--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information TA3 Power Terminal ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local S2P = minetest.string_to_pos local P2S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local M = minetest.get_meta local N = function(pos) return minetest.get_node(pos).name end local S = techage.S local CYCLE_TIME = 2 local Cable = techage.ElectricCable local power = techage.power local networks = techage.networks local STOPPED = techage.power.STOPPED local NOPOWER = techage.power.NOPOWER local RUNNING = techage.power.RUNNING local function generator_data(gen_tbl) local tbl = { pow_all=0, pow_on=0, pow_act=0, pow_used=0, num_on=0, num_act=0, num_used=0 } for i,gen in ipairs(gen_tbl or {}) do local nvm = techage.get_nvm(gen.pos) tbl.pow_all = tbl.pow_all + (gen.nominal or 0) if nvm.ele1 and nvm.ele1.gstate and nvm.ele1.gstate ~= STOPPED then tbl.num_on = tbl.num_on + 1 tbl.pow_on = tbl.pow_on + (nvm.ele1.curr_power or gen.nominal or 0) if (nvm.ele1.galive or 0) > 0 then tbl.num_act = tbl.num_act + 1 tbl.pow_act = tbl.pow_act + (nvm.ele1.curr_power or gen.nominal or 0) if (nvm.ele1.given or 0) > 0 then tbl.num_used = tbl.num_used + 1 tbl.pow_used = tbl.pow_used + (nvm.ele1.given or 0) end end end end tbl.num_all = #(gen_tbl or {}) return tbl end local function consumer_data(con_tbl) local tbl = { pow_all=0, pow_on=0, pow_act=0, pow_used=0, num_on=0, num_act=0, num_used=0 } for i,gen in ipairs(con_tbl or {}) do local nvm = techage.get_nvm(gen.pos) tbl.pow_all = tbl.pow_all + (gen.nominal or 0) if nvm.ele1 and nvm.ele1.cstate and nvm.ele1.cstate ~= STOPPED then tbl.num_on = tbl.num_on + 1 tbl.pow_on = tbl.pow_on + (gen.nominal or 0) if (nvm.ele1.calive or 0) > 0 then tbl.num_act = tbl.num_act + 1 tbl.pow_act = tbl.pow_act + (gen.nominal or 0) if (nvm.ele1.taken or 0) > 0 then tbl.num_used = tbl.num_used + 1 tbl.pow_used = tbl.pow_used + (nvm.ele1.taken or 0) end end end end tbl.num_all = #(con_tbl or {}) return tbl end local function calc_network_data(pos, nvm) local netw = techage.networks.has_network("ele1", nvm.ele1 and nvm.ele1.netID) or {} local gen1 = generator_data(netw.gen1) local gen2 = generator_data(netw.gen2) local con1 = consumer_data(netw.con1) local con2 = consumer_data(netw.con2) return netw, gen1, gen2, con1, con2 end local function column(x,y, data) return "label["..x..","..(y+0.0)..";"..data.num_all.. " ("..data.pow_all.." ku)]".. "label["..x..","..(y+0.5)..";"..data.num_on.. " ("..data.pow_on.." ku)]".. "label["..x..","..(y+1.0)..";"..data.num_act.. " ("..data.pow_act.." ku)]".. "label["..x..","..(y+1.5)..";"..data.num_used.." ("..data.pow_used.." ku)]" end local function get_state(netw, gen1, gen2, con1, con2) local num_nodes = gen1.num_all + gen2.num_all + con1.num_all + con2.num_all + (#(netw.junc or {})) + (#(netw.term or {})) local nload = (gen1.pow_act + gen2.pow_act) / con1.pow_act local state = S("Number of all nodes")..": ".. num_nodes if not netw.gen1 and not netw.gen2 then state = S("No network or active generator available!") elseif num_nodes > (techage.ELE1_MAX_CABLE_LENGHT - 50) then state = string.format(S("With %u of a maximum of %u blocks you are almost at the limit!"), num_nodes, techage.ELE1_MAX_CABLE_LENGHT) elseif nload <= 1.0 then state = S("The network is overloaded!") elseif nload < 1.2 then state = S("The network load is almost at the limit!") end return state end local function formspec(pos, nvm) local netw, gen1, gen2, con1, con2 = calc_network_data(pos, nvm) netw.prop = ((netw.prop or 0) + 1) % 2 local star = netw.prop == 1 and "*" or "" local state = get_state(netw, gen1, gen2, con1, con2) return "size[10,7]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. "box[0,-0.1;9.8,0.5;#c6e8ff]".. "label[4,-0.1;"..minetest.colorize( "#000000", S("Network Data")).."]".. "label[9.5,-0.1;"..minetest.colorize( "#000000", star).."]".. power.formspec_label_bar(0, 0.7, S("Genera. 