Chess : code style cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-- See for the main repository
local realchess = {}
screwdriver = screwdriver or {}
local function index_to_xy(index)
index = index - 1
local x = index % 8
local y = (index - x) / 8
local function index_to_xy(idx)
idx = idx - 1
local x = idx % 8
local y = (idx - x) / 8
return x, y
@ -18,8 +16,6 @@ function realchess.init(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("board", 64)
local formspec = [[ size[8,8.6;]
@ -28,13 +24,13 @@ function realchess.init(pos)
listcolors[#00000000;#00000000;#00000000;#30434C;#FFF] ]]
meta:set_string("formspec", formspec)
meta:set_string("infotext", "Chess Board")
meta:set_string("playerBlack", "")
meta:set_string("playerWhite", "")
meta:set_string("lastMove", "")
meta:set_int("lastMoveTime", 0)
meta:set_string("winner", "")
meta:set_int("lastMoveTime", 0)
meta:set_int("castlingBlackL", 1)
meta:set_int("castlingBlackR", 1)
meta:set_int("castlingWhiteL", 1)
@ -57,10 +53,8 @@ function realchess.init(pos)
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
@ -78,9 +72,11 @@ function realchess.init(pos)
inv:set_size("board", 64)
function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, _, player)
if from_list ~= "board" and to_list ~= "board" then
return 0
@ -138,8 +134,9 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
local from_x, from_y = index_to_xy(from_index)
local to_x, to_y = index_to_xy(to_index)
if pieceFrom:find("pawn") then
if pieceFrom:sub(11,14) == "pawn" then
if thisMove == "white" then
local pawnWhiteMove = inv:get_stack(from_list, xy_to_index(from_x, from_y - 1)):get_name()
-- white pawns can go up only
if from_y - 1 == to_y then
if from_x == to_x then
@ -158,13 +155,14 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
return 0
elseif from_y - 2 == to_y then
if pieceTo ~= "" or from_y < 6 or inv:get_stack(from_list, xy_to_index(from_x, from_y - 1)):get_name() ~= "" then
if pieceTo ~= "" or from_y < 6 or pawnWhiteMove ~= "" then
return 0
return 0
elseif thisMove == "black" then
local pawnBlackMove = inv:get_stack(from_list, xy_to_index(from_x, from_y + 1)):get_name()
-- black pawns can go down only
if from_y + 1 == to_y then
if from_x == to_x then
@ -183,7 +181,7 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
return 0
elseif from_y + 2 == to_y then
if pieceTo ~= "" or from_y > 1 or inv:get_stack(from_list, xy_to_index(from_x, from_y + 1)):get_name() ~= "" then
if pieceTo ~= "" or from_y > 1 or pawnBlackMove ~= "" then
return 0
@ -212,7 +210,7 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
return 0
elseif pieceFrom:find("rook") then
elseif pieceFrom:sub(11,14) == "rook" then
if from_x == to_x then
-- moving vertically
if from_y < to_y then
@ -256,37 +254,25 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
return 0
if thisMove == "white" then
if pieceFrom:find("1") then
if thisMove == "white" or thisMove == "black" then
if pieceFrom:sub(-1) == "1" then
meta:set_int("castlingWhiteL", 0)
elseif pieceFrom:find("2") then
meta:set_int("castlingWhiteR", 0)
elseif thisMove == "black" then
if pieceFrom:find("1") then
meta:set_int("castlingWhiteL", 0)
elseif pieceFrom:find("2") then
elseif pieceFrom:sub(-1) == "2" then
meta:set_int("castlingWhiteR", 0)
elseif pieceFrom:find("knight") then
elseif pieceFrom:sub(11,16) == "knight" then
-- get relative pos
local dx = from_x - to_x
local dy = from_y - to_y
-- get absolute values
if dx < 0 then
dx = -dx
if dy < 0 then
dy = -dy
if dx < 0 then dx = -dx end
if dy < 0 then dy = -dy end
-- sort x and y
if dx > dy then
dx, dy = dy, dx
if dx > dy then dx, dy = dy, dx end
-- ensure that dx == 1 and dy == 2
if dx ~= 1 or dy ~= 2 then
@ -295,23 +281,17 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
-- just ensure that destination cell does not contain friend piece
-- ^ it was done already thus everything ok
elseif pieceFrom:find("bishop") then
elseif pieceFrom:sub(11,16) == "bishop" then
-- get relative pos
local dx = from_x - to_x
local dy = from_y - to_y
-- get absolute values
if dx < 0 then
dx = -dx
if dy < 0 then
dy = -dy
if dx < 0 then dx = -dx end
if dy < 0 then dy = -dy end
-- ensure dx and dy are equal
if dx ~= dy then
return 0
if dx ~= dy then return 0 end
if from_x < to_x then
if from_y < to_y then
@ -351,17 +331,13 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
elseif pieceFrom:find("queen") then
elseif pieceFrom:sub(11,15) == "queen" then
local dx = from_x - to_x
local dy = from_y - to_y
-- get absolute values
if dx < 0 then
dx = -dx
if dy < 0 then
dy = -dy
if dx < 0 then dx = -dx end
if dy < 0 then dy = -dy end
-- ensure valid relative move
if dx ~= 0 and dy ~= 0 and dx ~= dy then
@ -440,7 +416,7 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
elseif pieceFrom:find("king") then
elseif pieceFrom:sub(11,14) == "king" then
local dx = from_x - to_x
local dy = from_y - to_y
local check = true
@ -448,7 +424,10 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
if thisMove == "white" then
if from_y == 7 and to_y == 7 then
if to_x == 1 then
if meta:get_int("castlingWhiteL") == 1 and inv:get_stack(from_list, 57):get_name() == "realchess:rook_white_1" then
local castlingWhiteL = meta:get_int("castlingWhiteL")
local idx57 = inv:get_stack(from_list, 57):get_name()
