--[[ Techage ======= Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Joachim Stolberg AGPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information TA4 Terminal ]]-- local M = minetest.get_meta local S = techage.S local STR_LEN = 80 local HELP = [[#### TA4 Terminal #### Send commands to the connected machine and output text messages from the machine. Commands can have up to 80 characters. Local commands: - clear = clear screen - help = this message - pub = switch to public use - priv = switch to private use - connect <num> = connect the machine All other commands are machine dependent. ]] local function get_string(meta, num, default) local s = meta:get_string("bttn_text"..num) if not s or s == "" then return default end return s end local function formspec2(mem) mem.command = mem.command or "" mem.output = mem.output or "" local output = minetest.formspec_escape(mem.output) output = output:gsub("\n", ",") local command = minetest.formspec_escape(mem.command) local bttn_text1 = get_string(meta, 1, "User1") local bttn_text2 = get_string(meta, 2, "User2") local bttn_text3 = get_string(meta, 3, "User3") local bttn_text4 = get_string(meta, 4, "User4") local bttn_text5 = get_string(meta, 5, "User5") local bttn_text6 = get_string(meta, 6, "User6") local bttn_text7 = get_string(meta, 7, "User7") local bttn_text8 = get_string(meta, 8, "User8") local bttn_text9 = get_string(meta, 9, "User9") return "size[10,8]".. "style_type[table,field;font=mono]".. "button[0,0;3.3,1;bttn1;"..bttn_text1.."]button[3.3,0;3.3,1;bttn2;"..bttn_text2.."]button[6.6,0;3.3,1;bttn3;"..bttn_text3.."]".. "button[0,0.8;3.3,1;bttn4;"..bttn_text4.."]button[3.3,0.8;3.3,1;bttn5;"..bttn_text5.."]button[6.6,0.8;3.3,1;bttn6;"..bttn_text6.."]".. "button[0,1.6;3.3,1;bttn7;"..bttn_text7.."]button[3.3,1.6;3.3,1;bttn8;"..bttn_text8.."]button[6.6,1.6;3.3,1;bttn9;"..bttn_text9.."]".. "table[0,2.5;9.8,4.7;output;"..output..";200]".. "field[0.4,7.7;7.6,1;cmnd;;"..mem.command.."]" .. "field_close_on_enter[cmnd;false]".. "button[7.9,7.4;2,1;enter;"..S("Enter").."]" end local function output(pos, text) local mem = techage.get_mem(pos) mem.output = mem.output .. "\n" .. (text or "") mem.output = mem.output:sub(-500,-1) M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) end local function command(pos, mem, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local owner = meta:get_string("owner") if mem.command == "clear" then mem.output = "" mem.command = "" meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) elseif mem.command == "" then output(pos, ">") mem.command = "" meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) elseif mem.command == "help" then local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) mem.output = HELP mem.command = "" meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) elseif mem.command == "pub" and owner == player then meta:set_int("public", 1) output(pos, "> "..mem.command) mem.command = "" output(pos, "Switched to public use!") elseif mem.command == "priv" and owner == player then meta:set_int("public", 0) output(pos, "> "..mem.command) mem.command = "" output(pos, "Switched to private use!") elseif meta:get_int("public") == 1 or owner == player then if mem.command == "clear" then mem.output = mem.command = "" meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) end end end minetest.register_node("techage:ta4_terminal", { description = "TA4 Collider Terminal", tiles = { -- up, down, right, left, back, front 'techage_terminal1_top.png', 'techage_terminal1_bottom.png', 'techage_terminal1_side.png', 'techage_terminal1_side.png', 'techage_terminal1_bottom.png', "techage_terminal1_front.png", }, drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-12/32, -16/32, -8/32, 12/32, -14/32, 12/32}, {-12/32, -14/32, 12/32, 12/32, 6/32, 14/32}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-12/32, -16/32, -8/32, 12/32, -14/32, 12/32}, {-12/32, -14/32, 12/32, 12/32, 6/32, 14/32}, }, }, after_place_node = function(pos, placer) local number = techage.add_node(pos, minetest.get_node(pos).name) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", formspec1()) meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name()) meta:set_string("infotext", S("TA4 Collider Terminal") .. ": " .. S("not connected") end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local mem = techage.get_mem(pos) if fields.number and fields.number ~= "" then local owner = meta:get_string("owner") if techage.check_numbers(fields.number, owner) then local own_number = meta:get_string("own_number") if techage.send_single(own_number, fields.number, "connect") == true then meta:set_string("number", fields.number) meta:set_string("infotext", S("TA4 Collider Terminal") .. ": " .. S("connected with") .. " " .. fields.number) meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) end end elseif (fields.enter or fields.key_enter_field) and fields.cmnd then mem.command = string.sub(fields.cmnd, 1, STR_LEN) command(pos, mem, player:get_player_name()) elseif fields.key_up then mem.command = pdp13.historybuffer_priv(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) elseif fields.key_down then mem.command = pdp13.historybuffer_next(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) end end, after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata) techage.remove_node(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata) end, paramtype = "light", use_texture_alpha = techage.CLIP, sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {choppy=2, cracky=2, crumbly=2}, is_ground_content = false, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "techage:ta4_terminal", recipe = { {"", "techage:ta4_display", ""}, {"dye:black", "techage:ta4_wlanchip", "default:copper_ingot"}, {"", "techage:aluminum", ""}, }, }) techage.register_node({"techage:ta4_terminal"}, { on_recv_message = function(pos, src, topic, payload) if topic == "term" then output(pos, payload) return true elseif topic == "clear" then local mem = techage.get_mem(pos) mem.output = "" mem.command = "" M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec2(mem)) return true end end, })