screwdriver = screwdriver or {} local S = minetest.get_translator("xdecor") local FS = function(...) return minetest.formspec_escape(S(...)) end local ceil, abs, random = math.ceil, math.abs, math.random local reg_tools = minetest.registered_tools -- Cost in Mese crystal(s) for enchanting. local mese_cost = 1 -- Force of the enchantments. local enchanting = { uses = 1.2, -- Durability times = 0.1, -- Efficiency damages = 1, -- Sharpness } local function cap(str) return str:gsub("^%l", string.upper) end local function to_percent(orig_value, final_value) return abs(ceil(((final_value - orig_value) / orig_value) * 100)) end function enchanting:get_tooltip(enchant, orig_caps, fleshy) local bonus = {durable = 0, efficiency = 0, damages = 0} if orig_caps then bonus.durable = to_percent(orig_caps.uses, orig_caps.uses * enchanting.uses) local sum_caps_times = 0 for i=1, #orig_caps.times do sum_caps_times = sum_caps_times + orig_caps.times[i] end local average_caps_time = sum_caps_times / #orig_caps.times bonus.efficiency = to_percent(average_caps_time, average_caps_time - enchanting.times) end if fleshy then bonus.damages = to_percent(fleshy, fleshy + enchanting.damages) end local specs = { -- not finished, to complete durable = {"#00baff", " (+" .. bonus.durable .. "%)"}, fast = {"#74ff49", " (+" .. bonus.efficiency .. "%)"}, sharp = {"#ffff00", " (+" .. bonus.damages .. "%)"}, } local enchant_loc = { fast = S("Efficiency"), durable = S("Durability"), sharp = S("Sharpness"), } return minetest.colorize and minetest.colorize(specs[enchant][1], "\n" .. enchant_loc[enchant] .. specs[enchant][2]) or "\n" .. enchant_loc[enchant] .. specs[enchant][2] end local enchant_buttons = { "image_button[3.9,0.85;4,0.92;bg_btn.png;fast;"..FS("Efficiency").."]" .. "image_button[3.9,1.77;4,1.12;bg_btn.png;durable;"..FS("Durability").."]", "image_button[3.9,2.9;4,0.92;bg_btn.png;sharp;"..FS("Sharpness").."]", } function enchanting.formspec(pos, num) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local formspec = [[ size[9,8.6;] no_prepend[] bgcolor[#080808BB;true] listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF] background9[0,0;9,9;ench_ui.png;6] list[context;tool;0.9,2.9;1,1;] list[context;mese;2,2.9;1,1;] list[current_player;main;0.55,4.5;8,4;] listring[current_player;main] listring[context;tool] listring[current_player;main] listring[context;mese] image[2,2.9;1,1;mese_layout.png] ]] .."tooltip[sharp;"..FS("Your weapon inflicts more damages").."]" .."tooltip[durable;"..FS("Your tool last longer").."]" .."tooltip[fast;"..FS("Your tool digs faster").."]" ..default.gui_slots .. default.get_hotbar_bg(0.55, 4.5) formspec = formspec .. (enchant_buttons[num] or "") meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) end function enchanting.on_put(pos, listname, _, stack) if listname == "tool" then local stackname = stack:get_name() local tool_groups = { "axe, pick, shovel", "sword", } for idx, tools in ipairs(tool_groups) do if tools:find(stackname:match(":(%w+)")) then enchanting.formspec(pos, idx) end end end end function enchanting.fields(pos, _, fields, sender) if not next(fields) or fields.quit then return end local inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory() local tool = inv:get_stack("tool", 1) local mese = inv:get_stack("mese", 1) local orig_wear = tool:get_wear() local mod, name = tool:get_name():match("(.*):(.*)") local enchanted_tool = (mod or "") .. ":enchanted_" .. (name or "") .. "_" .. next(fields) if mese:get_count() >= mese_cost and reg_tools[enchanted_tool] then minetest.sound_play("xdecor_enchanting", { to_player = sender:get_player_name(), gain = 0.8 }) tool:replace(enchanted_tool) tool:add_wear(orig_wear) mese:take_item(mese_cost) inv:set_stack("mese", 1, mese) inv:set_stack("tool", 1, tool) end end function enchanting.dig(pos) local inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory() return inv:is_empty("tool") and inv:is_empty("mese") end local function allowed(tool) if not tool then return end for item in pairs(reg_tools) do if item:find("enchanted_" .. tool) then return true end end end function enchanting.put(_, listname, _, stack) local stackname = stack:get_name() if listname == "mese" and (stackname == "default:mese_crystal" or stackname == "imese:industrial_mese_crystal") then return stack:get_count() elseif listname == "tool" and allowed(stackname:match("[^:]+$")) then return 1 end return 0 end function enchanting.on_take(pos, listname) if listname == "tool" then enchanting.formspec(pos) end end function enchanting.construct(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", S("Enchantment Table")) enchanting.formspec(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("tool", 1) inv:set_size("mese", 1) minetest.add_entity({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 0.85, z = pos.z}, "xdecor:book_open") local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos) timer:start(0.5) end