built on 13/09/2020 13:24:06

This commit is contained in:
Joachim Stolberg 2020-09-13 13:24:06 +02:00
parent 323d160ccf
commit 553cedb06b
48 changed files with 775 additions and 268 deletions

View File

@ -116,4 +116,5 @@ History
2020-06-14 v1.06 API changed and chat command added
2020-06-27 v1.07 Route storage and cart command bugfixes
2020-07-24 V1.08 Adapted to new techage ICTA style
2020-08-14 V1.09 Hopper support for digtron, protector:chest and default:furnace added

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
minecart = {}
-- Version for compatibility checks, see readme.md/history
minecart.version = 1.08
minecart.version = 1.09
minecart.hopper_enabled = minetest.settings:get_bool("minecart_hopper_enabled") ~= false
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ dofile(MP.."/protection.lua")
if minecart.hopper_enabled then
minetest.log("info", "[MOD] Minecart loaded")

View File

@ -147,6 +147,8 @@ function minecart.take_items(pos, param2, num)
if def and inv and def.take_listname and (not def.allow_take or def.allow_take(npos, nil, owner)) then
return minecart.inv_take_items(inv, def.take_listname, num)
elseif def and def.take_item then
return def.take_item(npos, num, owner)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if ndef and ndef.minecart_hopper_takeitem then
@ -166,6 +168,8 @@ function minecart.put_items(pos, param2, stack)
if leftover:get_count() > 0 then
return leftover
elseif def and def.put_item then
return def.put_item(npos, stack, owner)
elseif is_air_like(node.name) or check_cart_for_loading(npos) then
minetest.add_item(npos, stack)
@ -191,8 +195,10 @@ function minecart.untake_items(pos, param2, stack)
local def = RegisteredInventories[node.name]
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=npos})
if def then
return inv and inv:add_item(def.put_listname, stack)
if def and inv and def.put_listname then
return inv:add_item(def.put_listname, stack)
elseif def and def.untake_item then
return def.untake_item(npos, stack)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if ndef and ndef.minecart_hopper_untakeitem then
@ -230,6 +236,9 @@ function minecart.register_inventory(node_names, def)
put_listname = def.put and def.put.listname,
allow_take = def.take and def.take.allow_inventory_take,
take_listname = def.take and def.take.listname,
put_item = def.put and def.put.put_item,
take_item = def.take and def.take.take_item,
untake_item = def.take and def.take.untake_item,
@ -272,32 +281,6 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
return false
minecart.register_inventory({"default:chest", "default:chest_open"}, {
put = {
listname = "main",
take = {
listname = "main",
minecart.register_inventory({"default:chest_locked", "default:chest_locked_open"}, {
put = {
allow_inventory_put = function(pos, stack, player_name)
local owner = M(pos):get_string("owner")
return owner == player_name
listname = "main",
take = {
allow_inventory_take = function(pos, stack, player_name)
local owner = M(pos):get_string("owner")
return owner == player_name
listname = "main",
minecart.register_inventory({"minecart:hopper"}, {
put = {
allow_inventory_put = function(pos, stack, player_name)

minecart/mods_support.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Joachim Stolberg
See license.txt for more information
Wrapper functions to get hopper support for other mods
-- for lazy programmers
local M = minetest.get_meta
local CacheForFuelNodeNames = {}
local function is_fuel(stack)
local name = stack:get_name()
if CacheForFuelNodeNames[name] then
return true
if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 then
CacheForFuelNodeNames[name] = true
return CacheForFuelNodeNames[name]
-- default
minecart.register_inventory({"default:chest", "default:chest_open"}, {
put = {
listname = "main",
take = {
listname = "main",
minecart.register_inventory({"default:chest_locked", "default:chest_locked_open"}, {
put = {
allow_inventory_put = function(pos, stack, player_name)
local owner = M(pos):get_string("owner")
return owner == player_name
listname = "main",
take = {
allow_inventory_take = function(pos, stack, player_name)
local owner = M(pos):get_string("owner")
return owner == player_name
listname = "main",
minecart.register_inventory({"default:furnace", "default:furnace_active"}, {
put = {
-- distinguish between fuel and other items
put_item = function(pos, stack, player_name)
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
local listname = is_fuel(stack) and "fuel" or "src"
local leftover = inv:add_item(listname, stack)
if leftover:get_count() > 0 then
return leftover
take = {
-- fuel can't be taken
listname = "dst",
-- digtron
minecart.register_inventory({"digtron:inventory"}, {
put = {
listname = "main",
take = {
listname = "main",
minecart.register_inventory({"digtron:fuelstore"}, {
put = {
listname = "fuel",
take = {
listname = "fuel",
minecart.register_inventory({"digtron:combined_storage"}, {
put = {
-- distinguish between fuel and other items
put_item = function(pos, stack, player_name)
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
local listname = is_fuel(stack) and "fuel" or "main"
local leftover = inv:add_item(listname, stack)
if leftover:get_count() > 0 then
return leftover
take = {
-- fuel can't be taken
listname = "main",
-- protector
minecart.register_inventory({"protector:chest"}, {
put = {
listname = "main",
take = {
listname = "main",

View File

@ -32,18 +32,11 @@ function signs_bot.register_flower(name)
minetest.after(1, function()
for name,_ in pairs(minetest.registered_decorations) do
if type(name) == "string" then
for _,def in pairs(minetest.registered_decorations) do
local name = def.decoration
if name and type(name) == "string" then
local mod = string.split(name, ":")[1]
if mod == "flowers" then
for name,ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
if type(name) == "string" then
local mod = string.split(name, ":")[1]
if mod == "flowers" then
if mod == "flowers" or mod == "bakedclay" then -- Bakedclay also registers flowers as decoration.

