Allow cutting nodes from any mods

This commit is contained in:
kilbith 2015-09-17 16:12:01 +02:00
parent 7b349767da
commit 40f473aee1
4 changed files with 53 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ xdecor.register("tv", {
xdecor.register("woodframed_glass", {
description = "Wood Framed Glass",
drawtype = "glasslike_framed",
tiles = {"xdecor_framed_glass.png", "xdecor_framed_glass_detail.png"},
tiles = {"xdecor_woodframed_glass.png", "xdecor_woodframed_glass_detail.png"},
groups = {cracky=3},
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults()

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 237 B

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@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
local worktable = {}
local xbg = default.gui_bg..default.gui_bg_img..default.gui_slots
local material = {
"wood", "junglewood", "pine_wood", "acacia_wood",
"tree", "jungletree", "pine_tree", "acacia_tree",
"cobble", "mossycobble", "desert_cobble",
"stone", "sandstone", "desert_stone", "obsidian",
"stonebrick", "sandstonebrick", "desert_stonebrick", "obsidianbrick",
"coalblock", "copperblock", "steelblock", "goldblock",
"bronzeblock", "mese", "diamondblock",
"brick", "cactus", "ice", "meselamp",
"glass", "obsidian_glass"
local nodes = { -- Nodes allowed to be cut.
"default:wood", "default:junglewood", "default:pine_wood", "default:acacia_wood",
"default:tree", "default:jungletree", "default:pine_tree", "default:acacia_tree",
"default:cobble", "default:mossycobble", "default:desert_cobble",
"default:stone", "default:sandstone", "default:desert_stone", "default:obsidian",
"default:stonebrick", "default:sandstonebrick", "default:desert_stonebrick", "default:obsidianbrick",
"default:coalblock", "default:copperblock", "default:steelblock", "default:goldblock",
"default:bronzeblock", "default:mese", "default:diamondblock",
"default:brick", "default:cactus", "default:ice", "default:meselamp",
"default:glass", "default:obsidian_glass",
"xdecor:coalstone_tile", "xdecor:desertstone_tile", "xdecor:stone_rune", "xdecor:stone_tile",
"xdecor:hard_clay", "xdecor:packed_ice", "xdecor:moonbrick",
"xdecor:woodframed_glass", "xdecor:wood_tile"
local def = { -- Node name, nodebox shape.
local def = { -- Nodebox name and definition.
{"nanoslab", {-.5,-.5,-.5,0,-.4375,0}},
{"micropanel", {-.5,-.5,-.5,.5,-.4375,0}},
{"microslab", {-.5,-.5,-.5,.5,-.4375,.5}},
@ -95,11 +99,11 @@ end
function worktable.put(_, listname, _, stack, _)
local stn = stack:get_name()
local count = stack:get_count()
local mat = table.concat(material)
local mat = table.concat(nodes)
if listname == "forms" then return 0 end
if listname == "input" then
if stn:find("default:") and mat:match(stn:sub(9)) then return count end
if mat:match(stn) then return count end
return 0
if listname == "hammer" then
@ -136,11 +140,11 @@ local function update_inventory(inv, inputstack)
local output = {}
for _, n in pairs(def) do
local mat = inputstack:get_name():match("%a+:(.+)")
local mat = inputstack:get_name()
local input = inv:get_stack("input", 1)
local count = math.min(anz(n[1]) * input:get_count(), inputstack:get_stack_max())
output[#output+1] = string.format("xdecor:%s_%s %d", n[1], mat, count)
output[#output+1] = string.format("%s_%s %d", mat, n[1], count)
inv:set_list("forms", output)
@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ function worktable.on_take(pos, listname, _, stack, _)
if listname == "input" then
update_inventory(inv, stack)
elseif listname == "forms" then
local nodebox = stack:get_name():match("%a+:(%a+)_%a+")
local nodebox = stack:get_name():match("%a+:%a+_(%a+)")
local inputstack = inv:get_stack("input", 1)
inputstack:take_item(math.ceil(stack:get_count() / anz(nodebox)))
@ -185,47 +189,51 @@ xdecor.register("worktable", {
allow_metadata_inventory_move = worktable.move
local function description(m, w)
local d = m:gsub("%W", "")
return d:gsub("^%l", string.upper).." "..w:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
local function description(node, shape)
local desc = string.gsub(string.gsub(node:match(":(.+)"):gsub("_%l", string.upper),
"_", " "), "^%l", string.upper).." "..shape:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
return desc
local function groups(m)
if m:find("tree") or m:find("wood") or m == "cactus" then
local function groups(node)
if node:find("tree") or node:find("wood") or node:find("cactus") then
return {choppy=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1}
return {cracky=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1}
local function shady(w)
if w == "stair" or w == "slab" or w == "innerstair" or
w == "outerstair" then return false end
local function shady(shape)
if shape == "stair" or shape == "slab" or shape == "innerstair" or
shape == "outerstair" then return false end
return true
local function tiles(m, ndef)
if m:find("glass") then return {"default_"..m..".png"} end
local function tiles(node, ndef)
if node:find("glass") then return {node:gsub(":", "_")..".png"} end
return ndef.tiles
for n = 1, #def do
for m = 1, #material do
local w, x = def[n], material[m]
local nodename = "default:"..x
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename]
if not ndef then break end
xdecor.register(w[1].."_"..x, {
description = description(x, w[1]),
for _, d in pairs(def) do
for _, n in pairs(nodes) do
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[n]
if ndef then
minetest.register_node(":"..n.."_"..d[1], {
description = description(n, d[1]),
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drawtype = "nodebox",
light_source = ndef.light_source,
sounds = ndef.sounds,
tiles = tiles(x, ndef),
groups = groups(x),
node_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = w[2]},
sunlight_propagates = shady(w[1]),
tiles = tiles(n, ndef),
groups = groups(n),
node_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = d[2]},
sunlight_propagates = shady(d[1]),
on_place = minetest.rotate_node
minetest.register_alias("xdecor:"..d[1].."_"..n:match(":(.+)"), n.."_"..d[1])
@ -239,9 +247,9 @@ minetest.register_abm({
if tool:is_empty() or hammer:is_empty() or wear == 0 then return end
-- Wear : 0-65535 0 = new condition.
-- Wear : 0-65535 // 0 = new condition.
inv:set_stack("tool", 1, tool)
inv:set_stack("hammer", 1, hammer)