revert 67a8d95fa5bf5895562199be04d0bc8a0ad42ea9

revert homedecor errors, aliasing error suppress, block sound error
This commit is contained in:
bad 2025-02-04 05:43:04 +03:00
parent 67a8d95fa5
commit 76f022ec5c
42 changed files with 2 additions and 602 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Adds various miscellaneous blocks to the game.

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
# Translation by Xanthin
[moreblocks] loaded. = [moreblocks] geladen.
Jungle Wood Fence = Tropenholzzaun
Empty Bookshelf = Leeres Buecherregal
Clean Glass = Klares Glas
Plankstone = Brettstein
Wooden Tile = Holzfliese
Full Wooden Tile = Vollholzfliese
Centered Wooden Tile = Holzfliese mittig
Up Wooden Tile = Holzfliese oben
Down Wooden Tile = Holzfliese unten
Left Wooden Tile = Holzfliese links
Right Wooden Tile = Holzfliese rechts
Circle Stone Bricks = Kreissteinziegel
Stone Tile = Steinfliese
Split Stone Tile = Geteilte Steinfliese
Glow Glass = Leuchtglas
Super Glow Glass = Superleuchtglas
Coal Glass = Kohleglas
Iron Glass = Eisenglas
Coal Checker = Karierte Kohle
Iron Checker = Kariertes Eisen
Trap Stone = Steinfalle
Trap Glass = Glasfalle
Trap Glow Glass = Leuchtglasfalle
Trap Super Glow Glass = Superleuchtglasfalle
Coal Stone = Kohlestein
Iron Stone = Eisenstein
Coal Stone Bricks = Kohlesteinziegel
Iron Stone Bricks = Eisensteinziegel
Cactus Checker = Karierter Kaktus
Cactus Brick = Kaktusziegel
Sweeper = Besen
Jungle Stick = Tropenholzstock
Rope = Seil
All-faces Tree = Baumscheibenstamm
Circular Saw = Kreissaege
Circular saw, empty (owned by %s) = Kreissaege, leer (gehoert %s)
Circular saw, working with %s (owned by %s) = Kreissaege, arbeitet mit %s (gehoert %s)
Circular saw, empty = Kreissaege, leer
Circular saw is empty (owned by %s) = Kreissaege ist leer (gehoert %s)
Input\nmaterial = Ausgangs-\nmaterial
Left-over = Rest
Max = Anzahl
Set = Ok
Recycle\noutput = Wiederver-\nwerten
%s Stairs = %streppe
%s Slab = %sstufe
%s Panel = %spaneel
%s Microblock = %smikroblock
%s Pane = %sscheibe
%s Fence = %szaun
someone = jemand
Sorry, %s owns that spot. = Tut mir leid, %s gehoert diese Stelle.

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
# Translation by kaeza
[moreblocks] loaded. = [moreblocks] cargado.
Jungle Wooden Planks = Tablones de madera de jungla
Empty Bookshelf = Estante para libros vacío
Clean Glass = Cristal Limpio
Plankstone = Tablones de piedra
Wooden Tile = Parquet
Full Wooden Tile = Parquet Completo
Centered Wooden Tile = Parquet Centrado
Up Wooden Tile = Parquet Superior
Down Wooden Tile = Parquet Inferior
Left Wooden Tile = Parquet Izquierdo
Right Wooden Tile = Parquet Derecho
Circle Stone Bricks = Bloques de Piedra Circulares
Stone Tile = Baldosa de Piedra
Split Stone Tile = Baldosas de Piedra Partida
Glow Glass = Cristal Brillante
Super Glow Glass = Cristal Súper Brillante
Coal Glass = Cristal con Carbón
Iron Glass = Cristal con Hierro
Coal Checker = Cuadros de Carbón
Iron Checker = Cuadros de Hierro
Trap Stone = Piedra Trampa
Trap Glass = Cristal Trampa
Coal Stone = Carbón y Piedra
Iron Stone = Hierro y Piedra
Cactus Checker = Cuadros de Cactus
Cactus Brick = Ladrillos de Cactus
Sweeper = Limpiador
Jungle Stick = Varita de Madera de Jungla
Horizontal Tree = Tronco de árbol horizontal
Horizontal Jungle Tree = Tronco de árbol de la jungla horizontal
Rope = Soga
All-faces Tree = Tronco de Árbol
%s Stairs = Escalera de %s
%s Slab = Losa de %s
%s Panel = Panel de %s
%s Microblock = Microbloque de %s
Wooden = Madera
Papyrus = Papiro
Dry Shrub = Arbusto Desértico
Sapling = Brote de Árbol
Wooden Planks = Tablones de Madera
Ladder = Escalera de Mano
Glass = Cristal
%s Pane = Panel de %s
%s Fence = Valla de %s

