diff --git a/lua_api.html b/lua_api.html index caeeefd..8986bb9 100644 --- a/lua_api.html +++ b/lua_api.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ layout: default ---
If you have any difficulty in understanding this, please read Programming in Lua.
Apply a mask to the base image.
The mask is applied using binary AND.
Retrieves a tile at position x,y from the base image +which it assumes to be a tilesheet with dimensions w,h.
Colorize the textures with the given color.
is specified as a ColorString
@@ -690,6 +695,12 @@ omitted, the alpha of <color>
will be used as the ratio. If
the word "alpha
", then each texture pixel will contain the RGB of
and the alpha of <color>
multiplied by the alpha of the
texture pixel.
Multiplies texture colors with the given color.
is specified as a ColorString
+Result is more like what you'd expect if you put a color on top of another
+color. Meaning white surfaces get a lot of your new color while black parts don't
+change very much.
Only Ogg Vorbis files are supported.
For positional playing of sounds, only single-channel (mono) files are @@ -930,6 +941,19 @@ paramtype2 == "meshoptions" bit 4 (0x10) - Makes the plant mesh 1.4x larger bit 5 (0x20) - Moves each face randomly a small bit down (1/8 max) bits 6-7 are reserved for future use. +paramtype2 == "color" +^ `param2` tells which color is picked from the palette. + The palette should have 256 pixels. +paramtype2 == "colorfacedir" +^ Same as `facedir`, but with colors. + The first three bits of `param2` tells which color + is picked from the palette. + The palette should have 8 pixels. +paramtype2 == "colorwallmounted" +^ Same as `wallmounted`, but with colors. + The first five bits of `param2` tells which color + is picked from the palette. + The palette should have 32 pixels. collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { @@ -1545,7 +1569,7 @@ Currently a smoke puff will appear when an entity dies.
group disables the regular damage mechanism for players punching it by hand or a non-tool item, so that it can do something else than take damage.On the Lua side, every punch calls:
-entity:on_punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction)
+entity:on_punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction, damage)
This should never be called directly, because damage is usually not handled by
the entity itself.
@@ -1556,6 +1580,9 @@ the entity itself.
can be nil
is a unit vector, pointing from the source of the punch to
the punched object.
damage that will be done to entity
+Return value of this function will determin if damage is done by this function
+(retval true) or shall be done by engine (retval false)
To punch an entity/object in Lua, call:
object:punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction)
@@ -2056,6 +2083,7 @@ The following functions provide escape sequences:
: returns a vector, each dimension rounded to nearest int
#vector.apply(v, func)
: returns a vector
#vector.equals(v1, v2)
: returns a boolean
+#vector.sort(v1, v2)
: returns minp, maxp vectors of the cuboid defined by v1 and v2
For the following functions x
can be either a vector or a number:
@@ -2298,7 +2326,7 @@ The following functions provide escape sequences:
- #
: capability table of used tool (can be nil)
- #
: unit vector of direction of punch. Always defined. Points from
the puncher to the punched.
-- #
- number that represents the damage calculated by the engine
+- #
- number that represents the damage calculated by the engine
- #should return
to prevent the default damage mechanism
@@ -2386,7 +2414,18 @@ The following functions provide escape sequences:
Other registration functions
-- #
minetest.register_chatcommand(cmd, chatcommand definition)
+- #
minetest.register_chatcommand(cmd, chatcommand definition)
+- Adds definition to minetest.registered_chatcommands
+- #
minetest.override_chatcommand(name, redefinition)
+- Overrides fields of a chatcommand registered with register_chatcommand.
+- #
+- Unregisters a chatcommands registered with register_chatcommand.
- #
minetest.register_privilege(name, definition)
-- #
minetest.add_entity(pos, name)
: Spawn Lua-defined entity at position
+ - #
minetest.add_entity(pos, name, [staticdata])
: Spawn Lua-defined entity at position
- #Returns
, or nil
if failed
@@ -2868,6 +2907,14 @@ and minetest.auth_reload
call the authetification handler.
- Convert a wallmounted value back into a vector aimed directly out the "back" of a node
+- Convert a vector into a yaw (angle)
+- Convert yaw (angle) to a vector
#minetest.get_node_drops(nodename, toolname)
- Returns list of item names.
- Note: This will be removed or modified in a future version.
@@ -3143,6 +3190,7 @@ and minetest.auth_reload
call the authetification handler.
- #
: returns list of ObjectRefs
+- #
: boolean, whether player exists (regardless of online status)
- #
minetest.hud_replace_builtin(name, hud_definition)
- Replaces definition of a builtin hud element
- #
: "breath"
or "health"
@@ -3367,6 +3415,10 @@ end
- Map of Lua entities, indexed by active object id
+- #
+- Map of registered chat command definitions, indexed by name
- #
- List of registered ore definitions.
