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@nThe Distributor tries to push 12 items every 2 seconds.=
@nThe Distributor tries to push 4 items every 2 seconds.=
A brilliant alloy for tools, which are used in the dark. Can be made with Coal Burner and TA3 Industrial Furnace.=
Axle Power Source=
Build a Power Station according to the plan with TA3 Firebox, TA3 Boiler, Steam Pipes, Cooler, Turbine and Generator.@n- Heat the Firebox with coal/charcoal or oil@n- Fill the boiler with water (more than one bucket is needed)@n- Wait until the water is heated@n- Open the steam ventil@n- Connect the Generator with your machines by means of cables and junction boxes@n- Start the Generator=
Build a steam engine according to the plan with TA2 Firebox, TA2 Boiler, Steam Pipes, TA2 Cylinder and TA2 Flywheel.@n- Heat the Firebox with coal/charcoal@n- Fill the boiler with water (more than one bucket is needed)@n- Wait until the water is heated@n- Open the steam ventil@n- Start the Flywheel@n- Connect the Flywheel with your machines by means of Axles and Gearboxes=
Build derrick=
Build the Furnace with TA3 Furnace Firebox, TA3 Furnace Top, and TA3 Booster according to the plan.@n- Heat the Firebox with coal/charcoal/oil@n- Power the Booster with electrical power.@n- Select one of the possible outputs@n- Connect the TA3 Furnace Top with your machines by means of tubes.@n- Start the Furnace=
Burning times with one oil item for@nStream Engine / Power Station / Tiny Generator:@n@nPower max. : 25 / 80 / 12@nOil burn time/s : 32 / 20 / 100 @n@nburn time at power 2 : 400 / 800 / 600@nburn time at power 10 : 80 / 160 / 120@nburn time at power 20 : 40 / 80 / --=
Coal Burner=
Coal Burner to heat the melting pot:@n- build a 3x3xN cobble tower@n- more height means more flame heat@n- keep a hole open on one side@n- put a lighter in@n- fill the tower from the top with charcoal@n- ignite the lighter@n- place the pot in the flame, (one block above the tower)@n- to pause the burner, close the hole temporarily with e.g. dirt@n(see plan)=
Coal Pile to produce charcoal:@n- build a 5x5 block dirt base@n- place a lighter in the centre@n- build a 3x3x3 wood cube around@n- cover all with dirt to a 5x5x5 cube@n- keep a hole to the lighter@n- ignite the lighter and immediately@n- close the pile with one wood and one dirt@n- open the pile after the smoke disappeared@n(see plan)=
Collection of TA3 machines, some with eletrical power supply.=
Compressed Gravel=
Dirt with Ash=
Drill Bit=
Ele Power Source=
Electronic Fab=
Flint and Iron=
Flowing Oil=
Furnace Top=
Gravel Rinser=
Gravel Sieve=
In the TA3 age, oil (petroleum) serves as an almost infinite fuel. But oil is difficult and expensive to recover:@n1: Search for oil with the TA3 Oil Explorer@n2: Drill for oil with the TA3 Oil Drill Box (oil derrick)@n3: Recover the oil with the TA3 Oil Pumpjack@n4: A power station nearby provides the necessary @n electrical power for the derrick and pumpjack.@n5: Tubes or rails are used for oil transportation.=
Iron Age is the first level of the available four technic stages.@nThe goal of TA1 is to collect and craft enough Iron Ingots@nto be able to build machines for stage 2 (TA2).@n1. You have to collect dirt and wood to build a Coal Pile.@n (The Coal Pile is needed to produce charcoal)@n2. Build a Coal Burner to melt iron to iron ingots.@n3. Craft a Gravel Sieve and collect gravel.@n (A Hammer can be used to smash cobble to gravel)@n4. Sieve the gravel to get the necessary ores or go mining.=
Melting Guide=
Melting Pot active (heat==
Melting Pot inactive (heat==
Melting Pot inactive (heat=0)=
Meridium Axe=
Meridium Ingot=
Meridium Pickaxe=
Meridium Shovel=
Meridium Sword=
No plan available=
Oil Age (TA3)=
Oil Burning Times=
Oil Source=
Oil amount:=
