--[[ Techage ======= Copyright (C) 2020 Joachim Stolberg AGPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information commands.lua: Register all basic controller commands ]]-- -- store protection data locally local LocalRef = {} local function not_protected(owner, numbers) if owner and numbers then LocalRef[owner] = LocalRef[owner] or {} if LocalRef[owner][numbers] == nil then LocalRef[owner][numbers] = techage.check_numbers(numbers, owner) end return LocalRef[owner][numbers] end return false end techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("get_input", { cmnd = function(self, num) num = tostring(num or "") return techage.lua_ctlr.get_input(self.meta.number, num) end, help = ' $get_input(num) --> "on", "off", or nil\n'.. ' Read local input value from device with number "num".\n'.. ' example: inp = $get_input("1234")\n'.. " The device has to be connected with the controller." }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("read_data", { cmnd = function(self, num, cmnd, data) num = tostring(num or "") cmnd = tostring(cmnd or "") if not_protected(self.meta.owner, num) then return techage.send_single(self.meta.number, num, cmnd, data) end end, help = " $read_data(num, cmnd, add_data)\n".. " This function is deprecated.\n".. " It will be removed in future releases.\n".. " Use $send_cmnd(num, cmnd, add_data) instead." }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("time_as_str", { cmnd = function(self) local t = minetest.get_timeofday() local h = math.floor(t*24) % 24 local m = math.floor(t*1440) % 60 return string.format("%02d:%02d", h, m) end, help = " $time_as_str() --> e.g. '18:45'\n".. " Read time of day as string (24h).\n".. ' example: time = $time_as_str()' }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("time_as_num", { cmnd = function(self, num) local t = minetest.get_timeofday() local h = math.floor(t*24) % 24 local m = math.floor(t*1440) % 60 return h * 100 + m end, help = " $time_as_num() --> e.g.: 1845\n".. " Read time of day as number (24h).\n".. ' example: time = $time_as_num()' }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_action("send_cmnd", { cmnd = function(self, num, cmnd, data) num = tostring(num or "") cmnd = tostring(cmnd or "") if not_protected(self.meta.owner, num) then return techage.send_single(self.meta.number, num, cmnd, data) end end, help = " $send_cmnd(num, cmnd, add_data)\n".. ' Send a command to the device with number "num".\n'.. ' "cmnd" is the command as text string\n'.. ' "add_data" is additional data (optional)\n'.. ' example: $send_cmnd("1234", "on")' }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_action("set_filter", { cmnd = function(self, num, slot, val) num = tostring(num or "") slot = tostring(slot or "red") val = tostring(val or "on") if not_protected(self.meta.owner, num) then techage.send_single(self.meta.number, num, "port", slot.."="..val) end end, help = " $set_filter(num, slot, val)\n".. ' Turn on/off a Distributor filter slot.\n'.. ' example: $set_filter("1234", "red", "off")' }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_action("display", { cmnd = function(self, num, row, text) num = tostring(num or "") row = tonumber(row or 1) or 1 text = tostring(text or "") if not_protected(self.meta.owner, num) then if text:byte(1) ~= 32 then -- left aligned? text = "<"..text -- use the '<' lcdlib control char for left-aligned else text = text:sub(2) -- delete blank for centered end if row == 0 then -- add line? techage.send_single(self.meta.number, num, "add", text) else local payload = safer_lua.Store() payload.set("row", row) payload.set("str", text) techage.send_single(self.meta.number, num, "set", payload) end end end, help = " $display(num, row, text)\n".. ' Send a text line to the display with number "num".\n'.. " 'row' is a value from 1..5, or 0 for scroll screen\n".. " and add a new line. If the first char of the string\n".. " is a blank, the text will be horizontally centered.\n".. ' example: $display("123", 1, "Hello "..name)' }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_action("clear_screen", { cmnd = function(self, num) num = tostring(num or "") if not_protected(self.meta.owner, num) then techage.send_single(self.meta.number, num, "clear", nil) end end, help = " $clear_screen(num)\n".. ' Clear the screen of the display\n'.. ' with number "num".\n'.. ' example: $clear_screen("1234")' }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_action("chat", { cmnd = function(self, text) text = tostring(text or "") minetest.chat_send_player(self.meta.owner, "[TA4 Lua Controller] "..text) end, help = " $chat(text,...)\n".. " Send yourself a chat message.\n".. ' example: $chat("Hello "..name)' }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_action("door", { cmnd = function(self, pos, text) pos = tostring(pos or "") text = tostring(text or "") pos = minetest.string_to_pos("("..pos..")") if pos then local door = doors.get(pos) if door then local player = { get_player_name = function() return self.meta.owner end, is_player = function() return true end, } if text == "open" then door:open(player) elseif text == "close" then door:close(player) end end end end, help = " $door(pos, text)\n".. ' Open/Close a door at position "pos"\n'.. ' example: $door("123,7,-1200", "close")\n'.. " Hint: Use the Techage Programmer to\ndetermine the door position." }) techage.lua_ctlr.register_function("item_description", { cmnd = function(self, itemstring) local item_def = minetest.registered_items[itemstring] if item_def and item_def.description then return minetest.get_translated_string("en", item_def.description) end return "" end, help = " $item_description(itemstring)\n".. " Get the description for a specified itemstring.\n".. ' example: desc = $item_description("default:apple")' }) -- function not_protected(owner, number(s)) techage.lua_ctlr.not_protected = not_protected