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# Translation by Calinou
[moreblocks] loaded. = [moreblocks] a été chargé.
Jungle Wooden Planks = Planches de bois de jungle
Empty Bookshelf = Ètagère vide
Clean Glass = Verre propre
Plankstone = Pierre-bois
Wooden Tile = Dalle en bois
Full Wooden Tile = Dalle en bois complète
Centered Wooden Tile = Dalle en bois centrée
Up Wooden Tile = Dalle en bois vers le haut
Down Wooden Tile = Dalle en bois vers le bas
Left Wooden Tile = Dalle en bois vers la gauche
Right Wooden Tile = Dalle en bois vers la droite
Circle Stone Bricks = Briques en pierre circulaires
Stone Tile = Dalle en pierre
Split Stone Tile = Dalle en pierre découpée
Glow Glass = Verre brillant
Super Glow Glass = Verre très brillant
Coal Glass = Verre de charbon
Iron Glass = Verre de fer
Coal Checker = Damier en charbon
Iron Checker = Damier en fer
Trap Stone = Pierre traversable
Trap Glass = Verre traversable
Trap Glow Glass = Verre brillant traversable
Trap Super Glow Glass = Verre très brillant traversable
Coal Stone = Pierre de charbon
Iron Stone = Pierre de fer
Coal Stone Bricks = Briques en pierre de charbon
Iron Stone Bricks = Briques en pierre de fer
Cactus Checker = Damier en cactus
Cactus Brick = Briques de cactus
Sweeper = Balai
Jungle Stick = Bâton en bois de jungle
Horizontal Tree = Tronc d'arbre horizontal
Horizontal Jungle Tree = Tronc d'arbre de jungle horizontal
Rope = Corde
All-faces Tree = Tronc d'arbre
Wooden = bois
Papyrus = Papyrus
Dry Shrub = Buisson mort
Sapling = Pousse d'arbre
Wooden Planks = Planches de bois
Ladder = Échelle
Glass = Verre
Circular Saw = Scie circulaire
Circular saw, empty (owned by %s) = Scie circulaire, vide (propriété de %s)
Circular saw, working with %s (owned by %s) = Scie circulaire, manipule %s (propriété de %s)
Circular saw, empty = Scie circulaire, vide
Circular saw is empty (owned by %s) = Scie circulaire est vide (propriété de %s)
Input material = Entrée du matériel
Rest/microblocks = Reste/microbloc
Max: = Max:
Set = Fixer
Recycle output = Recyclage
%s Stairs = Escaliers en %s
%s Slab = Demi-dalle en %s
%s Panel = Barre en %s
%s Microblock = Microbloc en %s
%s Pane = Panneau en %s
%s Fence = Barrière en %s

