rewrite enchanting registrations to avoid having registration run multiple times for the same tool-material-chant combination

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Tim 2015-08-24 20:01:57 +02:00
parent be05c7ef77
commit 3dc1d61611

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@ -90,52 +90,50 @@ xdecor.register("enchantment_table", {
allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(...) return 0 end allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(...) return 0 end
}) })
function enchanting.register_enchtools(init, m, def) local function capitalize(str)
local longer = init.uses * 1.2 -- Higher number = longer use. return str:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
local faster = {}
for i = 1, 3 do
faster[i] = init.times[i] - 0.1 -- Higher number = faster dig.
end end
local fast = {times=faster, uses=def.uses, maxlevel=def.maxlvl} -- Higher number = longer use.
local long = {times=def.times, uses=longer, maxlevel=def.maxlvl} local use_factor = 1.2
-- Higher number = faster dig.
local times_subtractor = 0.1
local enchtools = { function enchanting.register_enchtools()
{"axe", "durable", {choppy = long}}, {"axe", "fast", {choppy = fast}}, local materials = {"steel", "bronze", "mese", "diamond"}
{"pick", "durable", {cracky = long}}, {"pick", "fast", {cracky = fast}}, local tools = { {"axe", "choppy"}, {"pick", "cracky"}, {"shovel", "crumbly"} }
{"shovel", "durable", {crumbly = long}}, {"shovel", "fast", {crumbly = fast}} local chants = { "durable", "fast" }
} for j = 1, #materials do
for i = 1, #enchtools do local material = materials[j]
local x = enchtools[i] for t = 1, #tools do
local t, e, g = x[1], x[2], x[3] local tool_name = tools[t][1]
minetest.register_tool("xdecor:enchanted_"..t.."_"..m.."_"..e, { local original_tool = minetest.registered_tools["default:"..tool_name.."_"..material]
description = "Enchanted "..m:gsub("%l", string.upper, 1).." ".. local original_groupcaps = original_tool.tool_capabilities.groupcaps
t:gsub("%l", string.upper, 1).." ("..e:gsub("%l", string.upper, 1)..")", local main_groupcap = tools[t][2]
inventory_image = minetest.registered_tools["default:"..t.."_"..m].inventory_image,
wield_image = minetest.registered_tools["default:"..t.."_"..m].wield_image, for i = 1, #chants do
local chant = chants[i]
local groupcaps = table.copy(original_groupcaps)
if chant == "durable" then
groupcaps[main_groupcap].uses = original_groupcaps[main_groupcap].uses * use_factor
elseif chant == "fast" then
for i = 1, 3 do
groupcaps[main_groupcap].times[i] = original_groupcaps[main_groupcap].times[i] - times_subtractor
minetest.register_tool(string.format("xdecor:enchanted_%s_%s_%s", tool_name, material, chant), {
description = string.format("Enchanted %s %s (%s)", capitalize(material), capitalize(tool_name), capitalize(chant)),
inventory_image = original_tool.inventory_image,
wield_image = original_tool.wield_image,
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1},
tool_capabilities = {groupcaps = g, damage_groups = def.dmg} tool_capabilities = {groupcaps = groupcaps, damage_groups = original_tool.damage_groups}
}) })
end end
end end
local tools = {
{"axe", "choppy"}, {"pick", "cracky"}, {"shovel", "crumbly"}
local materials = {"steel", "bronze", "mese", "diamond"}
for i = 1, #tools do
for j = 1, #materials do
local t, m = tools[i], materials[j]
local toolname = t[1].."_"..m
local init_def = minetest.registered_tools["default:"..toolname].tool_capabilities.groupcaps[t[2]]
local tooldef = {
times = init_def.times,
uses = init_def.uses,
dmg = init_def.damage_groups,
maxlvl = init_def.maxlevel
enchanting.register_enchtools(init_def, m, tooldef)
end end
end end