View File

@ -147,12 +147,13 @@ end
register_command("repeat", 1,
function(base_pos, mem, cnt)
mem.Stack[#mem.Stack + 1] = cnt
mem.Stack[#mem.Stack + 1] = tonumber(cnt)
mem.Stack[#mem.Stack + 1] = mem.pc + 1
return api.DONE
return cnt and cnt > 0 and cnt < 1000
cnt = tonumber(cnt) or 0
return cnt > 0 and cnt < 1000

View File

@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("techage") then
local Cable = techage.ElectricCable
local power = techage.power
signs_bot.register_inventory({"techage:chest_ta2", "techage:chest_ta3", "techage:chest_ta4"}, {
signs_bot.register_inventory({"techage:chest_ta2", "techage:chest_ta3", "techage:chest_ta4",
"techage:ta3_silo", "techage:ta4_silo"}, {
allow_inventory_put = function(pos, stack, player_name)
return not minetest.is_protected(pos, player_name)
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("techage") then
and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_ignite then
return true
return signs_bot.DONE

View File

@ -77,6 +77,21 @@ Available worlds will be converted to 'lsqlite3', but there is no way back, so:
### History
**2020-09-13 V0.23**
- Pull request #26: Digtron Battery: Fix duplication bug (from Thomas-S)
- Improve ta4 sensor box
- Firebox: Add check for free space when placing the node
- Lua controller: Add 'get_gametime' function
- Pull request #27: Liquid Tanks: Add protection support (from Thomas-S)
- Fix pump issue (silo source items can disappear)
- Pull request #28: Quarry: Improve digging behaviour (from Thomas-S)
- Pull request #28: Battery: Store battery load as metadata (from Thomas-S)
- Pull request #29: Distributor: Keep item metadata (from Thomas-S)
**2020-08-08 V0.22**
- Pull request #25: Growlight: Improve flower registration (from Thomas-S)
- Add tube support for digtron chests and protector:chest
**2020-08-08 V0.21**
- Pull request #18: Add a simple Digtron battery (from Thomas-S)
- Pull request #23: Lua Controller: Fix $item_description() documentation and translation (from Thomas-S)

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@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ function techage.register_consumer(base_name, inv_name, tiles, tNode, validState
on_rightclick = tNode.on_rightclick,
after_place_node = after_place_node,
after_dig_node = after_dig_node,
preserve_metadata = tNode.preserve_metadata,
tubelib2_on_update2 = tubelib2_on_update2,
allow_metadata_inventory_put = tNode.allow_metadata_inventory_put,
allow_metadata_inventory_move = tNode.allow_metadata_inventory_move,

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@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ local function tubelib2_on_update2(pos, outdir, tlib2, node)
local function push_item(pos, filter, item_name, num_items, nvm)
local function push_item(pos, filter, itemstack, num_items, nvm)
local idx = 1
local num_pushed = 0
local num_ports = #filter
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ local function push_item(pos, filter, item_name, num_items, nvm)
num_of_trials = num_of_trials + 1
local push_dir = filter[randidx[idx]]
local num_to_push = math.min(amount, num_items - num_pushed)
if techage.push_items(pos, push_dir, ItemStack(item_name.." "..num_to_push)) then
if techage.push_items(pos, push_dir, itemstack:peek_item(num_to_push)) then
num_pushed = num_pushed + num_to_push
nvm.port_counter[push_dir] = (nvm.port_counter[push_dir] or 0) + num_to_push
@ -255,18 +255,19 @@ local function distributing(pos, inv, crd, nvm)
local item_name = stack:get_name()
local num_items = stack:get_count()
local num_to_push = math.min((nvm.num_items or crd.num_items) - sum_num_pushed, num_items)
local stack_to_push = stack:peek_item(num_to_push)
num_pushed = 0
if item_filter[item_name] then
-- Push items based on filter
num_pushed = push_item(pos, item_filter[item_name], item_name, num_to_push, nvm)
num_pushed = push_item(pos, item_filter[item_name], stack_to_push, num_to_push, nvm)
elseif blocking_mode and #open_ports > 0 then
-- Push items based on open ports
num_pushed = push_item(pos, open_ports, item_name, num_to_push, nvm)
num_pushed = push_item(pos, open_ports, stack_to_push, num_to_push, nvm)
if not blocking_mode and num_pushed == 0 and #open_ports > 0 then
-- Push items based on open ports
num_pushed = push_item(pos, open_ports, item_name, num_to_push, nvm)
num_pushed = push_item(pos, open_ports, stack_to_push, num_to_push, nvm)
sum_num_pushed = sum_num_pushed + num_pushed

View File

@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
Tube Library
Copyright (C) 2017 Joachim Stolberg
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Joachim Stolberg
GPL v3
See LICENSE.txt for more information
Tubelib support for chests and furnace
Tube support for default chests and furnace

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Joachim Stolberg
GPL v3
See LICENSE.txt for more information
Tube support for digtron and protector chests
-- for lazy programmers
local M = minetest.get_meta
local CacheForFuelNodeNames = {}
local function is_fuel(stack)
local name = stack:get_name()
if CacheForFuelNodeNames[name] then
return true
if minetest.get_craft_result({method="fuel", width=1, items={stack}}).time ~= 0 then
CacheForFuelNodeNames[name] = true
return CacheForFuelNodeNames[name]
-- digtron
techage.register_node({"digtron:inventory"}, {
on_pull_item = function(pos, in_dir, num)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.get_items(pos, inv, "main", num)
on_push_item = function(pos, in_dir, stack)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.put_items(inv, "main", stack)
on_unpull_item = function(pos, in_dir, stack)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.put_items(inv, "main", stack)
techage.register_node({"digtron:fuelstore"}, {
on_pull_item = function(pos, in_dir, num)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.get_items(pos, inv, "fuel", num)
on_push_item = function(pos, in_dir, stack)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.put_items(inv, "fuel", stack)
on_unpull_item = function(pos, in_dir, stack)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.put_items(inv, "fuel", stack)
techage.register_node({"digtron:combined_storage"}, {
on_pull_item = function(pos, in_dir, num)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.get_items(pos, inv, "main", num)
on_push_item = function(pos, side, stack)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
if is_fuel(stack) then
return techage.put_items(inv, "fuel", stack)
return techage.put_items(inv, "main", stack)
on_unpull_item = function(pos, side, stack)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.put_items(inv, "main", stack)
-- protector
techage.register_node({"protector:chest"}, {
on_pull_item = function(pos, in_dir, num)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.get_items(pos, inv, "main", num)
on_push_item = function(pos, in_dir, stack)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.put_items(inv, "main", stack)
on_unpull_item = function(pos, in_dir, stack)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return techage.put_items(inv, "main", stack)

