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2020-07-02 21:26:18 +02:00
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Joachim Stolberg
GPL v3
See LICENSE.txt for more information
TA3 Valve
local S2P = minetest.string_to_pos
local P2S = minetest.pos_to_string
local M = minetest.get_meta
local S = techage.S
local Pipe = techage.LiquidPipe
local liquid = techage.liquid
local function switch_node(pos, node)
if node.name == "techage:ta3_valve_open" then
node.name = "techage:ta3_valve_closed"
--node.name = "default:dirt"
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
local number = M(pos):get_string("node_number")
M(pos):set_string("infotext", S("TA3 Valve closed")..": "..number)
Pipe:after_dig_tube(pos, {name = "techage:ta3_valve_open", param2 = node.param2})
elseif node.name == "techage:ta3_valve_closed" then
node.name = "techage:ta3_valve_open"
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
local number = M(pos):get_string("node_number")
M(pos):set_string("infotext", S("TA3 Valve open")..": "..number)
minetest.sound_play("techage_valve", {
pos = pos,
gain = 1,
max_hear_distance = 10})
local function on_rightclick(pos, node, clicker)
if not minetest.is_protected(pos, clicker:get_player_name()) then
switch_node(pos, node)
--local function node_timer(pos, elapsed)
-- if techage.is_activeformspec(pos) then
-- local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
-- M(pos):set_string("formspec", liquid.formspec(pos, nvm))
-- return true
-- end
-- return false
--local function can_dig(pos, player)
-- if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
-- return false
-- end
-- return liquid.is_empty(pos)
--local function take_liquid(pos, indir, name, amount)
-- amount, name = liquid.srv_take(pos, indir, name, amount)
-- if techage.is_activeformspec(pos) then
-- local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
-- M(pos):set_string("formspec", liquid.formspec(pos, nvm))
-- end
-- return amount, name
--local function put_liquid(pos, indir, name, amount)
-- -- check if it is not powder
-- local ndef = minetest.registered_craftitems[name] or {}
-- if not ndef.groups or ndef.groups.powder ~= 1 then
-- local leftover = liquid.srv_put(pos, indir, name, amount)
-- if techage.is_activeformspec(pos) then
-- local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
-- M(pos):set_string("formspec", liquid.formspec(pos, nvm))
-- end
-- return leftover
-- end
-- return amount
minetest.register_node("techage:ta3_valve_open", {
description = S("TA Valve"),
tiles = {
after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
if not Pipe:after_place_tube(pos, placer, pointed_thing) then
return true
local meta = M(pos)
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
nvm.liquid = {}
local number = techage.add_node(pos, "techage:ta3_valve_closed")
meta:set_string("node_number", number)
meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name())
meta:set_string("infotext", S("TA3 Valve open")..": "..number)
return false
after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger)
Pipe:after_dig_tube(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata)
on_rightclick = on_rightclick,
paramtype2 = "facedir", -- important!
drawtype = "nodebox",
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-1/8, -1/8, -4/8, 1/8, 1/8, 4/8},
{-3/16, -3/16, -3/16, 3/16, 3/16, 3/16},
on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow, -- important!
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {crumbly = 2, cracky = 2, snappy = 2},
sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("techage:ta3_valve_closed", {
description = S("TA Valve"),
tiles = {
tubelib2_on_update2 = function(pos, outdir, tlib2, node)
liquid.update_network(pos, outdir)
after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger)
techage.remove_node(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata)
on_rightclick = on_rightclick,
paramtype2 = "facedir", -- important!
drawtype = "nodebox",
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-1/8, -1/8, -4/8, 1/8, 1/8, 4/8},
{-3/16, -3/16, -3/16, 3/16, 3/16, 3/16},
on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow, -- important!
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {crumbly = 2, cracky = 2, snappy = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(),
drop = "techage:ta3_valve_open",
techage.register_node({"techage:ta3_valve_closed", "techage:ta3_valve_open"}, {
on_recv_message = function(pos, src, topic, payload)
local node = techage.get_node_lvm(pos)
if topic == "on" and node.name == "techage:ta3_valve_closed" then
switch_node(pos, node)
return true
elseif topic == "off" and node.name == "techage:ta3_valve_open" then
switch_node(pos, node)
return true
elseif topic == "state" then
if node.name == "techage:ta3_valve_open" then
return "on"
return "off"
return "unsupported"
2020-07-02 23:00:55 +02:00
output = "techage:ta3_valve_open",
2020-07-02 21:26:18 +02:00
recipe = {
2020-07-02 23:00:55 +02:00
{"", "dye:black", ""},
{"techage:ta3_pipeS", "basic_materials:steel_bar", "techage:ta3_pipeS"},
{"", "techage:vacuum_tube", ""},
2020-07-02 21:26:18 +02:00