Modpack Tech Age [techage]
This modpack covers all necessary and useful mods to be able to use techage. All mods have the own README.txt. For further information please consult these files.
This modpack includes:
- techage: The main mod
- ta4_jetpack: A Jetpack for techage with hydrogen as fuel and TA4 recipe
- autobahn: Street blocks and slopes with stripes for faster traveling (the only need of bitumen from techage)
- compost: The garden soil is needed for the TA4 LED Grow Light based flower bed
- signs_bot: For many automation tasks in TA3/TA4 like farming, mining, and item transportation
- hyperloop: Used as passenger transportation system in TA4
- techpack_stairway: Ladders, stairways, and bridges for your machines
- minecart: Techage transportation system for oil and other items
- towercrane: Simplifies the building of large techage plants
- basic_materials: Needed items for many recipes
- stamina: The "hunger" mod from "minetest-mods"
- doc: Ingame documentation mod, used for minecart and signs_bot
- unified_inventory: Player's inventory with crafting guide, bags, and more.
- tubelib2: Necessary library
- safer_lua: Necessary library
- lcdlib: Necessary library
- datastorage: Necessary library
Techage Manual
All techage manuals (EN/DE) are available ingame (craft the 'TA Construction Board') or use the manual on GitHub.
All mods have their own licenses. See the license files in the subfoldes.
Further Dependencies
Required: Minetest Game
ta4_jetpack requires the modpack 3d_armor. 3d_armor is itself a modpack and can't be integrated into the techage modpack.
Updated Mods:
- techage v0.23
- signs_bot
- minecart
Updated Mods:
- autobahn
- compost
- hyperloop
- lcdlib
- minecart
- safer_lua
- signs_bot
- techage v0.21
Updated Mods:
- signs_bot
- techage v0.18
- towercrane
- unified_inventory
- basic_materials
Updates (see local readme files):
- mod 3d_armor removed again (please install separately)
- techage v0.15 improvements and bugfixes
- autobahn v0.04 improvements
Updates (see local readme files):
- autobahn, towercrane, ta4_jetpack, 3d_armor, and stamina now use a common player physics lockout mechanism
- the new mod ta4_jetpack added
- mod stamina added (adapted to the player physics lockout mechanism)
- mod 3d_armor added (needed for ta4_jetpack, adapted to the player physics lockout mechanism)
- minecart v1.07 with many improvements
- techage v0.14 with many improvements
- hyperloop v2.06 update
- autobahn update
Updates (see local readme files):
- signs_bot v1.03
- techage v0.13
- hyperloop v2.06
techage v0.12
- cart commands added for both controllers
- support for moreores added
- Ethereal support added, manual correction
- tin ingot recipe bugfix
minecart v1.06
- API changed and chat command added
signs_bot v1.02
- some bugfixes
- techage v0.10
- minor changes and bugfixes
- stone hammer added
- quarry 'depth' command added
- manuals adapted
- QSG added
- first commit