diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 04f010a..b26067e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ You can contribute to this project on GitHub.
It uses Jekyll to turn Markdown into a website.
Book written by rubenwardy and contributers.
-License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
+License: CC-BY-SA 3.0
You don't need to run jekyll, you can just edit and create files in
chapters. In fact, you don't even need to do markdown, send me a word document
-and I can convert it into the correct formatting. It is the writing which is the hard
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+and I can convert it into the correct formatting.
+It is the writing which is the hard bit, not the formatting.
Running as a Website
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name: Minetest Tutorial and Documentation
description: Simple and easy to understand tutorial book
author: rubenwardy and contributors
-permalink: pretty
absolute_url: http://rubenwardy.github.io/minetest_doc
diff --git a/_includes/header.html b/_includes/header.html
index 1473ceb..7f7e4f7 100644
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{{ page.title }}
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/book_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+title: Index
+permalink: book_index.html
+layout: default
+root: ../
+## C
+* Craft item
+ * [Registering Nodes and Items]({{ page.root }}chapters/nodes_items_crafting.html#registering-a-craftitem)
+## F
+* Food
+ * [Registering Nodes and Items]({{ page.root }}chapters/nodes_items_crafting.html#foods)
+## I
+* Item String
+ * [Registering Nodes and Items]({{ page.root }}chapters/nodes_items_crafting.html#item-strings)
+## N
+* Name
+ * [Registering Nodes and Items]({{ page.root }}chapters/nodes_items_crafting.html#item-strings)
+* Nodes
+ * [Registering Nodes and Items]({{ page.root }}chapters/nodes_items_crafting.html#registering-a-basic-node)
+* Node boxes
+ * [Registering Nodes and Items]({{ page.root }}chapters/nodes_items_crafting.html#node-boxes)
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index bdf3a7e..eefaa97 100644
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
title: Folder Structure
layout: default
-permalink: folders/index.html
root: ../
@@ -11,16 +10,9 @@ Introduction
In this chapter we will learn how the basic structure of a mod's folder.
This is essential for creating mods.
-### What you will need:
-* A plain text editor (eg: NotePad+, ConTEXT, or GEdit)
-* OR A Lua IDE such as Eclipse.
-* A copy of Minetest in the 0.4 series. (eg: 0.4.10)
-### Contents
* Mod Folders
+* Dependencies
* Mod Packs
-* Dependencies
-* Registering a simple node
Mod Folders
@@ -110,4 +102,3 @@ minetest.register_node("mymod:node",{
Our mod has a name of "mymod". It has two files: init.lua and depends.txt.
The script prints a message and then registers a node – which will be explained in the next chapter.
The depends text file adds a dependency to the default mod, which is in minetest_game.
diff --git a/chapters/nodes_items_crafting.md b/chapters/nodes_items_crafting.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe77fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chapters/nodes_items_crafting.md
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+title: Nodes, Items and Crafting
+layout: default
+root: ../
+In this chapter we will learn how to register a new node or craftitem,
+and create craft recipes.
+* Item Names
+* Registering a Craftitem
+* Registering a Node
+* Drawtypes
+Item Strings
+Each item, whether that be a node, craftitem, tool or entity, has an item string.\\
+This is oftenly refered to as just name or registered name.
+A string in programming terms is a piece of text.
+ modname:itemname
+The modname is the name of the folder your mod is in.
+You may call the itemname any thing you like, however it should be relevant to what the item is,
+and it can't be already registered.
+### Overriding
+Overriding allows you to:
+* Create an item in another mod's namespace.
+* Override an existing item.
+To override, you prefix the item string with a colon, ``:``.
+Declaring an item as ``:default:dirt`` will override the default:dirt in the default mod.
+Normally textures have a resolution of 16x16, but they can be in the order of 2: 16, 32, 64, 128, etc.
+Textures should be placed in textures/. Their name should match ``modname_itemname.png``.\\
+JPEGs are supported, but PNGs are recommended for non-realistic textures.
+Registering a Craftitem
+Craftitems are the simplist item in Minetest. Craftitems cannot be placed in the world.
+They are used in recipes to create other items, or they can be used be the player, such as food.
+{% highlight lua %}
+minetest.register_craftitem("mymod:diamond_fragments", {
+ description = "Alien Diamond Fragments",
+ inventory_image = "mymod_diamond_fragments.png"
+{% endhighlight %}
+Definitions are usually made up of an [item string](#item-strings) to identify the definition,
+and a definition table.
+### Foods
+Foods are items that cure health. To create a food item, you need to define the on_use property like this:
+{% highlight lua %}
+minetest.register_craftitem("mymod:mudpie", {
+ description = "Alien Mud Pie",
+ inventory_image = "myfood_mudpie.png",
+ on_use = minetest.item_eat(20)
+{% endhighlight %}
+The number supplied to the minetest.item_eat function is the number of hit points that are healed by this food.
+Two hit points make one heart, and because there are 10 hearts there are 20 hitpoints.
+Hitpoints don't have to be integers (whole numbers), they can be decimals.
