recipe bugfix

This commit is contained in:
Joachim Stolberg 2019-08-18 23:16:13 +02:00
parent a2e5a6e59d
commit eaca058b2c

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@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ techage.furnace = {}
local function all_ingredients_available(output, ingr)
for _,item in ipairs(Recipes[output].input) do
if Recipes[output] then
for idx,recipe in ipairs(Recipes[output]) do
local not_in_list = false
for _,item in ipairs(recipe.input) do
if not techage.in_list(ingr, item) then
return false
not_in_list = true
if not_in_list == false then
return idx -- list number of the recipe
return true
-- Return a list with all outputs of the given list of ingredients
@ -67,7 +74,6 @@ end
-- move recipe src items to output inventory
local function process(inv, recipe, output)
local res
-- check if all ingredients are available
for _,item in ipairs(recipe.input) do
if not inv:contains_item("src", item) then
@ -89,10 +95,10 @@ function techage.furnace.smelting(pos, mem, elapsed)
local inv = M(pos):get_inventory()
local state = techage.RUNNING
if inv and not inv:is_empty("src") then
if not mem.output then
if not mem.output or not mem.num_recipe then
return techage.FAULT
local recipe = Recipes[mem.output]
local recipe = Recipes[mem.output][mem.num_recipe]
if not recipe then
return techage.FAULT
@ -122,6 +128,7 @@ function techage.furnace.get_output(mem, ingr, idx)
local tbl = get_recipes(ingr)
idx = range(idx, 1, #tbl)
mem.output = tbl[idx] or tbl[1]
mem.num_recipe = all_ingredients_available(mem.output, ingr)
return mem.output
@ -148,11 +155,15 @@ function techage.furnace.register_recipe(recipe)
local output = words[1]
local number = tonumber(words[2] or 1)
table.insert(KeyList, output)
Recipes[output] = {
--print(recipe.output, dump(recipe.recipe))
if not Recipes[output] then
Recipes[output] = {}
table.insert(Recipes[output], {
input = recipe.recipe,
number = number,
time = math.max((recipe.time or 3) * number, 2),
for _,item in ipairs(recipe.recipe) do
if Ingredients[item] then
techage.add_to_set(Ingredients[item], output)