local enchanting = {} screwdriver = screwdriver or {} function enchanting.formspec(pos, tool) local formspec = [[ size[9,9;] bgcolor[#080808BB;true] background[0,0;9,9;ench_ui.png] list[context;tool;0.9,2.9;1,1;] list[context;mese;2,2.9;1,1;] list[current_player;main;0.5,4.5;8,4;] image[2,2.9;1,1;mese_layout.png] tooltip[sharp;Your sword inflicts more damage] tooltip[durable;Your tool is more resistant] tooltip[fast;Your tool is more powerful] tooltip[strong;Your armor is more resistant] tooltip[speed;Your speed is increased] ]] ..default.gui_slots..default.get_hotbar_bg(0.5,4.5) local tool_fs = { ["tool"] = [[ image_button[3.9,0.85;4,0.92;bg_btn.png;fast;Efficiency] image_button[3.9,1.77;4,1.12;bg_btn.png;durable;Durability] ]], ["armor"] = "image_button[3.9,0.85;4,0.92;bg_btn.png;strong;Strength]", ["sword"] = "image_button[3.9,2.9;4,0.92;bg_btn.png;sharp;Sharpness]", ["boots"] = [[ image_button[3.9,0.85;4,0.92;bg_btn.png;strong;Strength] image_button[3.9,1.77;4,1.12;bg_btn.png;speed;Speed] ]] } for cat in pairs(tool_fs) do if tool == cat then formspec = formspec..tool_fs[cat] end end minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec) end function enchanting.on_put(pos, listname, _, stack) if listname == "tool" then local tools_cat = { ["tool"] = {"pick", "axe", "shovel"}, ["armor"] = {"chestplate", "leggings", "helmet"}, ["sword"] = {"sword"}, ["boots"] = {"boots"} } for cat, name in pairs(tools_cat) do for _, n in pairs(name) do if stack:get_name():find(n) then enchanting.formspec(pos, cat) end end end end end function enchanting.fields(pos, _, fields) if fields.quit then return end local inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory() local tool = inv:get_stack("tool", 1) local mese = inv:get_stack("mese", 1) local orig_wear = tool:get_wear() local mod, name = tool:get_name():match("(.*):(.*)") local enchanted_tool = mod..":enchanted_"..name.."_"..next(fields) if mese:get_count() > 0 and minetest.registered_tools[enchanted_tool] then tool:replace(enchanted_tool) tool:add_wear(orig_wear) mese:take_item() inv:set_stack("mese", 1, mese) inv:set_stack("tool", 1, tool) end end function enchanting.dig(pos) local inv = minetest.get_meta(pos):get_inventory() return inv:is_empty("tool") and inv:is_empty("mese") end local function allowed(tool) for item in pairs(minetest.registered_tools) do if item:match("enchanted_"..tool) then return true end end return false end function enchanting.put(_, listname, _, stack) local item = stack:get_name():match("[^:]+$") if listname == "mese" and item == "mese_crystal" then return stack:get_count() elseif listname == "tool" and allowed(item) then return 1 end return 0 end function enchanting.on_take(pos, listname) if listname == "tool" then enchanting.formspec(pos, nil) end end function enchanting.construct(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", "Enchantment Table") enchanting.formspec(pos, nil) local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("tool", 1) inv:set_size("mese", 1) end xdecor.register("enchantment_table", { description = "Enchantment Table", tiles = { "xdecor_enchantment_top.png", "xdecor_enchantment_bottom.png", "xdecor_enchantment_side.png", "xdecor_enchantment_side.png", "xdecor_enchantment_side.png", "xdecor_enchantment_side.png" }, groups = {cracky=1, oddly_breakable_by_hand=1, level=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), on_rotate = screwdriver.rotate_simple, can_dig = enchanting.dig, on_construct = enchanting.construct, on_receive_fields = enchanting.fields, on_metadata_inventory_put = enchanting.on_put, on_metadata_inventory_take = enchanting.on_take, allow_metadata_inventory_put = enchanting.put, allow_metadata_inventory_move = function() return 0 end }) local function cap(str) return str:gsub("^%l", string.upper) end -- Higher number = stronger enchant. enchanting.uses = 1.2 enchanting.times = 0.1 enchanting.damages = 1 enchanting.strength = 1.2 enchanting.speed = 0.2 enchanting.jump = 0.2 local tools = { --[[ Registration format : [Mod name] = { {materials}, {tool name, tool group, {enchantments}} } --]] ["default"] = { {"steel", "bronze", "mese", "diamond"}, {"axe", "choppy", {"durable", "fast"}}, {"pick", "cracky", {"durable", "fast"}}, {"shovel", "crumbly", {"durable", "fast"}}, {"sword", "fleshy", {"sharp"}} }, ["3d_armor"] = { {"steel", "bronze", "gold", "diamond"}, {"boots", nil, {"strong", "speed"}}, {"chestplate", nil, {"strong"}}, {"helmet", nil, {"strong"}}, {"leggings", nil, {"strong"}} } } for mod, defs in pairs(tools) do for _, mat in pairs(defs[1]) do for _, tooldef in next, defs, 1 do for _, ench in pairs(tooldef[3]) do local tool, group, material, enchant = tooldef[1], tooldef[2], mat, ench local original_tool = minetest.registered_tools[mod..":"..tool.."_"..material] if original_tool then if mod == "default" then local original_damage_groups = original_tool.tool_capabilities.damage_groups local original_groupcaps = original_tool.tool_capabilities.groupcaps local groupcaps = table.copy(original_groupcaps) local fleshy = original_damage_groups.fleshy local full_punch_interval = original_tool.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval local max_drop_level = original_tool.tool_capabilities.max_drop_level if enchant == "durable" then groupcaps[group].uses = math.ceil(original_groupcaps[group].uses * enchanting.uses) elseif enchant == "fast" then for i = 1, 3 do groupcaps[group].times[i] = original_groupcaps[group].times[i] - enchanting.times end elseif enchant == "sharp" then fleshy = fleshy + enchanting.damages end minetest.register_tool(":"..mod..":enchanted_"..tool.."_"..material.."_"..enchant, { description = "Enchanted "..cap(material).." "..cap(tool).." ("..cap(enchant)..")", inventory_image = original_tool.inventory_image.."^[colorize:violet:50", wield_image = original_tool.wield_image, groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, tool_capabilities = { groupcaps = groupcaps, damage_groups = {fleshy = fleshy}, full_punch_interval = full_punch_interval, max_drop_level = max_drop_level } }) end if mod == "3d_armor" then local original_armor_groups = original_tool.groups local armorcaps = table.copy(original_armor_groups) local armorcaps = {} armorcaps.not_in_creative_inventory = 1 for armor_group, value in pairs(original_armor_groups) do if enchant == "strong" then armorcaps[armor_group] = math.ceil(value * enchanting.strength) elseif enchant == "speed" then armorcaps[armor_group] = value armorcaps.physics_speed = enchanting.speed armorcaps.physics_jump = enchanting.jump end end minetest.register_tool(":"..mod..":enchanted_"..tool.."_"..material.."_"..enchant, { description = "Enchanted "..cap(material).." "..cap(tool).." ("..cap(enchant)..")", inventory_image = original_tool.inventory_image, texture = "3d_armor_"..tool.."_"..material, wield_image = original_tool.wield_image, groups = armorcaps, wear = 0 }) end end end end end end