--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019 Joachim Stolberg LGPLv2.1+ See LICENSE.txt for more information TA2/TA3/TA4 Pusher Simple node for push/pull operation of StackItems from chests or other inventory/server nodes to tubes or other inventory/server nodes. +--------+ / /| +--------+ | IN (L) -->| |X--> OUT (R) | PUSHER | + | |/ +--------+ ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local P = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta -- Techage Related Data local TRD = function(pos) return (minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] or {}).techage end local TRDN = function(node) return (minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] or {}).techage end -- Load support for intllib. local MP = minetest.get_modpath("techage") local I,_ = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua") local STANDBY_TICKS = 10 local COUNTDOWN_TICKS = 10 local CYCLE_TIME = 2 local function pushing(pos, trd, meta, mem) local pull_dir = meta:get_int("pull_dir") local push_dir = meta:get_int("push_dir") local items = techage.pull_items(pos, pull_dir, trd.num_items) if items ~= nil then if techage.push_items(pos, push_dir, items) ~= true then -- place item back techage.unpull_items(pos, pull_dir, items) trd.State:blocked(pos, mem) return end trd.State:keep_running(pos, mem, COUNTDOWN_TICKS) return end trd.State:idle(pos, mem) end local function keep_running(pos, elapsed) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) local trd = TRD(pos) pushing(pos, trd, M(pos), mem) return trd.State:is_active(mem) end local function on_rightclick(pos, node, clicker) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) if not minetest.is_protected(pos, clicker:get_player_name()) then print("on_rightclick", TRD(pos).State:is_active(mem), mem.techage_state) if TRD(pos).State:is_active(mem) then TRD(pos).State:stop(pos, mem) else TRD(pos).State:start(pos, mem) end end end local function after_dig_node(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) techage.remove_node(pos) TRDN(oldnode).State:after_dig_node(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) end local tiles = {} -- '#' will be replaced by the stage number -- '{power}' will be replaced by the power PNG tiles.pas = { "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#_top.png^techage_appl_arrow.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_outp.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_inp.png", "techage_appl_pusher.png^[transformR180]^techage_frame_ta#.png", "techage_appl_pusher.png^techage_frame_ta#.png", } tiles.act = { -- up, down, right, left, back, front "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#_top.png^techage_appl_arrow.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_outp.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_inp.png", { image = "techage_appl_pusher14.png^[transformR180]^techage_frame14_ta#.png", backface_culling = false, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 32, aspect_h = 32, length = 2.0, }, }, { image = "techage_appl_pusher14.png^techage_frame14_ta#.png", backface_culling = false, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 32, aspect_h = 32, length = 2.0, }, }, } tiles.def = { -- up, down, right, left, back, front "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#_top.png^techage_appl_arrow.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_outp.png^techage_appl_defect.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_inp.png^techage_appl_defect.png", "techage_appl_pusher.png^[transformR180]^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_defect.png", "techage_appl_pusher.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_defect.png", } local tubing = { is_pusher = true, -- is a pulling/pushing node on_recv_message = function(pos, topic, payload) local resp = TRD(pos).State:on_receive_message(pos, topic, payload) if resp then return resp else return "unsupported" end end, on_node_load = function(pos) TRD(pos).State:on_node_load(pos) end, on_node_repair = function(pos) return TRD(pos).State:on_node_repair(pos) end, } local node_name_ta2, node_name_ta3, node_name_ta4 = techage.register_consumer("pusher", I("Pusher"), tiles, { cycle_time = CYCLE_TIME, standby_ticks = STANDBY_TICKS, has_item_meter = true, aging_factor = 10, tubing = tubing, after_place_node = function(pos, placer) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) local meta = M(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) meta:set_int("pull_dir", techage.side_to_outdir("L", node.param2)) meta:set_int("push_dir", techage.side_to_outdir("R", node.param2)) end, on_rightclick = on_rightclick, after_dig_node = after_dig_node, node_timer = keep_running, on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow, groups = {choppy=2, cracky=2, crumbly=2}, is_ground_content = false, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), num_items = {0,2,6,18}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = node_name_ta2.." 2", recipe = { {"group:wood", "wool:dark_green", "group:wood"}, {"techage:tubeS", "default:mese_crystal", "techage:tubeS"}, {"group:wood", "techage:iron_ingot", "group:wood"}, }, })