2018-07-10 23:26:26 +01:00
title: Automatic Unit Testing
layout: default
2018-07-15 19:36:35 +01:00
root: ../..
2018-10-19 14:29:07 +01:00
idx: 7.5
2018-07-10 23:26:26 +01:00
## Introduction
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
Unit tests are an essential tool in proving and reassuring yourself that your code
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is correct. This chapter will show you how to write tests for Minetest mods and
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games using Busted. Writing unit tests for functions where you call Minetest
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functions is quite difficult, but luckily [in the previous chapter](clean_arch.html)
we discussed how to make your code avoid this.
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* [Installing Busted](#installing-busted)
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
* [Your First Test](#your-first-test)
* [Mocking: Using External Functions](#mocking-using-external-functions)
* [Checking Commits with Travis](#checking-commits-with-travis)
* [Conclusion](#conclusion)
2018-07-10 23:26:26 +01:00
## Installing Busted
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
First you'll need to install LuaRocks.
* Windows: Follow the [installation instructions on LuaRock's wiki](https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/wiki/Installation-instructions-for-Windows).
* Debian/Ubuntu Linux: `sudo apt install luarocks`
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2018-10-27 03:10:37 +01:00
Next you should install Busted globally:
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
sudo luarocks install busted
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
Finally, check that it is installed:
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
busted --version
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
## Your First Test
2018-07-10 23:26:26 +01:00
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
Busted is Lua's leading unit test framework. Busted looks for Lua files with
names ending in `_spec`, and then executes them in a standalone Lua environment.
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
├── init.lua
├── api.lua
└── tests
└── api_spec.lua
### init.lua
2018-09-19 12:04:51 +01:00
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
mymod = {}
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("mymod") .. "/api.lua")
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
### api.lua
2018-09-19 12:04:51 +01:00
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
function mymod.add(x, y)
return x + y
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
### tests/api_spec.lua
2018-09-19 12:04:51 +01:00
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
-- Look for required things in
package.path = "../?.lua;" .. package.path
-- Set mymod global for API to write into
_G.mymod = {} --_
-- Run api.lua file
-- Tests
describe("add", function()
it("adds", function()
assert.equals(2, mymod.add(1, 1))
it("supports negatives", function()
assert.equals(0, mymod.add(-1, 1))
assert.equals(-2, mymod.add(-1, -1))
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
You can now run the tests by opening a terminal in the mod's directory and
running `busted .`
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It's important that the API file doesn't create the table itself, as globals in
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Busted work differently. Any variable which would be global in Minetest is instead
a file local in busted. This would have been a better way for Minetest to do things,
but it's too late for that now.
Another thing to note is that any files you're testing should avoid calls to any
functions not inside of it. You tend to only write tests for a single file at once.
## Mocking: Using External Functions
Mocking is the practice of replacing functions that the thing you're testing depends
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on. This can have two purposes; one, the function may not be available in the
test environment, and two, you may want to capture calls to the function and any
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passed arguments.
If you follow the advice in the [Clean Architectures](clean_arch.html) chapter,
you'll already have a pretty clean file to test. You will still have to mock
things not in your area however - for example, you'll have to mock the view when
testing the controller/API. If you didn't follow the advice, then things are a
little harder as you may have to mock the Minetest API.
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2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
-- As above, make a table
_G.minetest = {}
-- Define the mock function
local chat_send_all_calls = {}
function minetest.chat_send_all(name, message)
table.insert(chat_send_all_calls, { name = name, message = message })
-- Tests
describe("list_areas", function()
it("returns a line for each area", function()
chat_send_all_calls = {} -- reset table
mymod.list_areas_to_chat("singleplayer", "singleplayer")
assert.equals(2, #chat_send_all_calls)
it("sends to right player", function()
chat_send_all_calls = {} -- reset table
mymod.list_areas_to_chat("singleplayer", "singleplayer")
for _, call in pairs(chat_send_all_calls) do --_
assert.equals("singleplayer", call.name)
2018-09-24 17:16:00 +01:00
-- The above two tests are actually pointless,
-- as this one tests both things
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it("returns correct thing", function()
chat_send_all_calls = {} -- reset table
mymod.list_areas_to_chat("singleplayer", "singleplayer")
local expected = {
{ name = "singleplayer", message = "Town Hall (2,43,63)" },
{ name = "singleplayer", message = "Airport (43,45,63)" },
assert.same(expected, chat_send_all_calls)
2018-09-19 12:04:51 +01:00
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
## Checking Commits with Travis
2018-10-27 03:10:37 +01:00
The Travis script from the [Automatic Error Checking](luacheck.html)
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chapter can be modified to also run Busted.
2018-09-19 12:04:51 +01:00
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
language: generic
sudo: false
- luarocks
- luarocks install --local luacheck && luarocks install --local busted
- $HOME/.luarocks/bin/luacheck --no-color .
- $HOME/.luarocks/bin/busted .
email: false
2018-09-19 12:04:51 +01:00
2018-07-15 19:02:10 +01:00
## Conclusion
Unit tests will greatly increase the quality and reliability of your project if used
well, but they require you to structure your code in a different way than usual.
For an example of a mod with lots of unit tests, see
[crafting by rubenwardy](https://github.com/rubenwardy/crafting).