import wsChannel from '../../WebSocketChannel.js'; import layerMgr from '../../LayerManager.js'; let planes = []; let icons = { "default": { url: "pics/airutils_planes/supercub.png", size: 48 }, "hidroplane:hidro": { url: "pics/airutils_planes/hidro.png", size: 48 }, "supercub:supercub": { url: "pics/airutils_planes/supercub.png", size: 48 }, "pa28:pa28": { url: "pics/airutils_planes/pa28.png", size: 64 }, "trike:trike": { url: "pics/airutils_planes/trike.png", size: 40 }, "ju52:ju52": { url: "pics/airutils_planes/ju52.png", size: 72 }, "steampunk_blimp:blimp": { url: "pics/airutils_planes/blimp.png", size: 96 }, "fishing_boat:boat": { url: "pics/airutils_planes/fishingboat.png", size: 72 }, }; // listening for realtime updates wsChannel.addListener("minetest-info", function(info) { planes = info.airutils_planes || []; }); export default L.LayerGroup.extend({ initialize: function() {; this.currentObjects = {}; // id => marker this.reDraw = this.reDraw.bind(this); this.onMinetestUpdate = this.onMinetestUpdate.bind(this); }, createPopup: function(plane) { let name =; if (!name) name = plane.entity.substring(plane.entity.indexOf(":")+1); let html = "" + name + "
"; html += "
"; html += "Owner: " + plane.owner + "
"; html += "Pilot: " + (plane.driver ? plane.driver : "-") + "
"; html += "Passengers: " + (plane.passenger ? plane.passenger : "-") + "
"; return html; }, createMarker: function(plane) { let marker = L.marker([plane.pos.z, plane.pos.x], {icon: this.getIcon(plane)}); marker.bindPopup(this.createPopup(plane)); return marker; }, getIcon: function(plane) { let icon = icons[plane.entity]; if (!icon) icon = icons.default; return L.divIcon({ html: `
`, className: '', // don't use leaflet default of a white block iconSize: [icon.size, icon.size], iconAnchor: [icon.size/2, icon.size/2], popupAnchor: [0, -(icon.size/2)] }); }, isInCurrentLayer: function(plane) { let mapLayer = layerMgr.getCurrentLayer(); return ( plane.pos.y >= (mapLayer.from*16) && plane.pos.y <= ((*16) + 15) ); }, onMinetestUpdate: function(/*info*/) { planes.forEach(plane => { let isInLayer = this.isInCurrentLayer(plane); if (!isInLayer) { if (this.currentObjects[]) { //player is displayed and not on the layer anymore //Remove the marker and reference this.currentObjects[].remove(); delete this.currentObjects[]; } return; } if (this.currentObjects[]) { //marker exists let marker = this.currentObjects[]; marker.setLatLng([plane.pos.z, plane.pos.x]); marker.setIcon(this.getIcon(plane)); marker.setPopupContent(this.createPopup(plane)); } else { //marker does not exist let marker = this.createMarker(plane); marker.addTo(this); this.currentObjects[] = marker; } }); Object.keys(this.currentObjects).forEach(existingId => { let planeIsActive = planes.find(function(p) { return == existingId; }); if (!planeIsActive) { //player this.currentObjects[existingId].remove(); delete this.currentObjects[existingId]; } }); }, reDraw: function() { this.currentObjects = {}; this.clearLayers(); planes.forEach(plane => { if (!this.isInCurrentLayer(plane)) { //not in current layer return; } let marker = this.createMarker(plane); marker.addTo(this); this.currentObjects[] = marker; }); }, onAdd: function(/*map*/) { wsChannel.addListener("minetest-info", this.onMinetestUpdate); this.reDraw(); }, onRemove: function(/*map*/) { this.clearLayers(); wsChannel.removeListener("minetest-info", this.onMinetestUpdate); } });