View File

@ -157,23 +157,6 @@ local function mark_area(pos1, pos2, owner)
pos1.y = pos1.y - 0.2
local function peek_node(qpos)
local node = techage.get_node_lvm(qpos)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if techage.can_node_dig(node, ndef) then
return techage.dropped_node(node, ndef)
local function add_to_inv(pos, item_name)
local inv = M(pos):get_inventory()
if inv:room_for_item("main", item_name) then
inv:add_item("main", item_name)
return true
return false
local function quarry_task(pos, crd, nvm)
nvm.start_level = nvm.start_level or 0
nvm.quarry_depth = nvm.quarry_depth or 1
@ -182,6 +165,30 @@ local function quarry_task(pos, crd, nvm)
local y_last = y_first - nvm.quarry_depth + 1
local facedir = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
local owner = M(pos):get_string("owner")
local fake_player = techage.Fake_player:new()
fake_player.get_pos = function (...)
return pos
fake_player.get_inventory = function(...)
return M(pos):get_inventory()
local add_to_inv = function(itemstacks)
local at_least_one_added = false
local inv = M(pos):get_inventory()
if #itemstacks == 0 then
return true
for _,stack in ipairs(itemstacks) do
if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then
inv:add_item("main", stack)
at_least_one_added = true
elseif at_least_one_added then
minetest.add_item({x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}, stack)
return at_least_one_added
local pos1, pos2 = get_corner_positions(pos, facedir, nvm.hole_diameter)
nvm.level = 1
@ -203,14 +210,13 @@ local function quarry_task(pos, crd, nvm)
for zoffs = 1, nvm.hole_diameter do
for xoffs = 1, nvm.hole_diameter do
local qpos = get_quarry_pos(pos1, xoffs, zoffs)
local item_name = peek_node(qpos)
if item_name then
if add_to_inv(pos, item_name) then
crd.State:keep_running(pos, nvm, COUNTDOWN_TICKS)
crd.State:blocked(pos, nvm, S("inventory full"))
local dig_state = techage.dig_like_player(qpos, fake_player, add_to_inv)
if dig_state == techage.dig_states.INV_FULL then
crd.State:blocked(pos, nvm, S("inventory full"))
elseif dig_state == techage.dig_states.DUG then
crd.State:keep_running(pos, nvm, COUNTDOWN_TICKS)
@ -229,7 +235,10 @@ local function keep_running(pos, elapsed)
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
local crd = CRD(pos)
coroutine.resume(mem.co, pos, crd, nvm)
local _, err = coroutine.resume(mem.co, pos, crd, nvm)
if err then
minetest.log("error", "[TA4 Quarry Coroutine Error]" .. err)
if techage.is_activeformspec(pos) then
M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec(crd.State, pos, nvm))

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ local function check_space(pos, param2, AssemblyPlan, player_name)
local node = techage.get_node_lvm(pos1)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if not ndef or ndef.walkable and node.name ~= node_name then
if not ndef or not ndef.buildable_to and node.name ~= node_name then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("[TA] Not enough space!"))
return false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Joachim Stolberg
Copyright (C) 2020 Thomas S.
GPL v3
See LICENSE.txt for more information
Fake Player
-- Map method names to their return values
local methods = {
get_pos = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 },
set_pos = nil,
moveto = nil,
punch = nil,
right_click = nil,
get_hp = 20,
set_hp = nil,
get_inventory = nil,
get_wield_list = "",
get_wield_index = 0,
get_wielded_item = ItemStack(),
set_wielded_item = true,
set_armor_groups = nil,
get_armor_groups = {},
set_animation = nil,
get_animation = {},
set_animation_frame_speed = nil,
set_attach = nil,
get_attach = nil,
set_detach = nil,
get_bone_position = {},
set_properties = nil,
get_properties = {},
is_player = false,
get_nametag_attributes = {},
set_nametag_attributes = nil,
get_player_name = "",
get_player_velocity = nil,
add_player_velocity = nil,
get_look_dir = vector.new(0, 0, 1),
get_look_vertical = 0,
get_look_horizontal = 0,
set_look_vertical = nil,
set_look_horizontal = nil,
get_look_pitch = 0,
get_look_yaw = 0,
set_look_pitch = nil,
set_look_yaw = nil,
get_breath = 10,
set_breath = nil,
set_fov = nil,
get_fov = 0,
set_attribute = nil,
get_attribute = nil,
get_meta = nil,
set_inventory_formspec = nil,
get_inventory_formspec = "",
set_formspec_prepend = nil,
get_formspec_prepend = "",
get_player_control = {},
get_player_control_bits = 0,
set_physics_override = nil,
get_physics_override = {},
hud_add = 0,
hud_remove = nil,
hud_change = nil,
hud_get = {},
hud_set_flags = nil,
hud_get_flags = {},
hud_set_hotbar_itemcount = nil,
hud_get_hotbar_itemcount = 8,
hud_set_hotbar_image = nil,
hud_get_hotbar_image = "",
hud_set_hotbar_selected_image = nil,
hud_get_hotbar_selected_image = "",
set_sky = nil,
get_sky = {},
get_sky_color = {},
set_sun = nil,
get_sun = {},
set_moon = nil,
get_moon = {},
set_stars = nil,
get_stars = {},
set_clouds = nil,
get_clouds = {},
override_day_night_ratio = nil,
get_day_night_ratio = nil,
set_local_animation = nil,
get_local_animation = {},
set_eye_offset = nil,
get_eye_offset = {},
send_mapblock = nil,
techage.Fake_player = {}
techage.Fake_player.__index = techage.Fake_player
function techage.Fake_player:new()
local fake_player = {}
setmetatable(fake_player, techage.Fake_player)
return fake_player
for method_name, return_value in pairs(methods) do
techage.Fake_player[method_name] = function(self, ...)
return return_value

View File

@ -118,3 +118,34 @@ function techage.firebox.has_fuel(pos)
local items = inv:get_stack("fuel", 1)
return items:get_count() > 0
function techage.firebox.is_free_position(pos, player_name)
local pos2 = techage.get_pos(pos, 'F')
if minetest.is_protected(pos2, player_name) then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("[TA] Area is protected!"))
return false
local node = techage.get_node_lvm(pos2)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if not ndef or not ndef.buildable_to then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("[TA] Not enough space!"))
return false
return true
function techage.firebox.set_firehole(pos, on)
local param2 = techage.get_node_lvm(pos).param2
local pos2 = techage.get_pos(pos, 'F')
if on == true then
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="techage:coalfirehole_on", param2 = param2})
elseif on == false then
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="techage:coalfirehole", param2 = param2})
local node = techage.get_node_lvm(pos2)
if node.name == "techage:coalfirehole" or node.name == "techage:coalfirehole_on" then
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="air"})

View File

@ -142,6 +142,43 @@ function techage.can_node_dig(node, ndef)
return true
techage.dig_states = {
DUG = 3
-- Digs a node like a player would by utilizing a fake player object.
-- add_to_inv(itemstacks) is a method that should try to add the dropped stacks to an appropriate inventory.
-- The node will only be dug, if add_to_inv(itemstacks) returns true.
function techage.dig_like_player(pos, fake_player, add_to_inv)
local node = techage.get_node_lvm(pos)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if not ndef or ndef.diggable == false or (ndef.can_dig and not ndef.can_dig(pos, fake_player)) then
return techage.dig_states.NOT_DIGGABLE
local drop_as_strings = minetest.get_node_drops(node)
local drop_as_stacks = {}
for _,itemstring in ipairs(drop_as_strings) do
drop_as_stacks[#drop_as_stacks+1] = ItemStack(itemstring)
local meta = M(pos)
if ndef.preserve_metadata then
ndef.preserve_metadata(pos, node, meta, drop_as_stacks)
if add_to_inv(drop_as_stacks) then
local oldmeta = meta:to_table()
if ndef.after_dig_node then
ndef.after_dig_node(pos, node, oldmeta, fake_player)
return techage.dig_states.DUG
return techage.dig_states.INV_FULL
local function handle_drop(drop)
-- To keep it simple, return only the item with the lowest rarity
if drop.items then

