--- title: Privileges layout: default root: ../.. idx: 4.1 description: Registering privs. redirect_from: /en/chapters/privileges.html --- ## Introduction Privileges, often called privs for short, give players the ability to perform certain actions. Server owners can grant and revoke privileges to control which abilities each player has. * [When to use Privileges](#when-to-use-privileges) * [Declaring Privileges](#declaring-privileges) * [Checking for Privileges](#checking-for-privileges) * [Getting and Setting Privileges](#getting-and-setting-privileges) * [Adding Privileges to basic_privs](#adding-privileges-to-basic-privs) ## When to use Privileges A privilege should give a player **the ability to do something**. Privileges are **not for indicating class or status**. The main admin of a server (the name set by the `name` setting in the minetest.conf file) is automatically given all available privileges. **Good Privileges:** * interact * shout * noclip * fly * kick * ban * vote * worldedit * area_admin - admin functions of one mod is ok **Bad Privileges:** * moderator * admin * elf * dwarf ## Declaring Privileges Use `register_privilege` to declare a new privilege: {% highlight lua %} minetest.register_privilege("vote", { description = "Can vote on issues", give_to_singleplayer = true }) {% endhighlight %} If `give_to_singleplayer` is true, you can remove it, because true is the default when it is not specified. This simplifies the privilege registration to: {% highlight lua %} minetest.register_privilege("vote", { description = "Can vote on issues" }) {% endhighlight %} ## Checking for Privileges To quickly check whether a player has all the required privileges: {% highlight lua %} local has, missing = minetest.check_player_privs(player_or_name, { interact = true, vote = true }) {% endhighlight %} In this example, `has` is true if the player has all the privileges needed.\\ If `has` is false, then `missing` will contain a dictionary of missing privileges. {% highlight lua %} if minetest.check_player_privs(name, {interact=true, vote=true}) then print("Player has all privs!") else print("Player is missing some privs!") end local has, missing = minetest.check_player_privs(name, { interact = true, vote = true }) if has then print("Player has all privs!") else print("Player is missing privs: " .. dump(missing)) end {% endhighlight %} ## Getting and Setting Privileges To get a table containing a player's privileges, regardless of whether the player is logged in, use `minetest.get_player_privs`: {% highlight lua %} local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name) print(dump(privs)) {% endhighlight %} This example may give: {% highlight lua %} { fly = true, interact = true, shout = true } {% endhighlight %} To set a player's privileges, use `minetest.set_player_privs`: {% highlight lua %} minetest.set_player_privs(name, { interact = true, shout = true }) {% endhighlight %} To grant a player privileges, use a combination of the above two functions: {% highlight lua %} local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name) privs.vote = true minetest.set_player_privs(name, privs) {% endhighlight %} ## Adding Privileges to basic_privs Players with the `basic_privs` privilege are able to grant and revoke a limited set of privileges. It's common to give this privilege to moderators, so that they can grant and revoke `interact` and `shout`, but can't grant themselves or other players privileges such as `give` and `server`, which have greater potential for abuse. To add a privilege to `basic_privs` and adjust which privileges your moderators can grant and revoke from other players, you must change the `basic_privs` setting. To do this, you must edit the minetest.conf file. By default, `basic_privs` has the following value: basic_privs = interact, shout To add `vote`, update this to: basic_privs = interact, shout, vote This will allow players with `basic_privs` to grant and revoke the `vote` privilege.