Part of the Coal Power Station. Has to be placed in the steam circulation after the Turbine.@n(see TA3 Coal Power Station)=
Part of the Coal Power Station. Has to be placed on top of TA3 Power Station Boiler Base.@n(see TA3 Coal Power Station)=
Part of the Coal Power Station. Has to be placed on top of the TA3 Coal Power Station Firebox and filled with water.@n(see TA3 Coal Power Station)=
Part of the Coal Power Station. Has to be placed side by side with the TA3 Generator.@n(see TA3 Coal Power Station)=
Part of the Coal Power Station. Has to be placed side by side with the TA3 Turbine. Connect the Generator with your TA3 machines by means of Electric Cables and Junction Boxes@n(see TA3 Coal Power Station)=
Part of the TA3 Industrial Furnace and further machines. Used to increase the air/gas pressure.=
Part of the TA3 Industrial Furnace. Faster and more powerful than the standard furnace.=
Part of the steam engine. Has to be placed on top of TA2 Boiler Base.@n(see TA2 Steam Engine)=
Part of the steam engine. Has to be placed on top of the Firebox and filled with water.@n(see TA2 Steam Engine)=
Part of the steam engine. Has to be placed side by side with the TA2 Cylinder.@nUsed to turn on/off the steam engine. Connect the Flywheel with your TA2 machines by means of Axles and Gearboxes.@n(see TA2 Steam Engine)=
Part of the steam engine. Has to be placed side by side with the TA2 Flywheel.@n(see TA2 Steam Engine)=
Power Consumption=
Power consumption and supply:@n- TA3 Power Station: 80@n- TA3 Tiny Generator: 12@n- TA3 Akku Box: 10 (in both dirs)@n- TA3 Oil Drill Box: 16@n- TA3 Oil Pumpjack: 16@n- TA3 Electronic Fab: 12@n- TA3 Autocrafter: 6@n- TA3 Grinder: 6@n- TA3 Gravel Sieve: 4@n- TA3 Booster: 3@n- Lamps: 0.5@n@n- Signs Bot: 8 (while loading)=
Remove derrick=
Sieved Gravel=
Small electrical power generator. Needs oil as fuel.@nIt provides 12 units electrical power@nOil burn time: 100s=
Steam Age is the second level of the available four technic stages.@nThe goal of TA2 is to build a coal powered stream engine with drive axles and machines to produce ores and vacuum tubes for the first electronic devices and machines in TA3.=
Steam Engine=
Steam Power Source=
Steel replacement for TA1. Needed for many tools. Can be made with the Coal Burner from iron lumps.=
TA Ceiling Lamp=
TA Construction Board=
TA Electric Cable=
TA Electric Junction Box=
TA Industrial Lamp 1=
TA Industrial Lamp 2=
TA Industrial Lamp 3=
TA Lamp=
TA Power Line=
TA Power Pole=
TA Power Switch=
TA Power Switch Box=
TA Protected Chest=
TA Street Lamp=
TA1 Bronze Hammer (smash stone to gravel)=
TA1 Burning=
TA1 Charcoal=
TA1 Diamond Hammer (smash stone to gravel)=
TA1 Gravel Sieve=
TA1 Hopper=
TA1 Iron Ingot=
TA1 Lighter=
TA1 Melting=
TA1 Melting Pot=
TA1 Meridium Hammer (smash stone to gravel)=
TA1 Mese Hammer (smash stone to gravel)=
TA1 Steel Hammer (smash stone to gravel)=
TA2 Autocrafter=
TA2 Boiler Base=
TA2 Boiler Top=
TA2 Cylinder=
TA2 Distributor=
TA2 Drive Axle=
TA2 Electronic Fab=
TA2 Firebox=
TA2 Flywheel=
TA2 Gearbox=
TA2 Gravel Rinser=
TA2 Gravel Sieve=
TA2 Grinder=
TA2 Protected Chest=
TA2 Pusher=
TA2 Steam Pipe=
TA3 Akku Box=
TA3 Autocrafter=
TA3 Biogas Pipe=
TA3 Boiler Base=
TA3 Boiler Top=
TA3 Booster=
TA3 Coal Power Station Firebox=
TA3 Cooler=
TA3 Derrick=
TA3 Distributor=
TA3 Drill Bit=
TA3 Electronic Fab=
TA3 Furnace Firebox=
TA3 Furnace Top=
TA3 Generator=
TA3 Gravel Sieve=
TA3 Grinder=
TA3 Industrial Furnace=
TA3 Melting=
TA3 Oil Drill Box=
TA3 Oil Explorer=
TA3 Oil Pumpjack=
TA3 Oil Storage=
TA3 Protected Chest=
TA3 Pusher=
TA3 Tiny Power Generator=
TA3 Turbine=
TA3 Vacuum Tubes=
TA3: Machines=
TA3: Oil plants=
TA3: Power Station=
TA4 Derrick=
TA4 Protected Chest=
TA4 WLAN Chip=
