2023-05-14 14:09:10 +01:00

110 lines
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layout: base
{% assign pathsplit = page.path | split: '/' %}
{% assign language = pathsplit[0] %}
{% if language == "_it" %}
{% assign language = "it" %}
{% assign links = site.it %}
{% else %}
{% assign language = "en" %}
{% assign links = site.en %}
{% endif %}
{% assign links = links | where_exp: "item", "item.sitemap != false" | sort: "idx" %}
{% assign num = 0 %}
{% for link in links %}
{% assign idsplit = link.id | split: '/' %}
{% assign section = idsplit[2] %}
<a href="{{ page.root }}{{ link.url }}"
class="{% if page.title == link.title %}selected{% endif %}{% if section != last_section and section != 'index' %} hr {% endif %}">
{% if section != "index" %}{{ num }} - {% endif %}
{{ link.title }}
{% assign last_section = section %}
{% assign num = num | plus:1 %}
{% endfor %}
<li><a href="https://github.com/rubenwardy/minetest_modding_book/archive/examples.zip" class="hr">Download Examples</a></li>
<article {% if page.homepage %}class="homepage"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ page.root }}/languages.html" class="language-switcher">
<img src="{{ page.root }}/static/languages.svg" alt="Choose a language">
<span>{{ language }}</span>
{% if page.no_header %}{% else %}<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>{% endif %}
{{ content }}
{% for link in links %}
{% if link.title == page.title %}
{% unless forloop.first %}
{% assign prev = tmpprev %}
{% endunless %}
{% unless forloop.last %}
{% assign next = links[forloop.index] %}
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
{% assign tmpprev = link %}
{% endfor %}
<ul class="prevnext">
<li>{% if prev %}<a href="{{ page.root }}{{ prev.url}}">&lt; {{ prev.title }}</a>{% endif %}</li>
<li>{% if next %}<a href="{{ page.root }}{{ next.url}}">{{ next.title }} &gt;</a>{% endif %}</li>
{% if language == "en" %}
<aside class="feedback">
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{% endif %}
&copy; 2014-{{ site.time | date: '%Y' }}
{% if language == "en" %}
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{% endif %}