function enchanting.destruct(pos) for _, obj in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.9)) do if obj and obj:get_luaentity() and obj:get_luaentity().name == "xdecor:book_open" then obj:remove() break end end end function enchanting.timer(pos) local minp = {x = pos.x - 2, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 2} local maxp = {x = pos.x + 2, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z + 2} local bookshelves = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, "default:bookshelf") if #bookshelves == 0 then return true end local bookshelf_pos = bookshelves[random(1, #bookshelves)] local x = pos.x - bookshelf_pos.x local y = bookshelf_pos.y - pos.y local z = pos.z - bookshelf_pos.z if tostring(x .. z):find(2) then minetest.add_particle({ pos = bookshelf_pos, velocity = {x = x, y = 2 - y, z = z}, acceleration = {x = 0, y = -2.2, z = 0}, expirationtime = 1, size = 1.5, glow = 5, texture = "xdecor_glyph" .. random(1,18) .. ".png" }) end return true end xdecor.register("enchantment_table", { description = S("Enchantment Table"), tiles = { "xdecor_enchantment_top.png", "xdecor_enchantment_bottom.png", "xdecor_enchantment_side.png", "xdecor_enchantment_side.png", "xdecor_enchantment_side.png", "xdecor_enchantment_side.png" }, groups = {cracky = 1, level = 1}, light_source = 6, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), on_rotate = screwdriver.rotate_simple, can_dig = enchanting.dig, on_timer = enchanting.timer, on_construct = enchanting.construct, on_destruct = enchanting.destruct, on_receive_fields = enchanting.fields, on_metadata_inventory_put = enchanting.on_put, on_metadata_inventory_take = enchanting.on_take, allow_metadata_inventory_put = enchanting.put, allow_metadata_inventory_move = function() return 0 end, }) minetest.register_entity("xdecor:book_open", { visual = "sprite", visual_size = {x=0.75, y=0.75}, collisionbox = {0}, physical = false, textures = {"xdecor_book_open.png"}, static_save = false, }) minetest.register_lbm({ label = "recreate book entity", name = "xdecor:create_book_entity", nodenames = {"xdecor:enchantment_table"}, run_at_every_load = true, action = function(pos, node) local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.9) for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do local e = obj:get_luaentity() if e and == "xdecor:book_open" then return end end minetest.add_entity({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 0.85, z = pos.z}, "xdecor:book_open") end, }) function enchanting:register_tools(mod, def) for tool in pairs( do for material in def.materials:gmatch("[%w_]+") do for enchant in[tool].enchants:gmatch("[%w_]+") do local original_tool = reg_tools[mod .. ":" .. tool .. "_" .. material] if not original_tool then break end local original_toolcaps = original_tool.tool_capabilities if original_toolcaps then local original_damage_groups = original_toolcaps.damage_groups local original_groupcaps = original_toolcaps.groupcaps local groupcaps = table.copy(original_groupcaps) local fleshy = original_damage_groups.fleshy local full_punch_interval = original_toolcaps.full_punch_interval local max_drop_level = original_toolcaps.max_drop_level local group = next(original_groupcaps) if enchant == "durable" then groupcaps[group].uses = ceil(original_groupcaps[group].uses * enchanting.uses) elseif enchant == "fast" then for i, time in pairs(original_groupcaps[group].times) do groupcaps[group].times[i] = time - enchanting.times end elseif enchant == "sharp" then fleshy = fleshy + enchanting.damages end minetest.register_tool(":" .. mod .. ":enchanted_" .. tool .. "_" .. material .. "_" .. enchant, { description = S("Enchanted @1 @2 @3", def.material_desc[material] or cap(material),[tool].desc or cap(tool), self:get_tooltip(enchant, original_groupcaps[group], fleshy)), inventory_image = original_tool.inventory_image .. "^[colorize:violet:50", wield_image = original_tool.wield_image, groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, tool_capabilities = { groupcaps = groupcaps, damage_groups = {fleshy = fleshy}, full_punch_interval = full_punch_interval, max_drop_level = max_drop_level } }) end end end end end enchanting:register_tools("default", { materials = "steel, bronze, mese, diamond", material_desc = {steel = S("Steel"), bronze = S("Bronze"), mese = S("Mese"), diamond = S("Diamond")}, tools = { axe = {enchants = "durable, fast", desc = S("Axe")}, pick = {enchants = "durable, fast", desc = S("Pickaxe")}, shovel = {enchants = "durable, fast", desc = S("Shovel")}, sword = {enchants = "sharp", desc = S("Sword")} }, }) -- Recipes minetest.register_craft({ output = "xdecor:enchantment_table", recipe = { {"", "default:book", ""}, {"default:diamond", "default:obsidian", "default:diamond"}, {"default:obsidian", "default:obsidian", "default:obsidian"} } })