1"), gen1.pow_act, gen1.pow_used).. power.formspec_label_bar(2.5, 0.7, S("Genera. 2"), gen2.pow_act, gen2.pow_used).. power.formspec_label_bar(5, 0.7, S("Consum. 2"), con2.pow_act, con2.pow_used).. power.formspec_label_bar(7.5, 0.7, S("Consum. 1"), con1.pow_act, con1.pow_used).. "box[0,4.3;9.8,0.4;#c6e8ff]".. "box[0,4.85;9.8,0.4;#395c74]".. "box[0,5.35;9.8,0.4;#395c74]".. "box[0,5.85;9.8,0.4;#395c74]".. "box[0,6.35;9.8,0.4;#395c74]".. "label[2,4.3;"..minetest.colorize( "#000000", S("Genera. 1")).."]".. "label[4,4.3;"..minetest.colorize( "#000000", S("Genera. 2")).."]".. "label[6,4.3;"..minetest.colorize( "#000000", S("Consum. 2")).."]".. "label[8,4.3;"..minetest.colorize( "#000000", S("Consum. 1")).."]".. "label[0.1,4.8;"..S("All nodes:").."]".. "label[0.1,5.3;"..S("Turned on:").."]".. "label[0.1,5.8;"..S("Active:").."]".. "label[0.1,6.3;"..S("In use:").."]".. "box[0,6.95;9.8,0.4;#000000]".. "label[0.1,6.9;"..state.."]".. column(2, 4.8, gen1).. column(4, 4.8, gen2).. column(6, 4.8, con2).. column(8, 4.8, con1) end minetest.register_node("techage:power_terminal", { description = S("TA3 Power Terminal"), inventory_image = "techage_power_terminal_front.png", tiles = { "techage_power_terminal_top.png", "techage_power_terminal_top.png", "techage_power_terminal_side.png", "techage_power_terminal_side.png", "techage_power_terminal_back.png", "techage_power_terminal_front.png", }, drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -8/16, -8/16, 0/16, 8/16, 8/16, 8/16}, }, }, after_place_node = function(pos) local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos) M(pos):set_int("outdir", networks.side_to_outdir(pos, "B")) Cable:after_place_node(pos) M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec(pos, nvm)) end, after_dig_node = function(pos) Cable:after_dig_node(pos) techage.del_mem(pos) end, tubelib2_on_update2 = function(pos, outdir, tlib2, node) power.update_network(pos, outdir, tlib2) end, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker) techage.set_activeformspec(pos, clicker) minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(CYCLE_TIME) local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos) M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec(pos, nvm)) end, on_timer = function(pos, elapsed) local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos) if techage.is_activeformspec(pos) then M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec(pos, nvm)) end return true end, networks = { ele1 = { sides = {B = 1}, -- Cable connection side ntype = "term", }, }, paramtype2 = "facedir", paramtype = "light", on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow, sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = false, groups = {cracky = 2, level = 2}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) Cable:add_secondary_node_names({"techage:power_terminal"}) minetest.register_alias("techage:ta3_power_terminal", "techage:power_terminal")