--[[ Networks ======== Copyright (C) 2021 Joachim Stolberg AGPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local P2S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local S2P = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta local power = networks.power local liquid = networks.liquid local function round(val) return math.floor(val + 0.5) end local function get_list(tbl, sep) local keys = {} for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if v then keys[#keys + 1] = k end end return table.concat(keys, sep) end local NetwTypes = false local function collect_netw_types() NetwTypes = {} for k,v in pairs(networks.registered_networks.power) do NetwTypes[k] = "power" end for k,v in pairs(networks.registered_networks.liquid) do NetwTypes[k] = "liquid" end end local function print_sides(pos, api, netw_type) local t = {} for _, dir in ipairs(networks.get_node_connection_dirs(pos, netw_type)) do t[#t + 1]= tubelib2.dir_to_string(dir) end print("# " .. api .. " - " .. netw_type .. " dirs: " .. table.concat(t, ", ")) end local function print_power_network_data(pos, api, netw_type, outdir) local tlib2 = networks.registered_networks[api][netw_type] local data = power.get_network_data(pos, tlib2, outdir) local netw = networks.get_network_table(pos, tlib2, outdir) if netw then print(" - Number of network nodes: " .. (netw.num_nodes or 0)) print(" - Number of generators: " .. #(netw.gen or {})) print(" - Number of consumers: " .. #(netw.con or {})) print(" - Number of storage systems: " .. #(netw.sto or {})) end if data then local s = string.format(" - Netw %u: generated = %u/%u, consumed = %u, storage load = %u/%u", data.netw_num, round(data.provided), data.available, round(data.consumed), round(data.curr_load), round(data.max_capa)) print(s) end end local function print_liquid_network_data(pos, api, netw_type, outdir) local tlib2 = networks.registered_networks[api][netw_type] local netw = networks.get_network_table(pos, tlib2, outdir) if netw then print(" - Number of network nodes: " .. (netw.num_nodes or 0)) print(" - Number of pumps: " .. #(netw.pump or {})) print(" - Number of tanks: " .. #(netw.tank or {})) end end local function print_netID(pos, api, netw_type) local tlib2 = networks.registered_networks[api][netw_type] for _,outdir in ipairs(networks.get_outdirs(pos, tlib2)) do local netID = networks.get_netID(pos, outdir) local s = tubelib2.dir_to_string(outdir) if netID then print("- " .. s .. ": netwNum for '" .. netw_type .. "': " .. networks.netw_num(netID)) if api == "liquid" then print_liquid_network_data(pos, api, netw_type, outdir) elseif api == "power" then print_power_network_data(pos, api, netw_type, outdir) end else print("- " .. s .. ": Node has no '" .. netw_type .. "' netID!!!") end end end local function print_secondary_node(pos, api, netw_type) local tlib2 = networks.registered_networks[api][netw_type] if tlib2:is_secondary_node(pos) then print("- Secondary node: true") else print("- Is no secondary node!!!") end end local function print_valid_sides(name, api, netw_type) local tlib2 = networks.registered_networks[api][netw_type] local sides = tlib2.valid_node_contact_sides[name] if sides then print("- Valid node contact sides: " .. get_list(sides, ", ")) else print("- Has no valid node contact sides!!!") end end local function print_connected_nodes(pos, api, netw_type) local tlib2 = networks.registered_networks[api][netw_type] for outdir = 1,6 do local destpos, indir = tlib2:get_connected_node_pos(pos, outdir) if destpos and tlib2:connected(destpos) then local s1 = tubelib2.dir_to_string(outdir) local s2 = tubelib2.dir_to_string(indir) local node = minetest.get_node(destpos) print("- " .. s1 .. ": Node connected to " .. node.name .. " at " .. P2S(destpos) .. " from " .. s2) end end end -- debug print of node related data local function debug_print(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if not NetwTypes then collect_netw_types() end if not ndef.networks then print("No networks node!!!") return end print("########## " .. node.name .. " ###########") for netw_type,api in pairs(NetwTypes) do if ndef.networks[netw_type] then print_sides(pos, api, netw_type) print_netID(pos, api, netw_type) print_secondary_node(pos, api, netw_type) print_valid_sides(node.name, api, netw_type) print_connected_nodes(pos, api, netw_type) end end print("#####################") end local function action(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type == "node" then local pos = pointed_thing.under networks.register_observe_pos(pos) if placer:get_player_control().sneak then debug_print(pos) else debug_print(pos) end else networks.register_observe_pos(nil) end end minetest.register_tool("networks:tool2", { description = "Debugging Tool", inventory_image = "networks_tool.png", wield_image = "networks_tool.png", use_texture_alpha = "clip", groups = {cracky=1}, on_use = action, on_place = action, node_placement_prediction = "", stack_max = 1, })