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
# Italian translation
# Translator: Emon
[moreblocks] loaded. = [moreblocks] caricato.
Jungle Wood Fence = Recinzione in legno della giungla
Empty Bookshelf = Libreria vuota
Clean Glass = Vetro pulito
Plankstone = Pietra e legno
Wooden Tile = Mattonella in legno
Full Wooden Tile = Mattonella in legno pieno
Centered Wooden Tile = Mattonella in legno centrata
Up Wooden Tile = Mattonella in legno verso l'alto
Down Wooden Tile = Mattonella in legno verso il basso
Left Wooden Tile = Mattonella in legno verso sinistra
Right Wooden Tile = Mattonella in legno verso destra
Circle Stone Bricks = Mattoni concentrici in pietra
Stone Tile = Mattonella in pietra
Split Stone Tile = Mattonella in pietra divisa
Glow Glass = Vetro luminoso
Super Glow Glass = Super vetro luminoso
Coal Glass = Vetro e carbone
Iron Glass = Vetro e ferro
Coal Checker = Scacchiera in carbone
Iron Checker = Scacchiera in ferro
Trap Stone = Pietra trappola
Trap Glass = Vetro trappola
Trap Glow Glass = Vetro luminoso trappola
Trap Super Glow Glass = Super vetro luminoso trappola
Coal Stone = Pietra in carbone
Iron Stone = Pietra in ferro
Coal Stone Bricks = Mattoni di pietra in carbone
Iron Stone Bricks = Mattoni di pietra in ferro
Cactus Checker = Scacchiera in cactus
Cactus Brick = Mattoni di cactus
Sweeper = Spazzola
Jungle Stick = Bastone in legno della giungla
Rope = Corda
All-faces Tree = Albero su ogni lato
Circular Saw = Sega circolare
Circular saw, empty (owned by %s) = Sega circolare, vuota (di proprietà di %s)
Circular saw, working with %s (owned by %s) = Sega circolare, in funzione su %s (di proprietà di %s)
Circular saw, empty = Sega circolare, vuota
Circular saw is empty (owned by %s) = La sega circolare è vuota (di proprietà di %s)
Input\nmaterial = Materiale\niniziale
Left-over = Scarto
Max = Max.
Set = Imp.
Recycle\noutput = Ricicla\nfinale
someone = qualcuno
Sorry, %s owns that spot. = Spiacente, quel punto è di proprietà di %s
%s Stairs = Scale - %s
%s Slab = Lastra - %s
%s Panel = Pannello - %s
%s Microblock = Microblocco %s
%s Pane = Pannello - %s
%s Fence = Recinzione - %s

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
[moreblocks] loaded. =
Jungle Wood Fence =
Empty Bookshelf =
Clean Glass =
Plankstone =
Wooden Tile =
Full Wooden Tile =
Centered Wooden Tile =
Up Wooden Tile =
Down Wooden Tile =
Left Wooden Tile =
Right Wooden Tile =
Circle Stone Bricks =
Stone Tile =
Split Stone Tile =
Glow Glass =
Super Glow Glass =
Coal Glass =
Iron Glass =
Coal Checker =
Iron Checker =
Trap Stone =
Trap Glass =
Trap Glow Glass =
Trap Super Glow Glass =
Coal Stone =
Iron Stone =
Coal Stone Bricks =
Iron Stone Bricks =
Cactus Checker =
Cactus Brick =
Sweeper =
Jungle Stick =
Rope =
All-faces Tree =
Circular Saw =
Circular saw, empty (owned by %s) =
Circular saw, working with %s (owned by %s) =
Circular saw, empty =
Circular saw is empty (owned by %s) =
Input\nmaterial =
Left-over =
Max =
Set =
Recycle\noutput =
someone =
Sorry, %s owns that spot. =
%s Stairs =
%s Slab =
%s Panel =
%s Microblock =
%s Pane =
%s Fence =

View File

@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ local sound_wood = moreblocks.node_sound_wood_defaults()
local sound_stone = moreblocks.node_sound_stone_defaults()
local sound_glass = moreblocks.node_sound_glass_defaults()
local sound_leaves = moreblocks.node_sound_leaves_defaults()
local sound_gravel = default.node_sound_gravel_defaults()
local sound_sand = default.node_sound_sand_defaults()
-- Don't break on 0.4.14 and earlier.
local sound_metal = (moreblocks.node_sound_metal_defaults
and moreblocks.node_sound_metal_defaults() or sound_stone)
@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ end
local deprecated = (" ("..S('Deprecated')..")")
-- start gravel add part 1
local sound_gravel = default.node_sound_gravel_defaults()
local box_slope = {
type = "fixed",
@ -940,8 +939,6 @@ local nodes = {
for name, def in pairs(nodes) do
if name ~= "tar" and core.get_modpath("building_blocks") then
--homedecor errors, aliasing error suppress
def.is_ground_content = def.is_ground_content == true
def.tiles = def.tiles or {"moreblocks_" ".png"}
minetest.register_node("moreblocks:", def)
@ -974,7 +971,6 @@ for name, def in pairs(nodes) do
-- Items