View File

@ -203,6 +203,10 @@ local function empty_on_punch(pos, nvm, full_container, item_count)
function techage.liquid.on_punch(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing)
if minetest.is_protected(pos, puncher:get_player_name()) then
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
local mem = techage.get_mem(pos)
mem.blocking_time = mem.blocking_time or 0

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:tubeS", {
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy=2, cracky=3, stone=1},
groups = {choppy=2, cracky=3},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:tubeA", {
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy=2, cracky=3, stone=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
groups = {choppy=2, cracky=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
drop = "techage:tubeS",

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:ta4_tubeS", {
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy=2, cracky=3, stone=1},
groups = {choppy=2, cracky=3},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:ta4_tubeA", {
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {choppy=2, cracky=3, stone=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
groups = {choppy=2, cracky=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
drop = "techage:ta4_tubeS",

View File

@ -22,18 +22,6 @@ local firebox = techage.firebox
local CYCLE_TIME = 2
local function firehole(pos, on)
local param2 = techage.get_node_lvm(pos).param2
local pos2 = techage.get_pos(pos, 'F')
if on == true then
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="techage:coalfirehole_on", param2 = param2})
elseif on == false then
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="techage:coalfirehole", param2 = param2})
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="air"})
local function node_timer(pos, elapsed)
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
local power = techage.transfer(
@ -52,7 +40,7 @@ local function node_timer(pos, elapsed)
nvm.burn_cycles_total = nvm.burn_cycles
nvm.running = false
firehole(pos, false)
firebox.set_firehole(pos, false)
M(pos):set_string("formspec", firebox.formspec(nvm))
return false
@ -67,7 +55,7 @@ local function start_firebox(pos, nvm)
if not nvm.running then
nvm.running = true
node_timer(pos, 0)
firehole(pos, true)
firebox.set_firehole(pos, true)
@ -96,20 +84,25 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:coalfirebox", {
allow_metadata_inventory_take = firebox.allow_metadata_inventory_take,
on_rightclick = firebox.on_rightclick,
on_construct = function(pos)
techage.add_node(pos, "techage:coalfirebox")
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
nvm.running = false
nvm.burn_cycles = 0
local meta = M(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", firebox.formspec(nvm))
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size('fuel', 1)
firehole(pos, false)
after_place_node = function(pos, placer)
if firebox.is_free_position(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then
techage.add_node(pos, "techage:coalfirebox")
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
nvm.running = false
nvm.burn_cycles = 0
local meta = M(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", firebox.formspec(nvm))
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size('fuel', 1)
firebox.set_firehole(pos, false)
return true
on_destruct = function(pos)
firehole(pos, nil)
firebox.set_firehole(pos, nil)
on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player)

View File

@ -25,18 +25,6 @@ local liquid = techage.liquid
local CYCLE_TIME = 2
local function firehole(pos, on)
local param2 = techage.get_node_lvm(pos).param2
local pos2 = techage.get_pos(pos, 'F')
if on == true then
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="techage:coalfirehole_on", param2 = param2})
elseif on == false then
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="techage:coalfirehole", param2 = param2})
minetest.swap_node(pos2, {name="air"})
local function node_timer(pos, elapsed)
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
local power = techage.transfer(
@ -55,7 +43,7 @@ local function node_timer(pos, elapsed)
nvm.burn_cycles_total = nvm.burn_cycles
nvm.running = false
firehole(pos, false)
firebox.set_firehole(pos, false)
M(pos):set_string("formspec", fuel.formspec(nvm))
return false
@ -70,7 +58,7 @@ local function start_firebox(pos, nvm)
if not nvm.running and fuel.has_fuel(nvm) then
nvm.running = true
node_timer(pos, 0)
firehole(pos, true)
firebox.set_firehole(pos, true)
@ -98,21 +86,26 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:oilfirebox", {
on_rightclick = fuel.on_rightclick,
on_receive_fields = fuel.on_receive_fields,
on_construct = function(pos)
techage.add_node(pos, "techage:oilfirebox")
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
nvm.running = false
nvm.burn_cycles = 0
nvm.liquid = {}
nvm.liquid.amount = 0
local meta = M(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", fuel.formspec(nvm))
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
firehole(pos, false)
after_place_node = function(pos, placer)
if firebox.is_free_position(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then
techage.add_node(pos, "techage:oilfirebox")
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
nvm.running = false
nvm.burn_cycles = 0
nvm.liquid = {}
nvm.liquid.amount = 0
local meta = M(pos)
meta:set_string("formspec", fuel.formspec(nvm))
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
firebox.set_firehole(pos, false)
return true
on_destruct = function(pos)
firehole(pos, nil)
firebox.set_firehole(pos, nil)
on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing)

View File

@ -140,27 +140,21 @@ techage.register_consumer("digtron_battery", S("Digtron Battery"), { act = tiles
after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger)
local node = ItemStack(oldnode.name)
if oldmetadata.inventory then
local total = count_coal(oldmetadata)
local meta = node:get_meta()
preserve_metadata = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, drops)
local metadata = M(pos):to_table()
if metadata.inventory then
local total = count_coal(metadata)
local meta = drops[1]:get_meta()
meta:set_int("coal", total)
local text = S("Digtron Battery").." ("..math.floor(total/TOTAL_MAX * 100).." %)"
meta:set_string("description", text)
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=digger:get_player_name()})
local left_over = inv:add_item("main", node)
if left_over:get_count() > 0 then
minetest.add_item(pos, node)
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker)
techage.set_activeformspec(pos, clicker)
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec(CRD(pos).State, pos, nvm))
drop = "",
node_timer = keep_running,
on_receive_fields = on_receive_fields,
allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put,

