--Before starting a new game write 6 or 7 in order to regulate the spawns -- (7 works also with flat and fractal). local v6 = nssm.mymapgenis == 6 -- true if set to 6 local mm = nssm.multimobs -- Spawning parameters if mm ~= 0 then -- V6 MAPGEN if v6 then -- ANTS (why only V6 mapgen ?) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:ant_queen", nodes = {"nssm:ant_dirt"}, interval = 60, chance = (200000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:ant_soldier", nodes = {"nssm:ant_dirt"}, interval = 7, chance = (30000 / mm), active_object_count = 4 }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:ant_worker", nodes = {"nssm:ant_dirt"}, interval = 5, chance = (10000 / mm), active_object_count = 5 }) else -- ALL OTHER MAPGENS -- SWIMMING DUCK (river water only) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:swimming_duck", nodes = {"default:river_water_source"}, neighbors = {"default:sand","default:river_water_source"}, max_height = 300, interval = 60, chance = (3000000 / mm) }) -- SAVANNA mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:felucco", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_dry_grass", "default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass"}, neighbors = {"default:dirt_with_dry_grass"}, min_height = -200, interval = 80, chance = (20000000 / mm) }) end -- NSSB SPECIAL if minetest.get_modpath("nssb") then mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:xgaloctopus", nodes = {"default:water_source"}, neighbors = {"nssb:marine_brick"}, max_height = 0, interval = 20, chance = (800000 / mm) }) end -- FOREST mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:larva", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"default:tree", "default:aspen_tree"}, max_height = 140, interval = 40, chance = v6 and (200000 / mm) or (800000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:masticone", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"default:tree", "default:aspen_tree"}, max_height = 140, interval = v6 and 120 or 180, chance = v6 and (5000000 / mm) or (6000000 / mm), active_object_count = 2 }) -- PINE FOREST mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:pumpboom_small", nodes = { "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", "default:dirt_with_snow", "default:snowblock" }, neighbors = {"default:pine_tree"}, interval = v6 and 30 or 80, chance = v6 and (600000 / mm) or (1400000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:pumpboom_medium", nodes = { "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", "default:dirt_with_snow", "default:snowblock" }, neighbors = {"default:pine_tree"}, interval = v6 and 30 or 80, chance = v6 and (800000 / mm) or (1600000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:pumpboom_large", nodes = { "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", "default:dirt_with_snow", "default:snowblock" }, neighbors = {"default:pine_tree"}, interval = v6 and 30 or 80, chance = v6 and (1000000 / mm) or (1800000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:pumpking", nodes = { "default:dirt_with_coniferous_litter", "default:dirt_with_snow", "default:snowblock" }, neighbors = {"default:pine_needles", "default:pine_tree"}, max_light = v6 and 15 or 12, interval = 120, chance = (8000000 / mm) }) -- ICE mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:icelamander", nodes = {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, neighbors = {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, interval = v6 and 120 or 180, chance = v6 and (25000000 / mm) or (120000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:icesnake", nodes = {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, neighbors = {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, interval = v6 and 30 or 40, chance = v6 and (6000000 / mm) or (20000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:white_werewolf", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_snow","default:snowblock"}, min_height = v6 and 20 or 31000, interval = v6 and 60 or 40, chance = v6 and (9000000 / mm) or (22000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:snow_biter", nodes = {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, neighbors = {"default:snowblock", "default:ice", "default:dirt_with_snow"}, chance = v6 and (6000000 / mm) or (20000000 / mm) }) -- MOUNTAINS mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:echidna", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, min_height = v6 and 22 or 50, interval = 200, chance = (100000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:manticore", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, min_height = v6 and 20 or 50, interval = 60, chance = v6 and (12000000 / mm) or (13000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:werewolf", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, max_light = 10, min_height = v6 and 20 or 40, interval = 60, chance = v6 and (12000000 / mm) or (13000000 / mm) }) -- DUCKS mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:duck", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"group:flora"}, min_light = 10, max_height = 40, interval = v6 and 20 or 50, chance = v6 and (350000 / mm) or (1500000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:duckking", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"group:flora"}, min_light = 10, max_height = v6 and 20 or 40, interval = v6 and 300 or 400, chance = v6 and (5000000 / mm) or (120000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:enderduck", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"group:flora"}, max_light = 10, max_height = v6 and 20 or 40, interval = v6 and 45 or 120, chance = v6 and (900000 / mm) or (5000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:flying_duck", nodes = v6 and {"default:dirt_with_grass"} or {"air"}, neighbors = {"group:leaves"}, min_light = 10, min_height = 1, max_height = v6 and 25 or 40, interval = 120, chance = v6 and (24000000 / mm) or (8000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:flying_duck", nodes = v6 and {"default:dirt_with_grass"} or {"air"}, neighbors = {"group:flora"}, min_light = 10, min_height = 1, max_height = v6 and 25 or 40, interval = 120, chance = v6 and (6000000 / mm) or (25000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:spiderduck", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, neighbors = {"group:flora"}, max_light = 10, max_height = 20, interval = v6 and 45 or 120, chance = v6 and (850000 / mm) or (5000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:swimming_duck", nodes = {"default:water_source"}, neighbors = {"default:water_source"}, max_height = v6 and 20 or 40, interval = 60, chance = (45000000 / mm) }) -- SPIDERS mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:black_widow", nodes = { "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", "default:jungletree", "nssm:web" }, interval = v6 and 20 or 30, chance = v6 and (1200000 / mm) or (4400000 / mm), active_object_count = 2 }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:daddy_long_legs", nodes = { "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", "default:jungletree", "nssm:web" }, interval = 10, chance = v6 and (1200000 / mm) or (4400000 / mm), active_object_count = 2 }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:tarantula", nodes = { "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", "default:jungletree", "nssm:web" }, max_light = 14, interval = 120, chance = v6 and (5000000 / mm) or (50000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:ulboros", nodes = { "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter", "default:jungletree", "nssm:web" }, interval = v6 and 20 or 30, chance = v6 and (1200000 / mm) or (4400000 / mm) }) -- CAVES mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:bloco", nodes = {"default:stone", "default:desert_stone", "default:sandstone"}, max_height = -20, chance = (500000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:lava_titan", nodes = {"default:stone", "default:desert_stone", "default:sandstone"}, max_height = -100, max_light = 12, interval = 120, chance = (22000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:stone_eater", nodes = {"default:stone", "default:desert_stone", "default:sandstone"}, max_height = -20, interval = 40, chance = (700000 / mm), active_object_count = 2 }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:signosigno", nodes = {"default:stone", "default:desert_stone", "default:sandstone"}, max_height = -20, max_light = 10, interval = 20, chance = (400000 / mm), active_object_count = 2 }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:signosigno", nodes = {"bones:bones"}, max_light = 15, interval = 20, chance = (5000 / mm), active_object_count = 5 }) -- SEA mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:crab", nodes = {"default:sand"}, neighbors = {"default:water_source"}, interval = 60, chance = (4000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:crocodile", nodes = {"default:sand","default:water_source"}, neighbors = {"default:water_source"}, interval = 100, chance = (35000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:crocodile", nodes = {"default:sand","default:river_water_source"}, neighbors = {"default:river_water_source"}, interval = 60, chance = (12000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:dolidrosaurus", nodes = {"default:water_source"}, neighbors = {"default:water_source"}, max_height = -1, interval = 100, chance = (35000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:kraken", nodes = {"default:water_source"}, neighbors = {"default:water_source"}, max_height = 0, interval = 400, chance = (500000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:octopus", nodes = {"default:water_source"}, neighbors = {"default:water_source"}, max_height = 0, interval = 80, chance = (38000000 / mm) }) -- DESERT mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:sandworm", nodes = {"default:desert_sand", "default:desert_stone"}, interval = 100, chance = (28000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:giant_sandworm", nodes = {"default:desert_sand", "default:desert_stone"}, interval = 400, chance = (600000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:sand_bloco", nodes = {"default:desert_sand", "default:desert_stone"}, interval = 90, chance = (20000000 / mm) }) -- SKY mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:moonheron", nodes = {"air"}, max_light = 10, min_height = 10, max_height = 180, interval = 110, chance = (950000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:night_master", nodes = {"air"}, max_light = 7, min_height = 10, max_height = 180, interval = 400, chance = (4500000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:phoenix", nodes = {"air"}, max_light = 10, min_height = 10, max_height = 180, interval = 400, chance = (10000000000 / mm) }) mobs:spawn({ name = "nssm:scrausics", nodes = {"air"}, max_light = 10, min_height = 10, max_height = 180, interval = 110, chance = (950000000 / mm) }) end