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
More Blocks: (x)pane definitions
Copyright (c) 2018 Och Noe
Licensed under the zlib license. See for more information.
xpanes.register_pane("coal_glass_pane", {
description = "Coal Glass Pane",
textures = {"moreblocks_coal_glass.png","xpanes_pane_half.png","moreblocks_xpanes_coal.png"},
inventory_image = "moreblocks_coal_glass.png",
wield_image = "moreblocks_coal_glass.png",
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
groups = {snappy=2, cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
recipe = {
{ "moreblocks:coal_glass", "moreblocks:coal_glass", "moreblocks:coal_glass"},
{ "moreblocks:coal_glass", "moreblocks:coal_glass", "moreblocks:coal_glass"}
xpanes.register_pane("iron_glass_pane", {
description = "Iron Glass Pane",
textures = {"moreblocks_iron_glass.png","xpanes_pane_half.png","moreblocks_xpanes_iron.png"},
inventory_image = "moreblocks_iron_glass.png",
wield_image = "moreblocks_iron_glass.png",
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
groups = {snappy=2, cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
recipe = {
{ "moreblocks:iron_glass", "moreblocks:iron_glass", "moreblocks:iron_glass"},
{ "moreblocks:iron_glass", "moreblocks:iron_glass", "moreblocks:iron_glass"}
xpanes.register_pane("clean_glass_pane", {
description = "Clean Glass Pane",
textures = {"moreblocks_clean_glass.png","xpanes_pane_half.png","xpanes_white.png"},
inventory_image = "moreblocks_clean_glass.png",
wield_image = "moreblocks_clean_glass.png",
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
groups = {snappy=2, cracky=3, oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
recipe = {
{ "moreblocks:clean_glass", "moreblocks:clean_glass", "moreblocks:clean_glass"},
{ "moreblocks:clean_glass", "moreblocks:clean_glass", "moreblocks:clean_glass"}
-- ["iron_glass"] = {
-- ["coal_glass"] = {
-- ["clean_glass"] = {

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
More Blocks: alias definitions
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
Licensed under the zlib license. See for more information.
local function register_stairsplus_alias(modname, origname, newname)
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname, "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname)
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_inverted", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_wall", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_wall")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_quarter", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_quarter")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_quarter_inverted", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_quarter_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_quarter_wall", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_quarter_wall")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_three_quarter", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_three_quarter")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_three_quarter_inverted", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_three_quarter_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":slab_" ..origname.. "_three_quarter_wall", "moreblocks:slab_" ..newname.. "_three_quarter_wall")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname, "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname)
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall_half", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall_half")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall_half_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall_half_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_half", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_half")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_half_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_half_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_right_half", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_right_half")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_right_half_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_right_half_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall_half", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall_half")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_wall_half_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_wall_half_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_inner", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_inner")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_inner_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_inner_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_outer", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_outer")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":stair_" ..origname.. "_outer_inverted", "moreblocks:stair_" ..newname.. "_outer_inverted")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":panel_" ..origname.. "_bottom", "moreblocks:panel_" ..newname.. "_bottom")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":panel_" ..origname.. "_top", "moreblocks:panel_" ..newname.. "_top")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":panel_" ..origname.. "_vertical", "moreblocks:panel_" ..newname.. "_vertical")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":micro_" ..origname.. "_bottom", "moreblocks:micro_" ..newname.. "_bottom")
minetest.register_alias(modname.. ":micro_" ..origname.. "_top", "moreblocks:micro_" ..newname.. "_top")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "stone", "stone")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "wood", "wood")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "pinewood", "pinewood")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "cobble", "cobble")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "brick", "brick")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "sandstone", "sandstone")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "glass", "glass")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "tree", "tree")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "jungletree", "jungletree")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "pinetree", "pinetree")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "desert_stone", "desert_stone")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "steelblock", "steelblock")
register_stairsplus_alias("stairsplus", "mossycobble", "mossycobble")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "coalstone", "coal_stone")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "junglewood", "jungle_wood")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "circlestonebrick", "circle_stone_bricks")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "ironstone", "iron_stone")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "coalglass", "coal_glass")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "ironglass", "iron_glass")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "glowglass", "glow_glass")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "superglowglass", "super_glow_glass")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "coalchecker", "coal_checker")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "ironchecker", "iron_checker")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "cactuschecker", "cactus_checker")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "ironstonebrick", "iron_stone_bricks")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "stonesquare", "stone_tile")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "splitstonesquare", "split_stone_tile")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "woodtile", "wood_tile")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "woodtile_centered", "wood_tile_centered")
register_stairsplus_alias("moreblocks", "woodtile_full", "wood_tile_full")

