/* exported MinecartOverlay */ /* globals AbstractIconOverlay: true */ /* jshint unused: false */ var MinecartOverlay = L.LayerGroup.extend({ initialize: function(wsChannel, layerMgr) { L.LayerGroup.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.layerMgr = layerMgr; this.wsChannel = wsChannel; this.currentObjects = {}; // name => marker this.minecarts = []; this.reDraw = this.reDraw.bind(this); this.onMinetestUpdate = this.onMinetestUpdate.bind(this); //update players all the time this.wsChannel.addListener("minetest-info", function(info){ this.minecarts = info.minecarts || []; }.bind(this)); }, createMarker: function(cart){ var Icon = L.icon({ iconUrl: "pics/minecart_logo.png", iconSize: [32, 32], iconAnchor: [16, 16], popupAnchor: [0, -32] }); var marker = L.marker([cart.pos.z, cart.pos.x], {icon: Icon}); var html = "<b>Minecart</b><hr>"; html += "<b>Id: </b> " + cart.id + "<br>"; marker.bindPopup(html); return marker; }, isCartInCurrentLayer: function(cart){ var mapLayer = this.layerMgr.getCurrentLayer(); return (cart.pos.y >= (mapLayer.from*16) && cart.pos.y <= (mapLayer.to*16)); }, onMinetestUpdate: function(info){ var self = this; this.minecarts.forEach(function(cart){ var isInLayer = self.isCartInCurrentLayer(cart); if (!isInLayer){ if (self.currentObjects[cart.id]){ //cart is displayed and not on the layer anymore //Remove the marker and reference self.currentObjects[cart.id].remove(); delete self.currentObjects[cart.id]; } return; } if (self.currentObjects[cart.id]){ //marker exists self.currentObjects[cart.id].setLatLng([cart.pos.z, cart.pos.x]); //setPopupContent } else { //marker does not exist var marker = self.createMarker(cart); marker.addTo(self); self.currentObjects[cart.id] = marker; } }); Object.keys(self.currentObjects).forEach(function(existingId){ var cartIsActive = self.minecarts.find(function(t){ return t.id == existingId; }); if (!cartIsActive){ self.currentObjects[existingId].remove(); delete self.currentObjects[existingId]; } }); }, reDraw: function(){ var self = this; this.currentObjects = {}; this.clearLayers(); var mapLayer = this.layerMgr.getCurrentLayer(); this.minecarts.forEach(function(cart){ if (!self.isCartInCurrentLayer(cart)){ //not in current layer return; } var marker = self.createMarker(cart); marker.addTo(self); self.currentObjects[cart.id] = marker; }); }, onAdd: function(map) { this.layerMgr.addListener(this.reDraw); this.wsChannel.addListener("minetest-info", this.onMinetestUpdate); this.reDraw(); }, onRemove: function(map) { this.clearLayers(); this.layerMgr.removeListener(this.reDraw); this.wsChannel.removeListener("minetest-info", this.onMinetestUpdate); } });