# Techage API Functions Techage API function to adapt/prepare techage for other mods/games. ## Move/Fly Controller Register node names for nodes allowed to be moved by fly/move controllers. This is only necessary for undiggable/intelligent nodes with one of the following attributes: - ```drop = ""``` - ```diggable = false``` - ```after_dig_node ~= nil``` ```lua techage.register_simple_nodes(node_names, is_valid) ``` - `is_valid = true` - Add node to the list of simple nodes - `is_valid = false` - Remove node from the list of simple nodes Example: ```lua techage.register_simple_nodes({"techage:power_lineS"}, true) ``` For door nodes used as sliding doors by means of the move controller, call in addition: ```lua techage.flylib.protect_door_from_being_opened(node_name) ``` ## TA1 Hammer Register stone/gravel name pair for the hammer blow: ```lua techage.register_stone_gravel_pair(stone_name, gravel_name) ``` Example: ```lua techage.register_stone_gravel_pair("default:stone", "default:gravel") ``` ## TA1 Melting Pot Register a pot recipe: ```lua techage.ironage_register_recipe(recipe) ``` Examples: ```lua techage.ironage_register_recipe({ output = "default:obsidian", recipe = {"default:cobble"}, heat = 10, -- Corresponds to the tower height time = 8, -- Cooking time in seconds }) techage.ironage_register_recipe({ output = "default:bronze_ingot 4", recipe = {"default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot", "default:tin_ingot"}, heat = 4, -- Corresponds to the tower height time = 8, -- Cooking time in seconds }) ``` ## TA2/TA3/TA4 Autocrafter Register any nodes/items that should not be crafted via the autocrafter. ```lua techage.register_uncraftable_items(item_name) ``` ## TA2/TA3/TA4 Gravel Sieve Change the probability of ores or register new ores for sieving. ```lua techage.register_ore_for_gravelsieve(ore_name, probability) ``` Example: ```lua techage.register_ore_for_gravelsieve("default:iron_lump", 30) ``` Default values for MTG are: ```lua -- higher value means less frequent occurrence techage:baborium_lump 100000 -- hardly ever default:mese_crystal 548 -- every 548th time default:gold_lump 439 default:tin_lump 60 default:diamond 843 default:copper_lump 145 default:coal_lump 11 default:iron_lump 15 ``` ## TA2/TA3/TA4 Gravel Rinser Add a rinser recipe. ```lua techage.add_rinser_recipe(recipe) ``` Example: ```lua techage.add_rinser_recipe({input = "techage:sieved_gravel", output = "techage:usmium_nuggets", probability = 30}) ``` ## TA2/TA3/TA4 Grinder Add a grinder recipe. ```lua techage.add_grinder_recipe(recipe, ta1_permitted) ``` Examples: ```lua echage.add_grinder_recipe({input = "default:cobble", output = "default:gravel"}) techage.add_grinder_recipe({input = "default:sandstone", output = "default:sand 4"}) ``` ## TA3/TA4 Electronic Fab, TA4 Doser Add recipes to an electronic fab or doser (chemical reactor): ```lua techage.recipes.add(rtype, recipe) ``` `rtype` is one of: `ta2_electronic_fab` , `ta4_doser` A recipe look like: ``` { output = "<item-name> <units>", -- units = 1..n waste = "<item-name> <units>", -- units = 1..n input = { -- up to 4 items "<item-name> <units>", "<item-name> <units>", }, } ``` Examples: ```lua techage.recipes.add("ta2_electronic_fab", { output = "techage:vacuum_tube 2", waste = "basic_materials:empty_spool 1", input = {"default:glass 1", "basic_materials:copper_wire 1", "basic_materials:plastic_sheet 1", "techage:usmium_nuggets 1"} }) techage.recipes.add("ta4_doser", { output = "techage:naphtha 1", input = { "techage:fueloil 1", }, catalyst = "techage:gibbsite_powder", }) ``` ## TA3 Furnace Register recipe: ```lua techage.furnace.register_recipe(recipe) ``` Example: ```lua techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "default:bronze_ingot 4", recipe = {"default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot", "default:tin_ingot"}, time = 2, -- in seconds }) ```