View File

@ -1340,7 +1340,16 @@ techage.manual_DE.aText = {
"Die TA4 Sensor Kiste dient zum Aufbau von Automatischen Lagern oder Verkaufsautomaten. Sie hat erweitere Kommandos zur Fernsteuerung.\n"..
"Die TA4 Sensor Kiste dient zum Aufbau von Automatischen Lagern oder Verkaufsautomaten in Verbindung mit dem Lua Controller.\n"..
"Wird etwas in die Kiste gelegt\\, oder entnommen\\, oder eine der Tasten \"F1\"/\"F2\" gedrückt\\, so wird ein Event-Signal an den Lua Controller gesendet.\n"..
"Die Sensor Kiste unterstützt folgende Kommandos:\n"..
" - Über 'state = $read_data(<num>\\, \"state\")' kann der Status der Kiste abgefragt werden. Mögliche Antworten sind: \"empty\"\\, \"loaded\"\\, \"full\"\n"..
" - Über 'name\\, action = $read_data(<num>\\, \"action\")' kann die letzte Spieleraktion abgefragt werden. 'name' ist der Spielername\\, Als 'action' wird zurückgeliefert: \"put\"\\, \"take\"\\, \"f1\"\\, \"f2\".\n"..
" - Über 'stacks = $read_data(<num>\\, \"stacks\")' kann der Inhalt der Kiste ausgelesen werden. Siehe dazu: https://github.com/joe7575/techage/blob/master/manuals/ta4_lua_controller_EN.md#sensor-chest\n"..
" - Über '$send_cmnd(<num>\\, \"text\"\\, \"press both buttons andnput something into the chest\")' kann der Text im Menü der Sensor Kiste gesetzt werden.\n"..
"Über die Checkbox \"Erlaube öffentlichen Zugriff\" kann eingestellt werden\\, ob die Kiste von jedem genutzt werden darf\\, oder nur von Spielern die hier Zugriffsrechte haben.\n"..

View File

@ -1331,7 +1331,16 @@ techage.manual_EN.aText = {
"The TA4 sensor box is used to set up automatic warehouses or vending machines. It has additional commands for remote control.\n"..
"The TA4 sensor box is used to set up automatic warehouses or vending machines in conjunction with the Lua controller.\n"..
"If something is put into the box or removed\\, or one of the \"F1\" / \"F2\" keys is pressed\\, an event signal is sent to the Lua controller.\n"..
"The sensor box supports the following commands:\n"..
" - The status of the box can be queried via 'state = $read_data(<num>\\, \"state\")'. Possible answers are: \"empty\"\\, \"loaded\"\\, \"full\"\n"..
" - The last player action can be queried via 'name\\, action = $read_data(<num>\\, \"action\")'. 'name' is the player name. One of the following is returned as 'action': \"put\"\\, \"take\"\\, \"f1\"\\, \"f2\".\n"..
" - The contents of the box can be read out via 'stacks = $read_data(<num>\\, \"stacks\")'. See: https://github.com/joe7575/techage/blob/master/manuals/ta4_lua_controller_EN.md#sensor-chest\n"..
" - Via '$send_cmnd(<num>\\, \"text\"\\, \"press both buttons andnput something into the chest\")' the text can be set in the menu of the sensor box.\n"..
"The checkbox \"Allow public chest access\" can be used to set whether the box can be used by everyone or only by players who have access/protection rights here.\n"..
@ -1417,8 +1426,8 @@ techage.manual_EN.aText = {
"The TA4 pusher has two additional commands for the Lua controller:\n"..
" - 'config' is used to configure the pusher\\, analogous to manual configuration via the menu.\nExample: '$ send_cmnd(1234\\, \"config\"\\, \"default: dirt\")'\n"..
" - 'pull' is used to send an order to the pusher:\nExample: '$ send_cmnd(1234\\, \"pull\"\\, \"default: dirt 8\")'\nValues from 1 to 12 are permitted as numbers. Then the pusher goes back to 'stopped' mode and sends an\" off \"command back to the transmitter of the\" pull \"command.\n"..
" - 'config' is used to configure the pusher\\, analogous to manual configuration via the menu.\nExample: '$send_cmnd(1234\\, \"config\"\\, \"default: dirt\")'\n"..
" - 'pull' is used to send an order to the pusher:\nExample: '$send_cmnd(1234\\, \"pull\"\\, \"default: dirt 8\")'\nValues from 1 to 12 are permitted as numbers. Then the pusher goes back to 'stopped' mode and sends an\" off \"command back to the transmitter of the\" pull \"command.\n"..
@ -1449,7 +1458,7 @@ techage.manual_EN.aText = {
"The chest has an additional command for the Lua controller:\n"..
" - 'count' is used to request how many items are in the chest.\nExample 1: '$ read_data(CHEST\\, \"count\")' -> Sum of items across all 8 stores\nExample 2: '$ read_data(CHEST\\, \"count\"\\, 2)' -> number of items in store 2 (second from left)\n"..
" - 'count' is used to request how many items are in the chest.\nExample 1: '$read_data(CHEST\\, \"count\")' -> Sum of items across all 8 stores\nExample 2: '$read_data(CHEST\\, \"count\"\\, 2)' -> number of items in store 2 (second from left)\n"..

