#Enable pipes. pipeworks_enable_pipes (Enable Pipes) bool true #Enable autocrafter. pipeworks_enable_autocrafter (Enable Autocrafter) bool true #Enable deployer. pipeworks_enable_deployer (Enable Deployer) bool true #Enable dispenser. pipeworks_enable_dispenser (Enable Dispenser) bool true #Enable node breaker. pipeworks_enable_node_breaker (Enable Node Breaker) bool true #Enable teleport tube. pipeworks_enable_teleport_tube (Enable Teleport Tube) bool true #Enable pipe devices. pipeworks_enable_pipe_devices (Enable Pipe Devices) bool true #Enable redefines. pipeworks_enable_redefines (Enable Node Redefines) bool true #Enable sorting tube. pipeworks_enable_mese_tube (Enable Sorting Tube) bool true #Enable detector tube. pipeworks_enable_detector_tube (Enable Detector Tube) bool true #Enable digiline detector tube. pipeworks_enable_digiline_detector_tube (Enable Digiline Detector Tube) bool true #Enable mesecon signal conducting tube. pipeworks_enable_conductor_tube (Enable Conductor Tube) bool true #Enable digiline signal conducting tube. pipeworks_enable_digiline_conductor_tube (Enable Digiline Conductor Tube) bool true #Enable accelerator tube. pipeworks_enable_accelerator_tube (Enable Accelerator Tube) bool true #Enable crossing tube. #It sends all incoming items to the other side, or if there is no other tube, it sends them back. pipeworks_enable_crossing_tube (Enable Crossing Tube) bool true #Enable vacuum tube. #It picks up all items that lay around next to it. pipeworks_enable_sand_tube (Enable Vacuum Tube) bool true #Enable mese vacuum tube. #It's like the normal vacuum tube with the #differance that you can set the radius up to 8 nodes. pipeworks_enable_mese_sand_tube (Enable Mese Vacuum Tube) bool true #Enable one way tube. #It sends items only in one direction. #Use it to drop items out of tubes. pipeworks_enable_one_way_tube (Enable One Way Tube) bool true #Enable high priority tube. #It has a very high priority and so, on crossings, the items will #always go to it if there are multible ways. pipeworks_enable_priority_tube (Enable High Priority Tube) bool true #Enable lua controlled tube. #It is comparable with mesecons luacontroller. pipeworks_enable_lua_tube (Enable Lua controlled Tube) bool true #Enable cyclic mode. pipeworks_enable_cyclic_mode (Enable Cyclic Mode) bool true #Drop on routing fail. pipeworks_drop_on_routing_fail (Drop On Routing Fail) bool false #Delete item on clearobject. pipeworks_delete_item_on_clearobject (Delete Item On Clearobject) bool true #Use real visible entities in tubes within active areas. #When disabled, tubes are made opaque. pipeworks_use_real_entities (Use Real Entities) bool true #Target interval between tube entity steps. #A high value may cause issues with tube entity visuals. #A value 0.2 or above may cause issues with accelerator tubes. pipeworks_entity_update_interval (Entity Update Interval) float 0 0 0.8 # Use the default rules from the digilines mod. # If enabled the following devices will connect to digiline networks in the vertical direction: # digiline filter injector, deployer, dispenser, node breaker, autocrafter # If disabled, the devices will not be able to send or recieve digiline signals from the top # or bottom faces, regardless of the node rotation. This breaks expected behavior with digiline # conducting tubes, so it is recommended to enable this option unless you have specific builds # that make use of the lack of vertical digiline connectivity and those are more important to you. enable_vertical_digilines_connectivity (Use the default rules from the digilines mod) bool true # if set to true, items passing through teleport tubes will log log where they came from and where they went. pipeworks_log_teleport_tubes (Log Teleport Tubes) bool false # Behavior of print() inside a lua tube. By default, this emits a message into actionstream. # Set it to noop if you wish to disable that behavior. pipeworks_lua_tube_print_behavior (Behavior of print in Lua Tube) enum log log,noop #Disconnect node destroyer from tool pipeworks_enable_node_destroyer_from_tool = true pipeworks_enable_debug (Enable debug) bool false