Tech Age is a technic mod with four technic stages.@n@nIron Age (TA1): Use tools like coal pile, coal burner, gravel sieve, hammer and hopper to obtain the necessary metals and ores to further machines and tools for TA2@n@nSteam Age (TA2): Build a steam engine with drive axles to run first simple machines.@n@nOil Age (TA3): Drill and pump oil, build your transport routes with Minecarts and power and control TA3 machines and lamps with electrical energy.@n@nFuture Age (TA4): Build regenerative power plants and intelligent machines, travel at high speed and use other future technologies.=
TechAge End Wrench=
TechAge End Wrench (use = read status, place = cmd: on/off)=
TechAge Repair Kit=
TechAge Trowel=
Techage Black Hole=
Techage Black Hole (let items disappear)=
Techage Forceload Block=
The Autocrafter allows the automated crafting of items based on configured recipes.@nIt can craft one item every two seconds.@nNeeds axle power: 4=
The Autocrafter allows the automated crafting of items based on configured recipes.@nIt can craft two items every two seconds.@nNeeds electrical power: 6=
The Distributor works as filter and pusher. It allows to divide and distribute incoming items into the 4 output ports. The channels can be switched on/off and individually configured with up to 6 item types. The filter passes the configured items and restrains all others. Unconfigured but activated filters are used for items, which do not fit to all other filters. If the Distributor can’t push an item into a block with an inventory (such as a chest) because that inventory is full, but there is one open and unconfigured output, it will use this output port.=
The End Wrench is a tool to read any kind od status information from a node with command inderface.@n- use (left mouse button) = read status@n- place (right mouse button) = send command: on/off=
The Forceload Block keeps the corresponding area loaded and the machines operational as far as the player is logged in. If the player leaves the game, all areas will be unloaded.@nThe maximum number of Forceload Blocks per player is configurable (default 16).@nThe loaded area per block is a cube with 16 m side length (according to a Minetest area block). Punching the block makes the area visible and invisible again.=
The Grinder grinds all kinds of cobblestone to gravel, gravel to sand, sand to clay, wood to leaves, and more.@nIt can grind one item every four seconds.@nIt needs 4 units axle power.=
The Grinder grinds all kinds of cobblestone to gravel, gravel to sand, sand to clay, wood to leaves, and more.@nIt can grind two items every four seconds.@nIt needs 6 units electrical power.=
The Hopper collects dropped items and pushes them to the right side.@nItems are sucked up when they are dropped on top of the Hopper block.@nBut the Hopper can also pull items out of chests or furnace blocks, if it is placed below.=
The Oil Age is the third level of the available technic stages. The goal of TA3 is to build Power Stations, drill for oil, and build machines to produce ores and chips for smart TA4 devices and machines.=
The Protected Chest is useful in protected areas (by means of any protection mod).@nOnly players with interaction rights on that position can take/put item from/to the chest.=
The Protected Chest is useful in protected areas (by means of any protection mod).@nOnly players with interaction rights on that position can take/put item from/to the chest.@nThe Chest supports commands to read the last player action (player-name, take/put, item-name) and the chest state ('empty', 'loaded', 'full').@nThe chest returns 'loaded' when it is not empty and not full, 'full' is returned, when no empty stack is available.@n=
The Pumpjack works similar to a pusher. It pumps one oil item every 8 seconds. It needs 16 units of electrical power.=
