function mail.compile_contact_list(name, selected, playernames) -- TODO: refactor this - not just compiles *a* list, but *the* list for the contacts screen (too inflexible) local formspec = {} local contacts = mail.get_contacts(name) if playernames == nil then local length = 0 for k, contact, i, l in mail.pairsByKeys(contacts) do if i == 1 then length = l end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape( formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," local note = contact.note -- display an ellipsis if the note spans multiple lines local idx = string.find(note, '\n') if idx ~= nil then note = string.sub(note, 1, idx-1) .. ' ...' end formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(note) if type(selected) == "string" then if string.lower(selected) == k then selected = i end end end if length > 0 then if selected and type(selected) == "number" then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";" formspec[#formspec + 1] = tostring(selected + 1) end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]label[2,4.5;No contacts]" end else if type(playernames) == "string" then playernames = mail.parse_player_list(playernames) end for i,c in ipairs(playernames) do formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(c) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," if contacts[string.lower(c)] == nil then formspec[#formspec + 1] = "" else local note = contacts[string.lower(c)].note -- display an ellipsis if the note spans multiple lines local idx = string.find(note, '\n') if idx ~= nil then note = string.sub(note, 1, idx-1) .. ' ...' end formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(note) end if not selected then if type(selected) == "string" then if string.lower(selected) == string.lower(c) then selected = i end end end end if #playernames > 0 and selected and type(selected) == "number" then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";" formspec[#formspec + 1] = tostring(selected + 1) end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]" end return table.concat(formspec, "") end if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") then mail.receive_mail_message = mail.receive_mail_message .. " or use the mail button in the inventory" mail.read_later_message = mail.read_later_message .. " or by using the mail button in the inventory" unified_inventory.register_button("mail", { type = "image", image = "mail_button.png", tooltip = "Mail", action = function(player) mail.show_mail_menu(player:get_player_name()) end }) end