--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019 Joachim Stolberg LGPLv2.1+ See LICENSE.txt for more information Main module for the in-game TA1 documentation ]]-- local S = techage.S techage.register_category_page("ta1", "Iron Age (TA1)", S("Iron Age is the first level of the available four technic stages.@n".. "The goal of TA1 is to collect and craft enough Iron Ingots@n".. "to be able to build machines for stage 2 (TA2).@n".. "1. You have to collect dirt and wood to build a Coal Pile.@n".. " (The Coal Pile is needed to produce charcoal)@n".. "2. Build a Coal Burner to melt iron to iron ingots.@n".. "3. Craft a Gravel Sieve and collect gravel.@n".. " (A Hammer can be used to smash cobble to gravel)@n".. "4. Sieve the gravel to get the necessary ores or go mining."), "techage:iron_ingot", {"coalpile", "burner", "meltingpot", "lighter", "meridium", "iron", "hammer", "sieve", "hopper"} )