--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information Data storage system for node related volatile and non-volatile data. Non-volatile data is stored from time to time and at shutdown. Volatile data is lost at every shutdown. ]]-- local NvmStore = {} -- non-volatile data cache local MemStore = {} -- volatile data cache local N = function(pos) print(minetest.pos_to_string(pos), minetest.get_node(pos).name) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Backend ------------------------------------------------------------------- local MP = minetest.get_modpath("techage") local techage_use_sqlite = minetest.settings:get_bool('techage_use_sqlite', false) local backend if techage_use_sqlite then backend = dofile(MP .. "/basis/nodedata_sqlite.lua") else backend = dofile(MP .. "/basis/nodedata_meta.lua") end -- return keys for mapblock and inner-mapblock addressing based on the node position local function get_keys(pos) local kx1, kx2 = math.floor(pos.x / 16) + 2048, pos.x % 16 local ky1, ky2 = math.floor(pos.y / 16) + 2048, pos.y % 16 local kz1, kz2 = math.floor(pos.z / 16) + 2048, pos.z % 16 return kx1 * 4096 * 4096 + ky1 * 4096 + kz1, kx2 * 16 * 16 + ky2 * 16 + kz2 end local function pos_from_key(key1, key2) local x1 = (math.floor(key1 / (4096 * 4096)) - 2048) * 16 local y1 = ((math.floor(key1 / 4096) % 4096) - 2048) * 16 local z1 = ((key1 % 4096) - 2048) * 16 local x2 = math.floor(key2 / (16 * 16)) local y2 = math.floor(key2 / 16) % 16 local z2 = key2 % 16 return {x = x1 + x2, y = y1 + y2, z = z1 + z2} end local function debug(key1, item) --local pos1 = pos_from_key(key1, 0) --local pos2 = {x = pos1.x + 15, y = pos1.y + 15, z = pos1.z + 15} --techage.mark_region("mapblock", pos1, pos2, "singleplayer", 5) local cnt = 0 for key2, tbl in pairs(item) do if key2 ~= "in_use" then cnt = cnt + 1 --N(pos_from_key(key1, key2)) end end print("mapblock", string.format("%09X", key1), cnt.." nodes") end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Storage scheduler ------------------------------------------------------------------- local CYCLE_TIME = 900 -- store data every 15 min local JobQueue = {} local first = 0 local last = -1 local SystemTime = 0 local function push(key) last = last + 1 JobQueue[last] = {key = key, time = SystemTime + CYCLE_TIME} end local function pop() if first > last then return end local item = JobQueue[first] if item.time <= SystemTime then JobQueue[first] = nil -- to allow garbage collection first = first + 1 return item.key end end -- check every 100 msec if any data has to be stored minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) SystemTime = SystemTime + dtime local key = pop() if key and NvmStore[key] then --debug(key, NvmStore[key]) local t = minetest.get_us_time() if NvmStore[key].in_use then NvmStore[key].in_use = nil backend.store_mapblock_data(key, NvmStore[key]) push(key) else NvmStore[key] = nil -- remove unused data from cache end t = minetest.get_us_time() - t if t > 10000 then minetest.log("warning", "[TA Storage] duration = "..(t/1000.0).." ms") end end end) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Store/Restore NVM data ------------------------------------------------------------------- NvmStore = backend.restore_at_startup() minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() backend.freeze_at_shutdown(NvmStore) end) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns volatile node data as table function techage.get_mem(pos) local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) if not MemStore[hash] then MemStore[hash] = {} end return MemStore[hash] end -- Returns non-volatile node data as table function techage.get_nvm(pos) local key1, key2 = get_keys(pos) if not NvmStore[key1] then NvmStore[key1] = backend.get_mapblock_data(key1) push(key1) end local block = NvmStore[key1] block.in_use = true if not block[key2] then block[key2] = backend.get_node_data(pos) end return block[key2] end function techage.peek_nvm(pos) local key1, key2 = get_keys(pos) local block = NvmStore[key1] or {} return block[key2] or {} end -- To be called when a node is removed function techage.del_mem(pos) local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) MemStore[hash] = nil local key1, key2 = get_keys(pos) NvmStore[key1] = NvmStore[key1] or backend.get_mapblock_data(key1) NvmStore[key1][key2] = nil backend.store_mapblock_data(key1, NvmStore[key1]) end