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
-- for lazy programmers
local M = minetest.get_meta
local S = techage.S
local logic = techage.logic
local BATTERY_CAPACITY = 10000000
local function calc_percent(content)
@ -36,73 +35,69 @@ local function on_timer(pos, elapsed)
return true
local function register_battery(ext, percent, nici)
minetest.register_node("techage:ta4_battery"..ext, {
description = S("Battery").." "..ext,
inventory_image = 'techage_battery_inventory.png',
wield_image = 'techage_battery_inventory.png',
tiles = {
-- up, down, right, left, back, front
minetest.register_alias("techage:ta4_battery75", "techage:ta4_battery")
minetest.register_alias("techage:ta4_battery50", "techage:ta4_battery")
minetest.register_alias("techage:ta4_battery25", "techage:ta4_battery")
minetest.register_node("techage:ta4_battery", {
description = S("Battery"),
inventory_image = 'techage_battery_inventory.png',
wield_image = 'techage_battery_inventory.png',
tiles = {
-- up, down, right, left, back, front
drawtype = "nodebox",
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{ -6/32, -6/32, 14/32, 6/32, 6/32, 16/32},
drawtype = "nodebox",
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{ -6/32, -6/32, 14/32, 6/32, 6/32, 16/32},
after_place_node = function(pos, placer)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_int("content", BATTERY_CAPACITY * percent)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
node.name = "techage:ta4_battery"
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
on_timer(pos, 1)
on_timer = on_timer,
after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger)
local percent = calc_percent(tonumber(oldmetadata.fields.content))
local stack
if percent > 95 then
stack = ItemStack("techage:ta4_battery")
elseif percent > 75 then
stack = ItemStack("techage:ta4_battery75")
elseif percent > 50 then
stack = ItemStack("techage:ta4_battery50")
elseif percent > 25 then
stack = ItemStack("techage:ta4_battery25")
after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
local content = BATTERY_CAPACITY
if itemstack then
local stack_meta = itemstack:get_meta()
if stack_meta then
-- This ensures that dug batteries of the old system are considered full.
local string_content = stack_meta:get_string("content")
if string_content ~= "" then
-- Batteries dug in the new system are handled correctly.
content = techage.in_range(stack_meta:get_int("content"), 0, BATTERY_CAPACITY)
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=digger:get_player_name()})
inv:add_item("main", stack)
M(pos):set_int("content", content)
on_timer(pos, 1)
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {choppy=1, cracky=1, crumbly=1, not_in_creative_inventory=nici},
drop = "",
is_ground_content = false,
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
on_timer = on_timer,
register_battery("", 1.0, 0)
register_battery("75", 0.75, 1)
register_battery("50", 0.5, 1)
register_battery("25", 0.25, 1)
preserve_metadata = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, drops)
local content = M(pos):get_int("content")
local meta = drops[1]:get_meta()
meta:set_int("content", content)
local percent = calc_percent(content)
local text = S("Digtron Battery").." ("..percent.." %)"
meta:set_string("description", text)
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {choppy=1, cracky=1, crumbly=1},
is_ground_content = false,
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
minetest.register_node("techage:ta4_battery_empty", {
description = S("Battery"),
@ -159,8 +154,7 @@ else
techage.register_node({"techage:ta4_battery", "techage:ta4_battery25",
"techage:ta4_battery50", "techage:ta4_battery75"},
on_node_load = function(pos)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
techage = {}
-- Version for compatibility checks, see readme.md/history
techage.version = 0.21
techage.version = 0.23
if minetest.global_exists("tubelib") then
minetest.log("error", "[techage] Techage can't be used together with the mod tubelib!")
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ end
-- Basis features
local MP = minetest.get_modpath("techage")
dofile(MP.."/basis/lib.lua") -- helper functions
dofile(MP.."/basis/fake_player.lua") -- dummy player object
dofile(MP.."/basis/gravel_lib.lua") -- ore probability
dofile(MP.."/basis/node_states.lua") -- state model
@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ dofile(MP.."/basic_machines/consumer.lua") -- consumer base model

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ local S = techage.S
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:hydrogen", {
description = S("TA4 Hydrogen"),
inventory_image = "techage_hydrogen_inv.png",
groups = {ta_liquid = 1},
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:cylinder_small_hydrogen", {

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ local S = techage.S
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:lye", {
description = S("Lye"),
inventory_image = "techage_liquid2_inv.png^[colorize:#7fd44c:120^techage_liquid1_inv.png",
groups = {ta_liquid = 1},
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:barrel_lye", {

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:oil_source", {
liquid_range = 10,
liquid_renewable = false,
post_effect_color = {a = 200, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1},
groups = {liquid = 5},
groups = {liquid = 5, ta_liquid = 1},
minetest.register_node("techage:oil_flowing", {

View File

@ -18,26 +18,31 @@ local S = techage.S
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:bitumen", {
description = S("TA3 Bitumen"),
inventory_image = "techage_liquid2_inv.png^[colorize:#000000",
groups = {ta_liquid = 1},
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:fueloil", {
description = S("TA3 Fuel Oil"),
inventory_image = "techage_liquid2_inv.png^[colorize:#7E5D0A:180^techage_liquid1_inv.png",
groups = {ta_liquid = 1},
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:naphtha", {
description = S("TA3 Naphtha"),
inventory_image = "techage_liquid2_inv.png^[colorize:#AAA820:180^techage_liquid1_inv.png",
groups = {ta_liquid = 1},
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:gasoline", {
description = S("TA3 Gasoline"),
inventory_image = "techage_liquid2_inv.png^[colorize:#EEFC52:180^techage_liquid1_inv.png",
groups = {ta_liquid = 1},
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:gas", {
description = S("TA3 Propane"),
inventory_image = "techage_gas_inv.png",
groups = {ta_liquid = 1},
minetest.register_craftitem("techage:ta3_cylinder_small_gas", {

View File

@ -138,10 +138,11 @@ function techage.register_plant(name)
minetest.after(1, function()
for name,_ in pairs(minetest.registered_decorations) do
if type(name) == "string" then
for _,def in pairs(minetest.registered_decorations) do
local name = def.decoration
if name and type(name) == "string" then
local mod = string.split(name, ":")[1]
if mod == "flowers" then
if mod == "flowers" or mod == "bakedclay" then -- Bakedclay also registers flowers as decoration.
@ -149,12 +150,8 @@ minetest.after(1, function()
for name,ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
if type(name) == "string" then
local mod = string.split(name, ":")[1]
if mod == "farming" then
if ndef.on_timer then -- probably a plant that still needs to grow
elseif mod == "flowers" then
if mod == "farming" and ndef.on_timer then -- probably a plant that still needs to grow

View File

@ -162,6 +162,17 @@ function liquid.take(pos, outdir, name, amount, player_name)
return taken, item_name
function liquid.untake(pos, outdir, name, amount, player_name)
for _,item in ipairs(get_network_table(pos, outdir, "tank")) do
local liquid = LQD(item.pos)
if liquid and liquid.untake then
amount = liquid.untake(item.pos, item.indir, name, amount)
if not amount or amount == 0 then break end
return amount or 0
-- Server local functions

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ local function pumping(pos, nvm, state, capa)
if taken > 0 then
local leftover = liquid.put(pos, outdir, name, taken, starter)
if leftover and leftover == taken then
liquid.put(pos, Flip[outdir], name, leftover)
liquid.untake(pos, Flip[outdir], name, leftover)
state:blocked(pos, nvm)

View File

@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ local function allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
return 0
-- check if it is powder
local ndef = minetest.registered_craftitems[stack:get_name()] or {}
if ndef.groups and ndef.groups.powder == 1 then
-- check if it is powder or techage liquid item (migration function)
local ndef = minetest.registered_craftitems[stack:get_name()] or
minetest.registered_items[stack:get_name()] or {}
if ndef.groups and (ndef.groups.powder == 1 or ndef.groups.ta_liquid == 1) then
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
nvm.item_name = nil
local inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory()
@ -125,6 +126,15 @@ local tLiquid = {
return 0
untake = function(pos, indir, name, amount)
local inv = M(pos):get_inventory()
local stack = ItemStack(name.." "..amount)
if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then
inv:add_item("main", stack)
return 0
return amount
local tNetworks = {