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
More Blocks: conversion
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
Licensed under the zlib license. See for more information.
-- Function to convert all stairs/slabs/etc nodes from
-- inverted, wall, etc to regular + 6d facedir
local dirs1 = {21, 20, 23, 22, 21}
local dirs2 = {15, 8, 17, 6, 15}
local dirs3 = {14, 11, 16, 5, 14}
function stairsplus:register_6dfacedir_conversion(modname, material)
--print("Register stairsplus 6d facedir conversion")
--print('ABM for '..modname..' "'..material..'"')
local objects_list1 = {
modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_inverted",
modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_quarter_inverted",
modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_three_quarter_inverted",
modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_inverted",
modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_wall",
modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_wall_half",
modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_wall_half_inverted",
modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_half_inverted",
modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_right_half_inverted",
modname.. ":panel_" ..material.. "_vertical",
modname.. ":panel_" ..material.. "_top",
local objects_list2 = {
modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_wall",
modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_quarter_wall",
modname.. ":slab_" ..material.. "_three_quarter_wall",
modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_inner_inverted",
modname.. ":stair_" ..material.. "_outer_inverted",
modname.. ":micro_" ..material.. "_top"
for _, object in pairs(objects_list1) do
local flip_upside_down = false
local flip_to_wall = false
local dest_object = object
if string.find(dest_object, "_inverted") then
flip_upside_down = true
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_inverted", "")
if string.find(object, "_top") then
flip_upside_down = true
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_top", "")
if string.find(dest_object, "_wall") then
flip_to_wall = true
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_wall", "")
if string.find(dest_object, "_vertical") then
flip_to_wall = true
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_vertical", "")
if string.find(dest_object, "_half") and not string.find(dest_object, "_right_half") then
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_half", "_right_half")
elseif string.find(dest_object, "_right_half") then
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_right_half", "_half")
--print(" +---> convert " ..object)
--print(" | to " ..dest_object)
if false then -- ABM disabled
nodenames = {object},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
local fdir = node.param2 or 0
local nfdir
if flip_upside_down and not flip_to_wall then
nfdir = dirs1[fdir + 2]
elseif flip_to_wall and not flip_upside_down then
nfdir = dirs2[fdir + 1]
elseif flip_to_wall and flip_upside_down then
nfdir = dirs3[fdir + 2]
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = dest_object, param2 = nfdir})
for _, object in pairs(objects_list2) do
local flip_upside_down = false
local flip_to_wall = false
local dest_object = object
if string.find(dest_object, "_inverted") then
flip_upside_down = true
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_inverted", "")
if string.find(dest_object, "_top") then
flip_upside_down = true
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_top", "")
if string.find(dest_object, "_wall") then
flip_to_wall = true
dest_object = string.gsub(dest_object, "_wall", "")
--print(" +---> convert " ..object)
--print(" | to " ..dest_object)
if false then -- ABM disabled
nodenames = {object},
interval = 1,
chance = 1,
action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
local fdir = node.param2
local nfdir = 20
if flip_upside_down and not flip_to_wall then
nfdir = dirs1[fdir + 1]
elseif flip_to_wall and not flip_upside_down then
nfdir = dirs2[fdir + 2]
minetest.set_node(pos, {name = dest_object, param2 = nfdir})

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 97 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 97 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 306 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 154 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 156 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 170 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 170 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 333 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 170 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 97 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 289 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 154 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 152 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 97 B