+Registering a basic node
+In Minetest, a node is an item that you can place.
+Most nodes are 1m x 1m x 1m cubes, however the shape doesn't
+have to be a cube - as we will explore later.
+Let's get onto it. A node's definition table is very similar to a craftitem's
+definition table, however you need to set the textures for the faces of the cube.
+{% highlight lua %}
+minetest.register_node("mymod:diamond", {
+ description = "Alien Diamond",
+ tiles = {"mymod_diamond.png"},
+ is_ground_content = true,
+ groups = {cracky=3, stone=1}
+{% endhighlight %}
+Let's ignore ``groups`` for now, and take a look at the tiles.
+The ``tiles`` property is a table of texture names the node will use.
+When there is only one texture, this texture is used on every side.
+What if you would like a different texture for each side?
+Well, you give a table of 6 texture names, in this order:\\
+up (+Y), down (-Y), right (+X), left (-X), back (+Z), front (-Z).
+(+Y, -Y, +X, -X, +Z, -Z)
+Remember: +Y is upwards in Minetest, along with most video games.
+A plus direction means that it is facing positive co-ordinates,
+a negative direction means that it is facing negative co-ordinates.
+{% highlight lua %}
+minetest.register_node("mymod:diamond", {
+ description = "Alien Diamond",
+ tiles = {
+ "mymod_diamond_up.png",
+ "mymod_diamond_down.png",
+ "mymod_diamond_right.png",
+ "mymod_diamond_left.png",
+ "mymod_diamond_back.png",
+ "mymod_diamond_front.png"
+ },
+ is_ground_content = true,
+ groups = {cracky = 3},
+ drop = "mymod:diamond_fragments"
+ -- ^ Rather than dropping diamond, drop mymod:diamond_fragments
+{% endhighlight %}
+There are several different types of crafting,
+identified by the ``type`` property.
+* shaped - Ingredients must be in the correct position.
+* shapeless - It doesn't matter where the ingredients are,
+ just that there is the right amount.
+* cooking - Recipes for the furnace to use.
+* tool_repair - Used to allow the repairing of tools.
+Craft recipes do not use Item Strings.
+### Shaped
+Shaped recipes are the normal recipes - the ingredients have to be in the
+right place.
+For example, when you are making a pickaxe the ingredients have to be in the
+right place for it to work.
+{% highlight lua %}
+ output = "mymod:diamond_chair",
+ recipe = {
+ {"mymod:diamond_fragments", "", ""},
+ {"mymod:diamond_fragments", "mymod:diamond_fragments", ""},
+ {"mymod:diamond_fragments", "mymod:diamond_fragments, ""}
+ }
+{% endhighlight %}
+This is pretty self-explanatory. You don't need to define the type, as
+shaped crafts are default.
+If you notice, there is a blank column at the far end.
+This means that the craft must always be exactly that.
+In most cases, such as the door recipe, you don't care if the ingredients
+are always in an exact place, you just want them correct relative to each
+other. In order to do this, delete any empty rows and columns.
+In the above case, their is an empty last column, which, when removed,
+allows the recipe to be crafted if it was all moved one place to the right.
+{% highlight lua %}
+ output = "mymod:diamond_chair",
+ recipe = {
+ {"mymod:diamond_fragments", ""},
+ {"mymod:diamond_fragments", "mymod:diamond_fragments",
+ {"mymod:diamond_fragments", "mymod:diamond_fragments}
+ }
+{% endhighlight %}
+(Explainations of more crafting types are coming soon)
+Items can be members of many groups, and groups may have many members.
+Groups are usually identified using ``group:group_name``
+There are several reason you use groups.
+Groups can be used in crafting recipes to allow interchangeability
+of ingredients. For example, you may use group:wood to allow any wood
+item to be used in the recipe.
+### Dig types
+Let's look at our above ``mymod:diamond`` definition. You'll notice this line:
+{% highlight lua %}
+groups = {cracky = 3}
+{% endhighlight %}
+Cracky is a digtype. Dig types specify what type of the material the node is
+physically, and what tools are best to destroy it.
+| Group | Description |
+| crumbly | dirt, sand |
+| cracky | tough but crackable stuff like stone. |
+| snappy | something that can be cut using fine tools; e.g. leaves, smallplants, wire, sheets of metal |
+| choppy | something that can be cut using force; e.g. trees, wooden planks |
+| fleshy | Living things like animals and the player. This could imply some blood effects when hitting. |
+| explody | Especially prone to explosions |
+| oddly_breakable_by_hand | Torches, etc, quick to dig |
diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index 275717e..151c3e0 100644
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ to complete.
This documentation was created by the Minetest community in order to help
new modders gain a foothold.
+What you will need:
+* A plain text editor (eg: NotePad+, ConTEXT, or GEdit)
+* OR A Lua IDE such as Eclipse.
+* A copy of Minetest in the 0.4 series. (eg: 0.4.10)
diff --git a/static/style.css b/static/style.css
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+/* https://raw.githubusercontent.com/richleland/pygments-css/master/friendly.css */
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