View File

@ -67,6 +67,15 @@ local function put_liquid(pos, indir, name, amount)
return amount
local function untake_liquid(pos, indir, name, amount)
local leftover = liquid.srv_put(pos, indir, name, amount)
if techage.is_activeformspec(pos) then
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
M(pos):set_string("formspec", liquid.formspec(pos, nvm))
return leftover
local networks_def = {
pipe2 = {
sides = techage.networks.AllSides, -- Pipe connection sides
@ -110,6 +119,7 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:ta3_tank", {
peek = liquid.srv_peek,
put = put_liquid,
take = take_liquid,
untake = untake_liquid,
networks = networks_def,
on_rightclick = on_rightclick,
@ -168,6 +178,7 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:oiltank", {
peek = liquid.srv_peek,
put = put_liquid,
take = take_liquid,
untake = untake_liquid,
networks = networks_def,
on_rightclick = on_rightclick,
@ -216,6 +227,7 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:ta4_tank", {
peek = liquid.srv_peek,
put = put_liquid,
take = take_liquid,
untake = untake_liquid,
networks = networks_def,
on_rightclick = on_rightclick,

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# textdomain: techage
ku is needed!)= ku wird benötigt!)
#### TA3 Terminal ####@n@nSend commands to your machines@nand output text messages from your@nmachines to the Terminal.@n@nCommand syntax:@n cmd <num> <cmnd>@n@nexample: cmd 181 on@n<num> is the number of the node to which the command is sent@n'on' is the command to turn machines/nodes on@nFurther commands can be retrieved by clicking on@nmachines/nodes with the Techage Info Tool.@n@nLocal commands:@n- clear @= clear screen@n- help @= this message@n- pub @= switch to public use@n- priv @= switch to private use@nTo program a user button with a command:@n set <button-num> <button-text> <command>@ne.g. 'set 1 ON cmd 123 on'@n=
Accu Box=Akkublock
All nodes:=Alle Blöcke:
Allow public chest access=Erlaube öffentlichen Zugriff
Allow to dig/place Techage power lines nearby power poles=Erlaubt TODO
Area already loaded or max. number of Forceload Blocks reached!=Bereich bereits geladen oder maximale Anzahl von Forceload Blöcken erreicht!
@ -429,6 +429,7 @@ inlet/pipe error=Einlass/Röhrenfehler
inventory full=Inventar ist voll
item output blocked=Ausgang blockiert
keep assignment=Zuordnung beibehalten
ku is needed=ku wird benötigt
needs power=benötigt Strom
@ -453,3 +454,4 @@ water temperature=Wassertemperatur
wrong catalyst=falscher Katalysator
wrong storage diameter=Falscher Wärmespeicher-Durchmesser
##### not used anymore #####

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
ku is needed!)=
#### TA3 Terminal ####@n@nSend commands to your machines@nand output text messages from your@nmachines to the Terminal.@n@nCommand syntax:@n cmd <num> <cmnd>@n@nexample: cmd 181 on@n<num> is the number of the node to which the command is sent@n'on' is the command to turn machines/nodes on@nFurther commands can be retrieved by clicking on@nmachines/nodes with the Techage Info Tool.@n@nLocal commands:@n- clear @= clear screen@n- help @= this message@n- pub @= switch to public use@n- priv @= switch to private use@nTo program a user button with a command:@n set <button-num> <button-text> <command>@ne.g. 'set 1 ON cmd 123 on'@n=
Accu Box=
All nodes:=
Allow public chest access=
Allow to dig/place Techage power lines nearby power poles=
Area already loaded or max. number of Forceload Blocks reached!=
@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ inlet/pipe error=
inventory full=
item output blocked=
keep assignment=
ku is needed=
needs power=

View File

@ -120,10 +120,18 @@ techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("get_ms_time", {
cmnd = function(self)
return math.floor(minetest.get_us_time() / 1000)
help = "$get_ms_time()\n"..
help = " ms = $get_ms_time()\n"..
" returns time with millisecond precision."
techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("get_gametime", {
cmnd = function(self)
return minetest.get_gametime()
help = " t = $get_gametime()\n"..
" returns the time, in seconds, since the world was created."
techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("position", {
cmnd = function(self, number)
local info = techage.get_node_info(number)
@ -132,7 +140,7 @@ techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("position", {
return "(-,-,-)"
help = "$position(number)\n"..
help = " pos = $position(number)\n"..
" returns the position '(x,y,z)' of the device\n with given number."
@ -144,7 +152,7 @@ techage.lua_ctlr.register_action("battery", {
local val = (BATTERY_CAPA - math.min(batmeta:get_int("content") or 0, BATTERY_CAPA))
return 100 - math.floor((val * 100.0 / BATTERY_CAPA))
help = " $battery()\n"..
help = " lvl = $battery()\n"..
" Get charge level of battery connected to Controller.\n"..
" Function returns percent number (0-100) where 100 means full.\n"..
" example: battery_percent = $battery()"

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ local function get_stacks(pos)
local function allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
if M(pos):get_string("public") ~= "true" and minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
return 0
store_action(pos, player, "put")
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ local function allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
local function allow_metadata_inventory_take(pos, listname, index, stack, player)
if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
if M(pos):get_string("public") ~= "true" and minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
return 0
store_action(pos, player, "take")
@ -93,12 +93,13 @@ local function after_dig_node(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger)
local function formspec1()
return "size[6,4]"..
return "size[5.5,4]"..
"field[0.5,1;5,1;number;TA4 Lua Controller number:;]" ..
"checkbox[0.5,1.8;public;"..S("Allow public chest access")..";false]"..
local function formspec2(pos)
@ -147,7 +148,15 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:ta4_sensor_chest", {
on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
local meta = M(pos)
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
if fields.number and fields.number ~= "" then
if meta:get_string("public") ~= "true" and minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
return 0
if fields.public then
meta:set_string("public", fields.public)
if fields.quit == "true" and fields.number and fields.number ~= "" then
local owner = meta:get_string("owner")
if techage.check_numbers(fields.number, owner) then
meta:set_string("number", fields.number)

View File

@ -386,7 +386,17 @@ Der Server dient zur zentralen Speicherung von Daten von mehreren Lua Controller
### TA4 Sensor Kiste/Chest
Die TA4 Sensor Kiste dient zum Aufbau von Automatischen Lagern oder Verkaufsautomaten. Sie hat erweitere Kommandos zur Fernsteuerung.
Die TA4 Sensor Kiste dient zum Aufbau von Automatischen Lagern oder Verkaufsautomaten in Verbindung mit dem Lua Controller.
Wird etwas in die Kiste gelegt, oder entnommen, oder eine der Tasten "F1"/"F2" gedrückt, so wird ein Event-Signal an den Lua Controller gesendet.
Die Sensor Kiste unterstützt folgende Kommandos:
- Über `state = $read_data(<num>, "state")` kann der Status der Kiste abgefragt werden. Mögliche Antworten sind: "empty", "loaded", "full"
- Über `name, action = $read_data(<num>, "action")` kann die letzte Spieleraktion abgefragt werden. `name` ist der Spielername, Als `action` wird zurückgeliefert: "put", "take", "f1", "f2".
- Über `stacks = $read_data(<num>, "stacks")` kann der Inhalt der Kiste ausgelesen werden. Siehe dazu: https://github.com/joe7575/techage/blob/master/manuals/ta4_lua_controller_EN.md#sensor-chest
- Über `$send_cmnd(<num>, "text", "press both buttons and\nput something into the chest")` kann der Text im Menü der Sensor Kiste gesetzt werden.
Über die Checkbox "Erlaube öffentlichen Zugriff" kann eingestellt werden, ob die Kiste von jedem genutzt werden darf, oder nur von Spielern die hier Zugriffsrechte haben.