if castlingWhiteL == 1 and idx57 == "realchess:rook_white_1" then
for i = 58, from_index - 1 do
if inv:get_stack(from_list, i):get_name() ~= "" then
return 0
@ -459,7 +438,10 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
check = false
elseif to_x == 6 then
if meta:get_int("castlingWhiteR") == 1 and inv:get_stack(from_list, 64):get_name() == "realchess:rook_white_2" then
local castlingWhiteR = meta:get_int("castlingWhiteR")
local idx64 = inv:get_stack(from_list, 64):get_name()
if castlingWhiteR == 1 and idx64 == "realchess:rook_white_2" then
for i = from_index + 1, 63 do
if inv:get_stack(from_list, i):get_name() ~= "" then
return 0
@ -474,7 +456,10 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
elseif thisMove == "black" then
if from_y == 0 and to_y == 0 then
if to_x == 1 then
if meta:get_int("castlingBlackL") == 1 and inv:get_stack(from_list, 1):get_name() == "realchess:rook_black_1" then
local castlingBlackL = meta:get_int("castlingBlackL")
local idx1 = inv:get_stack(from_list, 1):get_name()
if castlingBlackL == 1 and idx1 == "realchess:rook_black_1" then
for i = 2, from_index - 1 do
if inv:get_stack(from_list, i):get_name() ~= "" then
return 0
@ -485,7 +470,10 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
check = false
elseif to_x == 6 then
if meta:get_int("castlingBlackR") == 1 and inv:get_stack(from_list, 8):get_name() == "realchess:rook_black_2" then
local castlingBlackR = meta:get_int("castlingBlackR")
local idx8 = inv:get_stack(from_list, 1):get_name()
if castlingBlackR == 1 and idx8 == "realchess:rook_black_2" then
for i = from_index + 1, 7 do
if inv:get_stack(from_list, i):get_name() ~= "" then
return 0
@ -500,16 +488,9 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
if check then
if dx < 0 then
dx = -dx
if dy < 0 then
dy = -dy
if dx > 1 or dy > 1 then
return 0
if dx < 0 then dx = -dx end
if dy < 0 then dy = -dy end
if dx > 1 or dy > 1 then return 0 end
if thisMove == "white" then
@ -525,16 +506,17 @@ function realchess.move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, pl
meta:set_string("playerBlack", playerBlack)
meta:set_string("lastMove", thisMove)
meta:set_int("lastMoveTime", minetest.get_gametime())
local lastMove = meta:get_string("lastMove")
if meta:get_string("lastMove") == "black" then
if lastMove == "black" then
minetest.chat_send_player(playerWhite, "[""%H:%M:%S").."] "..
playerName.." has moved a "..pieceFrom:match(":(.-)%_")..", it's now your turn.")
elseif meta:get_string("lastMove") == "white" then
playerName.." moved a "..pieceFrom:match(":(%a+)")..", it's now your turn.")
elseif lastMove == "white" then
minetest.chat_send_player(playerBlack, "[""%H:%M:%S").."] "..
playerName.." has moved a "..pieceFrom:match(":(.-)%_")..", it's now your turn.")
playerName.." moved a "..pieceFrom:match(":(%a+)")..", it's now your turn.")
if pieceTo:find("king") then
if pieceTo:sub(11,14) == "king" then
minetest.chat_send_player(playerBlack, playerName.." won the game.")
minetest.chat_send_player(playerWhite, playerName.." won the game.")
meta:set_string("winner", thisMove)
@ -552,20 +534,20 @@ local function timeout_format(timeout_limit)
return minutes.." min. "..seconds.." sec."
function realchess.fields(pos, formname, fields, sender)
function realchess.fields(pos, _, fields, sender)
local playerName = sender:get_player_name()
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local timeout_limit = meta:get_int("lastMoveTime") + 300
local playerWhite = meta:get_string("playerWhite")
local playerBlack = meta:get_string("playerBlack")
local lastMoveTime = meta:get_int("lastMoveTime")
if fields.quit then return end
-- timeout is 5 min. by default for resetting the game (non-players only)
if and (meta:get_string("playerWhite") == playerName or
meta:get_string("playerBlack") == playerName) then
if and (playerWhite == playerName or playerBlack == playerName) then
elseif and meta:get_int("lastMoveTime") ~= 0 and
minetest.get_gametime() >= timeout_limit and
(meta:get_string("playerWhite") ~= playerName or
meta:get_string("playerBlack") ~= playerName) then
elseif and lastMoveTime ~= 0 and minetest.get_gametime() >= timeout_limit and
(playerWhite ~= playerName or playerBlack ~= playerName) then
minetest.chat_send_player(playerName, "[!] You can't reset the chessboard, a game has been started.\n"..
@ -577,18 +559,15 @@ function realchess.dig(pos, player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local playerName = player:get_player_name()
local timeout_limit = meta:get_int("lastMoveTime") + 300
local lastMoveTime = meta:get_int("lastMoveTime")
-- timeout is 5 min. by default for digging the chessboard (non-players only)
if meta:get_int("lastMoveTime") ~= 0 and minetest.get_gametime() <= timeout_limit then
return (lastMoveTime == 0 and minetest.get_gametime() > timeout_limit) or
minetest.chat_send_player(playerName, "[!] You can't dig the chessboard, a game has been started.\n"..
"Reset it first if you're a current player, or dig again in "..timeout_format(timeout_limit))
return false
return true
function realchess.on_move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
function realchess.on_move(pos, from_list, from_index)
local inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory()
inv:set_stack(from_list, from_index, '')
return false
Reference in New Issue
Block a user