--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Joachim Stolberg AGPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information Library for shared inventories ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local S2P = minetest.string_to_pos local P2S = minetest.pos_to_string local M = minetest.get_meta local S = techage.S techage.shared_inv = {} local hyperloop = techage.hyperloop local remote_pos = techage.hyperloop.remote_pos local function copy_inventory_list(from_pos, to_pos, listname) local inv1 = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=from_pos}) local inv2 = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=to_pos}) inv2:set_list(listname, inv1:get_list(listname)) end function techage.shared_inv.node_timer(pos, elapsed) local rmt_pos = remote_pos(pos) if techage.is_activeformspec(pos) then copy_inventory_list(rmt_pos, pos, "main") return true end return false end -- Synchronize the client inventory with the server one function techage.shared_inv.before_inv_access(pos, listname) print("before_inv_access", listname) if hyperloop.is_client(pos) then local rmt_pos = remote_pos(pos) copy_inventory_list(rmt_pos, pos, listname) return true end return false end -- Synchronize the client inventory with the server one function techage.shared_inv.after_inv_access(pos, listname) print("after_inv_access", listname) if hyperloop.is_client(pos) then local rmt_pos = remote_pos(pos) copy_inventory_list(pos, rmt_pos, listname) return true end return false end function techage.shared_inv.on_rightclick(pos, node, clicker) if hyperloop.is_client(pos) then copy_inventory_list(remote_pos(pos), pos, "main") techage.set_activeformspec(pos, clicker) end end