The Pusher is a pulling/pushing block, moving items from one inventory block to another (e.g. chests). Start the Pusher with a right-click. It shows the state 'running' as infotext. The Pusher moves items from left to right (IN to OUT).@nIf the source chest is empty, the Pusher goes into 'standby' state for some seconds. If the destination chest is full, the Pusher goes into 'blocked' state.@nThe TA2 Pusher moves two items every 2 seconds.=
The Pusher is a pulling/pushing block, moving items from one inventory block to another (e.g. chests). Start the Pusher with a right-click. It shows the state 'running' as infotext. The Pusher moves items from left to right (IN to OUT).@nIf the source chest is empty, the Pusher goes into 'standby' state for some seconds. If the destination chest is full, the Pusher goes into 'blocked' state.@nThe TA3 Pusher moves 6 items every 2 seconds.=
The Techage Black Hole Block let items disappear. If your machine produces to much or unneeded items, push them into the Black Hole.=
The box automatically unfolds to a derrick when you press the button.@n1: Place the box in the middle of the marked position@n (the derrick requires a free area of 3x3m)@n2: Press the build button@n3: Supply the drill with electricity@n4: Supply the drill with Drill Bits@n5: Press the start button@n6: Remove the excavated material with Tubes/Pusher@n7: The drill stops when oil is found@n (drill speed is 1m/16s)@n8: Replace the drill with the Pumpjack.@nIt needs 16 units electrical power=
This is a collection of further nodes and tools which do not fit to the stages 1 to 4.=
To melt ores and/or produce alloys. Place the pot on top of the Coal Burner.=
To sieve Gravel and Basalt Gravel to get ores. Punch the sieve with wielded gravel to start sieving. Sieving can be automated by means of the TA1 Hopper. Gravel can be found in caves or generated by means of a TA1 Hammer.=
To sieve Gravel and Basalt Gravel to get ores. Use a Grinder to make Gravel from Cobblestone.@nIt can sieve one item every four seconds.@nIt needs 3 units axle power.=
To sieve Gravel and Basalt Gravel to get ores. Use a Grinder to make Gravel from Cobblestone.@nIt can sieve two items every four seconds.@nIt needs 4 units electrical power.=
To turn electrical power on/off.@nHas to be placed on a TA Power Switch Box.=
Tool to hide and retrieve electrical wiring in walls and floors.@nThe material for hiding the cables must be in the left stack of the first row in the player inventory.=
Used to find oil (petroleum). Oil can be used as fuel for the Power Station and others. Place the block and right-click on the block to explore the underground. The block will explore a 16x16 field with a depth of up to 400 m. To search deeper, click the block several times. When oil is found, the position for the derrick (Drill Box) is highlighted.@nHint: Mark and protect the position for later use.=
Used to produce Vacuum Pipes, needed for TA3 machines.@nThe fab produces 1 item every 6 seconds.@nIt needs 8 units axle power=
Used to produce WLAN Chips, needed for TA4 machines.@nThe fab produces 1 item every 6 seconds.@nIt needs 12 units electrical power.=
Used to store electrical energy. Charged in about 10 min, provides energy for 10 min.@nIt take and deliver up to 10 units electrical power.=
Used to wash Sieved Gravel to get Usmium Nuggets. The block has to be placed under flowing water. The washed-out nuggets must be sucked in with a Hopper.@nFor the plant you need a chest, the Hopper, the Rinser with tube support and a frame around the flowing water (see plan).@nHint: You can test the Rinser with some sticks that are washed out immediately.@nIt needs 3 units axle power=
[TA] Area is protected!=
[TA] Derrick is being built!=
[TA] Derrick is being removed!=
[TA] Not enough space!=
connected with=
lighter to ignite the Coal Burner and the Coal Pile.=