View File

@ -388,7 +388,16 @@ The server is used for the central storage of data from several Lua controllers.
### TA4 Sensor Box / Chest
The TA4 sensor box is used to set up automatic warehouses or vending machines. It has additional commands for remote control.
The TA4 sensor box is used to set up automatic warehouses or vending machines in conjunction with the Lua controller.
If something is put into the box or removed, or one of the "F1" / "F2" keys is pressed, an event signal is sent to the Lua controller.
The sensor box supports the following commands:
- The status of the box can be queried via `state = $read_data(<num>, "state")`. Possible answers are: "empty", "loaded", "full"
- The last player action can be queried via `name, action = $read_data(<num>, "action")`. `name` is the player name. One of the following is returned as `action`: "put", "take", "f1", "f2".
- The contents of the box can be read out via `stacks = $read_data(<num>, "stacks")`. See: https://github.com/joe7575/techage/blob/master/manuals/ta4_lua_controller_EN.md#sensor-chest
- Via `$send_cmnd(<num>, "text", "press both buttons and\nput something into the chest")` the text can be set in the menu of the sensor box.
The checkbox "Allow public chest access" can be used to set whether the box can be used by everyone or only by players who have access/protection rights here.
@ -513,9 +522,9 @@ The processing power is 12 items every 2 s, if TA4 tubes are used on both sides.
The TA4 pusher has two additional commands for the Lua controller:
- `config` is used to configure the pusher, analogous to manual configuration via the menu.
Example: `$ send_cmnd(1234, "config", "default: dirt")`
Example: `$send_cmnd(1234, "config", "default: dirt")`
- `pull` is used to send an order to the pusher:
Example: `$ send_cmnd(1234, "pull", "default: dirt 8")`
Example: `$send_cmnd(1234, "pull", "default: dirt 8")`
Values from 1 to 12 are permitted as numbers. Then the pusher goes back to `stopped` mode and sends an" off "command back to the transmitter of the" pull "command.
@ -552,8 +561,8 @@ The chest can only be used by players who can build at this location, i.e. who h
The chest has an additional command for the Lua controller:
- `count` is used to request how many items are in the chest.
Example 1: `$ read_data(CHEST, "count")` -> Sum of items across all 8 stores
Example 2: `$ read_data(CHEST, "count", 2)` -> number of items in store 2 (second from left)
Example 1: `$read_data(CHEST, "count")` -> Sum of items across all 8 stores
Example 2: `$read_data(CHEST, "count", 2)` -> number of items in store 2 (second from left)

View File

@ -330,7 +330,8 @@ In addition to Lua standard function the Lua Controller provides the following f
E.g.: `$print("Hello "..name)`
- `$loopcycle(seconds)` - This function allows to change the call frequency of the controller loop() function, witch is per default one second. For more info, see "Cyclic Task"
- `$events(bool)` - Enable/disable event handling. For more info, see "Events"
- `$get_ms_time()` - Returns time with millisecond precision
- `$get_ms_time()` - Returns the time with millisecond precision
- `get_gametime()` - Returns the time, in seconds, since the world was created
- `$time_as_str()` - Read the time of day (ingame) as text string in 24h format, like "18:45"
- `$time_as_num()` - Read the time of day (ingame) as integer number in 24h format, like 1845
- `$get_input(num)` - Read an input value provided by an external block with the given number _num_. The block has to be configured with the number of the controller to be able to send status messages (on/off commands) to the controller. _num_ is the number of the remote block, like "1234".

View File

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ local function get_state(netw)
if #(netw.gen1 or {}) + #(netw.gen2 or {}) == 0 then
state = S("No power grid or running generator!")
elseif needed > (netw.available1 or 0) then
state = S("Probably too many consumers (")..needed..S(" ku is needed!)")
state = S("Probably too many consumers (")..needed.." "..S("ku is needed").."!)"
elseif (netw.num_nodes or 0) < techage.networks.MAX_NUM_NODES then
state = S("Number of power grid blocks")..": "..(netw.num_nodes or 0)..", "..S("Max. needed power")..": "..needed.. " ku"

View File

@ -120,19 +120,15 @@ local function get_capa(itemstack)
return 0
local function set_capa(pos, oldnode, digger, capa)
local node = ItemStack(oldnode.name)
local meta = node:get_meta()
local function set_capa(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, drops)
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
local capa = nvm.capa
local meta = drops[1]:get_meta()
capa = techage.power.percent(PWR_CAPA, capa)
capa = (math.floor((capa or 0) / 5)) * 5
meta:set_int("capa", capa)
local text = S("TA3 Accu Box").." ("..capa.." %)"
meta:set_string("description", text)
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name=digger:get_player_name()})
local left_over = inv:add_item("main", node)
if left_over:get_count() > 0 then
minetest.add_item(pos, node)
local function after_place_node(pos, placer, itemstack)
@ -149,9 +145,7 @@ local function after_place_node(pos, placer, itemstack)
local function after_dig_node(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger)
local nvm = techage.get_nvm(pos)
set_capa(pos, oldnode, digger, nvm.capa)
@ -188,13 +182,12 @@ minetest.register_node("techage:ta3_akku", {
after_dig_node = after_dig_node,
tubelib2_on_update2 = tubelib2_on_update2,
networks = net_def,
drop = "", -- don't remove, item will be added via 'set_capa'
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {cracky=2, crumbly=2, choppy=2},
on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow,
is_ground_content = false,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
preserve_metadata = set_capa,

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@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ minetest.register_node("towercrane:mast_ctrl_off", {
-- switch the crane ON
on_rightclick = function (pos, node, clicker)
if is_my_crane(pos, clicker) and not is_operator(clicker) then
start_crane(pos, clicker)
if set_operator_privs(clicker, pos) then
start_crane(pos, clicker)
local pos1, pos2 = calc_construction_area(pos)
-- control player every second
minetest.after(1, control_player, pos, pos1, pos2, clicker:get_player_name())