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<h1>Minetest Modding Book</h1>
<span>by <a href="" rel="author">rubenwardy</a></span>
<span>with editing by <a href="">Shara</a></span>
## Introduction
Minetest uses Lua scripts to provide modding support.
This book aims to teach you how to create your own mods, starting from the basics.
Each chapter focuses on a particular part of the API, and will soon get you making
your own mods.
As well as [reading this book online](,
you can also [download it in PDF or HTML form](
## What you will need
### Feedback and Contributions
* A Code Editor. Talked about in the [Lua Scripts](chapters/lua.html#tools) chapter.
* A copy of Minetest in the 0.4 series. (eg: 0.4.13)
* Motivation to keep trying when things go wrong. You learn more when you work
something out yourself.
Noticed a mistake, or want to give feedback? Make sure to tell me about it.
I'd accept contributions.
## So, go on then.
Start [learning about how to create a mod folder](chapters/folders.html), or use the navigation bar on
the left (or on the top on mobiles) to open a chapter.
* [GitHub](
* [Download for offline use](
* [Forum Topic](
## About this Book
Noticed a mistake, or want to give feedback? Tell us about it using one of these methods:
* [GitHub Issue](
* Create a [GitHub Issue](
* Post in the [Forum Topic](
* Send me a [PM]( on the Forum.
* Submit a report below.
You can contribute to this project on [GitHub](\\
Read the [contribution README]({{ page.root }}README.html).
Written by rubenwardy.\\
License: [CC-BY-SA 3.0](
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