@@ -3395,8 +3447,9 @@ Can be gotten via minetest.get_meta(pos)
- #
: returns InvRef
- #
: returns nil
or {fields = {...}, inventory = {list1 = {}, ...}}
- #
from_table(nil or {})
-- to clear metadata, use from_table(nil)
+- Any non-table value will clear the metadata
- See "Node Metadata"
+- #returns
on success
@@ -3430,7 +3483,7 @@ Can be gotten via minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
: returns boolean state of timer
@@ -3443,9 +3496,9 @@ Can be gotten via minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
Note: Doesn't work on players, use minetest.kick_player instead
: returns {x=num, y=num, z=num}
; pos
={x=num, y=num, z=num}
-#moveto(pos, continuous=false)
: interpolated move
: returns {x=num, y=num, z=num}
; pos
={x=num, y=num, z=num}
+#move_to(pos, continuous=false)
: interpolated move
#punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction)
- #
= another ObjectRef
- #
= time since last punch action of the puncher
@@ -3502,14 +3555,15 @@ Can be gotten via minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
LuaEntitySAO-only (no-op for other objects)
-- #
setvelocity({x=num, y=num, z=num})
-- #
: returns {x=num, y=num, z=num}
-- #
setacceleration({x=num, y=num, z=num})
-- #
: returns {x=num, y=num, z=num}
-- #
-- #
: returns number in radians
-- #
-- #
setsprite(p={x=0,y=0}, num_frames=1, framelength=0.2,
+- #
set_velocity({x=num, y=num, z=num})
+- #
: returns {x=num, y=num, z=num}
+- #
set_acceleration({x=num, y=num, z=num})
+- #
: returns {x=num, y=num, z=num}
+- #
+- #
: returns number in radians
+- #
+- #
returns current texture modifier
+- #
set_sprite(p={x=0,y=0}, num_frames=1, framelength=0.2,
- Select sprite from spritesheet with optional animation and DM-style
texture selection based on yaw relative to camera
@@ -3560,6 +3614,8 @@ Can be gotten via minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
+#set_attribute(attribute, value)
: sets an extra attribute with value on player
: returns value for extra attribute. Returns nil if no attribute found.
- Redefine player's inventory form
- Should usually be called in on_joinplayer
@@ -3596,7 +3652,7 @@ Can be gotten via minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
- #
: gets the HUD element definition structure of the specified ID
- #
: sets specified HUD flags to true
- #
: (is visible) hotbar
, healthbar
, crosshair
, wielditem
, minimap
-- #pass a table containing a
value of each flag to be set or unset
+- #pass a table containing a
value of each flag to be set or unset
- #if a flag equals
, the flag is not modified
- #note that setting
modifies the client's permission to view the minimap -
- the client may locally elect to not view the minimap
@@ -4409,15 +4465,37 @@ minetest.spawn_tree(pos,apple_tree)
not the node it's on
+#{name="image.png", color=ColorSpec}
+- the texture's color will be multiplied with this color.
+- the tile's color overrides the owning node's color in all cases.
#deprecated, yet still supported field names:
- #
Tile animation definition
-- #
{type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=3.0}
+ type = "vertical_frames",
+ aspect_w = 16,
+ -- ^ specify width of a frame in pixels
+ aspect_h = 16,
+ -- ^ specify height of a frame in pixels
+ length = 3.0,
+ -- ^ specify full loop length
+ type = "sheet_2d",
+ frames_w = 5,
+ -- ^ specify width in number of frames
+ frames_h = 3,
+ -- ^ specify height in number of frames
+ frame_length = 0.5,
+ -- ^ specify length of a single frame
Node definition (register_node
-- <all fields allowed in item definitions>,
@@ -4434,8 +4512,17 @@ minetest.spawn_tree(pos,apple_tree)
special_tiles = {tile definition 1, Tile definition 2}, --[[
^ Special textures of node; used rarely (old field name: special_materials)
^ List can be shortened to needed length ]]
- alpha = 255,
+ color = ColorSpec, --[[
+ ^ The node's original color will be multiplied with this color.
+ ^ If the node has a palette, then this setting only has an effect
+ ^ in the inventory and on the wield item. ]]
use_texture_alpha = false, -- Use texture's alpha channel
+ palette = "palette.png", --[[
+ ^ The node's `param2` is used to select a pixel from the image
+ ^ (pixels are arranged from left to right and from top to bottom).
+ ^ The node's color will be multiplied with the selected pixel's
+ ^ color. Tiles can override this behavior.
+ ^ Only when `paramtype2` supports palettes. ]]
post_effect_color = "green#0F", -- If player is inside node, see "ColorSpec"
paramtype = "none", -- See "Nodes" --[[
^ paramtype = "light" allows light to propagate from or through the node with light value
@@ -4857,8 +4944,12 @@ The Biome API is still in an experimental phase and subject to change.
-- ^ vertical: if true faces player using y axis only
texture = "image.png",
-- ^ Uses texture (string)
- playername = "singleplayer"
+ playername = "singleplayer",
-- ^ optional, if specified spawns particle only on the player's client
+ animation = {Tile Animation definition},
+-- ^ optional, specifies how to animate the particle texture
+ glow = 0
+-- ^ optional, specify particle self-luminescence in darkness
definition (add_particlespawner