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title: ItemStacks and Inventories
layout: default
root: ../..
idx: 2.4
description: Manipulate InvRefs and ItemStacks
- /en/chapters/inventories.html
- /en/chapters/itemstacks.html
- /en/inventories/inventories.html
- /en/inventories/itemstacks.html
## Introduction <!-- omit in toc -->
In this chapter, you will learn how to use and manipulate inventories, whether
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that be a player inventory, a node inventory, or a detached inventory.
- [What are ItemStacks and Inventories?](#what-are-itemstacks-and-inventories)
- [ItemStacks](#itemstacks)
- [Inventory Locations](#inventory-locations)
- [Lists](#lists)
- [Size and Width](#size-and-width)
- [Checking Contents](#checking-contents)
- [Modifying Inventories and ItemStacks](#modifying-inventories-and-itemstacks)
- [Adding to a List](#adding-to-a-list)
- [Taking Items](#taking-items)
- [Manipulating Stacks](#manipulating-stacks)
- [Wear](#wear)
- [Lua Tables](#lua-tables)
## What are ItemStacks and Inventories?
An ItemStack is the data behind a single cell in an inventory.
An *inventory* is a collection of *inventory lists*, each of which
is a 2D grid of ItemStacks.
Inventory lists are simply called *lists* in the context
of inventories.
The point of an inventory is to allow multiple grids when Players
and Nodes only have at most one inventory in them.
## ItemStacks
ItemStacks have three components to them.
The item name may be the item name of a registered item, an alias, or an unknown
item name.
Unknown items are common when users uninstall mods, or when mods remove items without
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precautions, such as registering aliases.
if not stack:is_known() then
print("Is an unknown item!")
The count will always be 0 or greater.
Through normal gameplay, the count should be no more than the maximum stack size
of the item - `stack_max`.
However, admin commands and buggy mods may result in stacks exceeding the maximum
An ItemStack can be empty, in which case the count will be 0.
ItemStacks can be constructed in multiple ways using the ItemStack function.
ItemStack() -- name="", count=0
ItemStack("default:pick_stone") -- count=1
ItemStack("default:stone 30")
ItemStack({ name = "default:wood", count = 10 })
Item metadata is an unlimited key-value store for data about the item.
Key-value means that you use a name (called the key) to access the data (called the value).
Some keys have special meaning, such as `description` which is used to have a per-stack
item description.
This will be covered in more detail in the Metadata and Storage chapter.
## Inventory Locations
An Inventory Location is where and how the inventory is stored.
There are three types of inventory location: player, node, and detached.
An inventory is directly tied to one and only one location - updating the inventory
will cause it to update immediately.
Node inventories are related to the position of a specific node, such as a chest.
The node must be loaded because it is stored in [node metadata](node_metadata.html).
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({ type="node", pos={x=1, y=2, z=3} })
The above obtains an *inventory reference*, commonly referred to as *InvRef*.
Inventory references are used to manipulate an inventory.
*Reference* means that the data isn't actually stored inside that object,
but the object instead directly updates the data in-place.
Player inventories can be obtained similarly or using a player reference.
The player must be online to access their inventory.
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({ type="player", name="player1" })
-- or
local inv = player:get_inventory()
A detached inventory is one which is independent of players or nodes.
Detached inventories also don't save over a restart.
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Detached inventories need to be created before they can be used -
this will be covered later.
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local inv = minetest.get_inventory({
type="detached", name="inventory_name" })
The location of an inventory reference can be found like so:
local location = inv:get_location()
## Lists
Inventory Lists are a concept used to allow multiple grids to be stored inside a single location.
This is especially useful for the player as there are a number of common lists
which all games have, such as the *main* inventory and *craft* slots.
### Size and Width
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Lists have a size, which is the total number of cells in the grid, and a width,
which is only used within the engine.
The width of the list is not used when drawing the inventory in a window,
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because the code behind the window determines the width to use.
if inv:set_size("main", 32) then
inv:set_width("main", 8)
print("size: " .. inv.get_size("main"))
print("width: " .. inv:get_width("main"))
print("Error! Invalid itemname or size to set_size()")
`set_size` will fail and return false if the listname or size is invalid.
For example, the new size may be too small to fit all the current items
in the inventory.
### Checking Contents
`is_empty` can be used to see if a list contains any items:
if inv:is_empty("main") then
print("The list is empty!")
`contains_item` can be used to see if a list contains a specific item.
## Modifying Inventories and ItemStacks
### Adding to a List
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To add items to a list named `"main"` while respecting maximum stack sizes:
local stack = ItemStack("default:stone 99")
local leftover = inv:add_item("main", stack)
if leftover:get_count() > 0 then
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print("Inventory is full! " ..
leftover:get_count() .. " items weren't added")
### Taking Items
To remove items from a list:
local taken = inv:remove_item("main", stack)
print("Took " .. taken:get_count())
### Manipulating Stacks
You can modify individual stacks by first getting them:
local stack = inv:get_stack(listname, 0)
Then modifying them by setting properties or by using the methods which
respect `stack_size`:
local stack = ItemStack("default:stone 50")
local to_add = ItemStack("default:stone 100")
local leftover = stack:add_item(to_add)
local taken = stack:take_item(19)
print("Could not add" .. leftover:get_count() .. " of the items.")
-- ^ will be 51
print("Have " .. stack:get_count() .. " items")
-- ^ will be 80
-- min(50+100, stack_max) - 19 = 80
-- where stack_max = 99
`add_item` will add items to an ItemStack and return any that could not be added.
`take_item` will take up to the number of items but may take less, and returns the stack taken.
Finally, set the item stack:
inv:set_stack(listname, 0, stack)
## Wear
Tools can have wear; wear shows a progress bar and makes the tool break when completely worn.
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Wear is a number out of 65535; the higher it is, the more worn the tool is.
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Wear can be manipulated using `add_wear()`, `get_wear()`, and `set_wear(wear)`.
local stack = ItemStack("default:pick_mese")
local max_uses = 10
-- This is done automatically when you use a tool that digs things
-- It increases the wear of an item by one use.
stack:add_wear(65535 / (max_uses - 1))
When digging a node, the amount of wear a tool gets may depend on the node
being dug. So max_uses varies depending on what is being dug.
## Lua Tables
ItemStacks and Inventories can be converted to and from tables.
This is useful for copying and bulk operations.
-- Entire inventory
local data = inv1:get_lists()
-- One list
local listdata = inv1:get_list("main")
inv2:set_list("main", listdata)
The table of lists returned by `get_lists()` will be in this form:
list_one = {
-- inv:get_size("list_one") elements
list_two = {
-- inv:get_size("list_two") elements
`get_list()` will return a single list as just a list of ItemStacks.
One important thing to note is that the set methods above don't change the size
of the lists.
This means that you can clear a list by setting it to an empty table and it won't
decrease in size:
inv:set_list("main", {})