "Griefing is destroying places and generally making a mess.",
--The buttons. Each can have 15 characters, max.
s1_b1 = "No, I don't.",
s1_b2 = "Yes, I do!",
--The message to send kicked griefers.
msg_grief = "A *lot* of griefing is looked down upon, even though some is allowed by the server.",
--The second screen--
--Lines one and two. Make sure each line is less than 70 characters, or they will run off the screen.
s2_l1 = "So, do you want interact, or do you just want to look around the server?",
s2_l2 = "",
--The buttons. These ones can have a maximum of 26 characters.
s2_b1 = "Yes, I want interact!",
s2_b2 = "I just want to look round.",
--The message the player is sent if s/he is just visiting.
visit_msg = "Have a nice time looking round! If you want interact just type /rules, and you can go through the process again!",
--The third screen--
--The header for the rules box, this can have 60 characters, max.
s3_header = "Here are the rules:",
--The buttons. Each can have 15 characters, max.
s3_b1 = "I agree",
s3_b2 = "I disagree",
--The message to send players who disagree when they are kicked for disagring with the rules.
disagree_msg = "Bye then! You have to agree to the rules to play on the server.",
--The back to rules button. 13 characters, max.
s4_to_rules = "Back to rules",
--The header for screen 4. 60 characters max, although this is a bit of a squash. I recomend 55 as a max.
s4_header = "Time for a quiz on the rules!",
--Since the questions are intrinsically connected with the rules, they are to be found in rules.lua
--The trues are limited to 24 characters. The falses can have 36 characters.
s4_question1_true = yes,
s4_question1_false = no,
s4_question2_true = yes,
s4_question2_false = no,
s4_question3_true = yes,
s4_question3_false = no,
s4_question4_true = yes,
s4_question4_false = no,
s4_submit = "Submit!",
--The message to send the player if reshow is the on_wrong_quiz option.
quiz_try_again_msg = "Have another go.",
--The message sent to the player if rules is the on_wrong_quiz option.
quiz_rules_msg = "Have another look at the rules:",
--The kick reason if kick is the on_wrong_quiz option.
wrong_quiz_kick_msg = "Pay more attention next time!",
--The message sent to the player if nothing is the on_wrong_quiz option.
quiz_fail_msg = "You answered a question incorrectly. type in '/rules' to try again. (read them carefully)",
--The messages send to the player after interact is granted.
interact_msg1 = "Thanks for accepting the rules, you now are able to interact with things.",
interact_msg2 = "Have fun! do /guide to help getting started!",
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
--The actual rules.
local language = "russian" --must be all lowercase
local yes = "да."
local no = "нет."
rule_table[language] = {
secondaryname = "русский", --secondary name, usually the language name in english, or in the actual language.
rules = [[
1. PVP разрешен, RDM не разрешен. не выходить из боя.
2. Не будь * слишком * жестоким, разрушительным или неуместным
3. ругаться минимально, и не спамить.
4. Нет "знакомств" в глобальном чате.
5. Альтернативные аккаунты (alts) не допускаются. Свяжитесь с администратором, если у вас есть друг, которому нужна учетная запись.
6. Взломанные клиенты или csms, которые дают преимущество в pvp, не допускаются.
7. Не укради. (временно, вы увидите, когда изменятся правила)
Игроки могут также запереть вас за другие преступления. (например, продажа наркотиков или ношение незаконного оружия)
--The questions on the rules, if the quiz is used.
--The checkboxes for the first 4 questions are in config.lua
question1 = "Разрешены ли взломанные клиенты или моды, которые дают вам преимущество в PvP?",
question2 = "Разрешены ли альтернативные аккаунты?",
question3 = "Вы можете встречаться в глобальном чате?",
question4 = "Вас могут забанить за кражу?",
multiquestion = "Разрешен ли PVP?",
--The answers to the multiple choice questions. Only one of these should be true.
mq_answer1 = "нет.",
mq_answer2 = "Только если ты согласен.",
mq_answer3 = "Да, но должна быть веская причина.",
--The first screen--
--The text at the top.
s1_header = "Здравствуйте, добро пожаловать в CitySim!",
--Lines one and two. Make sure each line is less than 70 characters, or they will run off the screen.
