--- title: Inventories layout: default root: ../.. idx: 5.2 redirect_from: /en/chapters/inventories.html --- ## Introduction In this chapter you will learn how to use and manipulate inventories, whether that is a player inventory, a node inventory, or a detached inventory. This chapter assumes that you already know how to create and manipulate [ItemStacks](itemstacks.html). * [Basic Concepts](#basic-concepts) * [Types of Inventories](#types-of-inventories) * [Player Inventories](#player-inventories) * [Node Inventories](#node-inventories) * [Detached Inventories](#detached-inventories) * [InvRef and Lists](#invref-and-lists) * [Inventory Location](#inventory-location) * [List Sizes](#list-sizes) * [Empty Lists](#empty-lists) * [Lua Tables](#lua-tables) * [Lua Tables for Lists](#lua-tables-for-lists) * [InvRef, Items and Stacks](#invref-items-and-stacks) * [Adding to a List](#adding-to-a-list) * [Checking for Room](#checking-for-room) * [Taking Items](#taking-items) * [Checking Inventory Contents](#checking-inventory-contents) * [Manipulating Stacks](#manipulating-stacks) ## Basic Concepts Components of an inventory: * An **inventory** is a collection of **inventory list**s, which are simply called **list**s in the context of inventories. * An **inventory list** is an array of **slot**s. (An array is a table indexed by numbers). * A **slot** contains a stack which may or may not be empty. * An **InvRef** is an object that represents an inventory, and has functions to manipulate it. ## Types of Inventories There are three types of inventory: * **Player Inventories**: An inventory attached to a player. * **Node Inventories**: An inventory attached to a node. * **Detached Inventories**: An inventory which is not attached to a node or player.
The player inventory formspec, with annotated list names.
This image shows the two inventories visible when you press i. The gray boxes are inventory lists.
The creative inventory, left (in red) is detached and is made up of a single list.
The player inventory, right (in blue) is a player inventory and is made up of three lists.
Note that the trash can is a formspec element, and is not part of the inventory.
### Player Inventories A player inventory usually has two grids, one for the main inventory and one for crafting. Press i in game to see your player inventory. Use a player's name to get their inventory: ```lua local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name="celeron55"}) ``` ### Node Inventories A node inventory is related to the position of a specific node, such as a chest. The node must be loaded, because it is stored in [node metadata](node_metadata.html). Use its position to get a node inventory: ```lua local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos={x=, y=, z=}}) ``` ### Detached Inventories A detached inventory is independent of players and nodes. One example of a detached inventory is the creative inventory. It is detached from any specific player because all players see the same creative inventory. A detached inventory would also allow multiple chests to share the same inventory. Use the inventory name to get a detached inventory: ```lua local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="inventory_name"}) ``` You can create your own detached inventories: ```lua minetest.create_detached_inventory("inventory_name", callbacks) ``` This creates a detached inventory or, if the inventory already exists, it is cleared. You can also supply a [table of callbacks]({{ page.root }}/lua_api.html#detached-inventory-callbacks). ## InvRef and Lists ### Inventory Location You can check where an inventory is located: ```lua local location = inv:get_location() ``` This will return a table like the one passed to `minetest.get_inventory()`. If the location is unknown, `{type="undefined"}` is returned. ### List Sizes Inventory lists have a size, for example `main` has size of 32 slots by default. They also have a width, which is used to divide them into a grid. ```lua if inv:set_size("main", 32) then inv:set_width("main", 8) print("size: " .. inv.get_size("main")) print("width: " .. inv:get_width("main")) else print("Error!") end ``` ### Empty Lists You can use `list_is_empty` to check if a list is empty: ```lua if inv:is_empty("main") then print("The list is empty!") end ``` ### Lua Tables You can convert an inventory to a Lua table: ```lua local lists = inv:get_lists() ``` The table will be in this form: ```lua { list_one = { ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, -- inv:get_size("list_one") elements }, list_two = { ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, -- inv:get_size("list_two") elements } } ``` You can then set the inventory: ```lua inv:set_lists(lists) ``` Please note that the sizes of lists will not change. ### Lua Tables for Lists You can do the above for individual lists: ```lua local list = inv:get_list("list_one") ``` It will be in this form: ```lua { ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, ItemStack, -- inv:get_size("list_one") elements } ``` You can then set the list: ```lua inv:set_list("list_one", list) ``` Please note that the sizes of lists will not change. ## InvRef, Items and Stacks ### Adding to a List To add items to a list named `"main"`: ```lua local stack = ItemStack("default:stone 99") local leftover = inv:add_item("main", stack) if leftover:get_count() > 0 then print("Inventory is full! " .. leftover:get_count() .. " items weren't added") end ``` ### Checking for Room To check whether a list has room for items: ```lua if not inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then print("Not enough room!") end ``` ### Taking Items To remove items from a list: ```lua local taken = inv:remove_item("main", stack) print("Took " .. taken:get_count()) ``` ### Checking Inventory Contents To check whether an inventory contains a specific quantity of an item: ```lua if not inv:contains_item(listname, stack) then print("Item not in inventory!") end ``` This works if the item count is split up over multiple stacks. For example checking for "default:stone 200" will work if there are stacks of 99 + 95 + 6. ### Manipulating Stacks You can manipulate individual stacks: ```lua local stack = inv:get_stack(listname, 0) inv:set_stack(listname, 0, stack) ```