s1_l2 = "Не могли бы вы сказать мне, если вы любите 'grief' много?",
s1_l3 = "'griefing' разрушает места и наводит беспорядок.",
--The buttons. Each can have 15 characters, max.
s1_b1 = "Нет не знаю.",
s1_b2 = "Да!",
--The message to send kicked griefers.
msg_grief = "На многие griefing смотрят свысока, хотя некоторые из них разрешены сервером.",
--The second screen--
--Lines one and two. Make sure each line is less than 70 characters, or they will run off the screen.
s2_l1 = "Итак, вы хотите взаимодействовать, или вы просто хотите осмотреть сервер?",
s2_l2 = "",
--The buttons. These ones can have a maximum of 26 characters.
s2_b1 = "Да, я хочу построить!",
s2_b2 = "Я просто хочу осмотреться.",
--The message the player is sent if s/he is just visiting.
visit_msg = "Приятно провести время, оглядываясь вокруг! Если вы хотите взаимодействовать так же, как /rules, вы можете пройти через процесс снова!",
--The third screen--
--The header for the rules box, this can have 60 characters, max.
s3_header = "Вот правила:",
--The buttons. Each can have 15 characters, max.
s3_b1 = "согласен",
s3_b2 = "я не согласен",
--The message to send players who disagree when they are kicked for disagring with the rules.
disagree_msg = "Ну тогда пока! Вы должны согласиться с правилами игры на сервере.",
--The back to rules button. 13 characters, max.
s4_to_rules = "вернуться к правилам",
--The header for screen 4. 60 characters max, although this is a bit of a squash. I recomend 55 as a max.
s4_header = "Время для викторины о правилах!",
--Since the questions are intrinsically connected with the rules, they are to be found in rules.lua
--The trues are limited to 24 characters. The falses can have 36 characters.
s4_question1_true = yes,
s4_question1_false = no,
s4_question2_true = yes,
s4_question2_false = no,
s4_question3_true = yes,
s4_question3_false = no,
s4_question4_true = yes,
s4_question4_false = no,
s4_submit = "утверждать",
--The message to send the player if reshow is the on_wrong_quiz option.
quiz_try_again_msg = "Попробуйте снова.",
--The message sent to the player if rules is the on_wrong_quiz option.
quiz_rules_msg = "Посмотрите еще раз на правила:",
--The kick reason if kick is the on_wrong_quiz option.
wrong_quiz_kick_msg = "Обратите больше внимания в следующий раз!",
--The message sent to the player if nothing is the on_wrong_quiz option.
quiz_fail_msg = "Вы ответили на вопрос неправильно. введите /rules, чтобы повторить попытку. (прочитайте их внимательно)",
--The messages send to the player after interact is granted.
interact_msg1 = "Спасибо за принятие правил, теперь вы можете взаимодействовать с вещами.",
interact_msg2 = "Повеселись! введите /guide, чтобы помочь начать! (это на английском)",
Normal file
Normal file
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--The actual rules.
interact.rules = [[
1. No griefing.
2. No hacked clients.
3. No swearing or insults towards other players.
4. No family roleplay.
5. No dating.
6. Do not ask for more privs, or to be an admin. Also do not ask for items.
7. PVP is not allowed.
--The questions on the rules, if the quiz is used.
--The checkboxes for the first 4 questions are in config.lua
interact.s4_question1 = "Is PVP is allowed?"
interact.s4_question2 = "Is family roleplay allowed?"
interact.s4_question3 = "Should you be nice to all players?"
interact.s4_question4 = "Should you ask for all the privs you can?"
interact.s4_multi_question = "Which of these is a rule?"
--The answers to the multiple choice questions. Only one of these should be true.
interact.s4_multi1 = "No griefing!"
interact.s4_multi2 = "PVP is allowed."
interact.s4_multi3 = "Be rude to other players."
--Which answer is needed for the quiz questions. interact.quiz1-4 takes true or false.
--True is left, false is right.
--Please, please spell true and false right!!! If you spell it wrong it won't work!
--interact.quiz can be 1, 2 or 3.
--1 is the top one by the question, 2 is the bottom left one, 3 is the bottom right one.
--Make sure these agree with your answers!
interact.quiz1 = false
interact.quiz2 = false
interact.quiz3 = true
interact.quiz4 = false
interact.quiz_multi = 1
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