2024-07-22 16:48:47 +05:00
local S = minetest.get_translator ( " rangedweapons " )
2024-07-22 15:41:50 +05:00
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath ( minetest.get_current_modname ( ) )
if minetest.global_exists ( " armor " ) and armor.attributes then
table.insert ( armor.attributes , " bullet_res " )
if minetest.global_exists ( " armor " ) and armor.attributes then
table.insert ( armor.attributes , " ammo_save " )
if minetest.global_exists ( " armor " ) and armor.attributes then
table.insert ( armor.attributes , " ranged_dmg " )
minetest.register_node ( " rangedweapons:antigun_block " , {
description = " " .. core.colorize ( " #35cdff " , " Anti-gun block \n " ) .. core.colorize ( " #FFFFFF " , " Prevents people from using guns, in 10 node radius to each side from this block " ) ,
tiles = { " rangedweapons_antigun_block.png " } ,
groups = { choppy = 3 , oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3 } ,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults ( ) ,
} )
---- gun_funcs
local function update_ammo_counter_on_gun ( gunMeta )
gunMeta : set_string ( " count_meta " , tostring ( gunMeta : get_int ( " RW_bullets " ) ) )
make_sparks = function ( pos )
minetest.sound_play ( " rengedweapons_ricochet " , { pos = pos , gain = 0.75 } )
for i = 1 , 9 do
minetest.add_particle ( {
pos = pos ,
velocity = { x = math.random ( - 6.0 , 6.0 ) , y = math.random ( - 10.0 , 15.0 ) , z = math.random ( - 6.0 , 6.0 ) } ,
acceleration = { x = math.random ( - 9.0 , 9.0 ) , y = math.random ( - 15.0 , - 3.0 ) , z = math.random ( - 9.0 , 9.0 ) } ,
expirationtime = 1.0 ,
size = math.random ( 1 , 2 ) ,
collisiondetection = true ,
vertical = false ,
texture = " rangedweapons_spark.png " ,
glow = 25 ,
} )
local max_gun_efficiency = tonumber ( minetest.settings : get ( " rangedweapons_max_gun_efficiency " ) ) or 300
rangedweapons_gain_skill = function ( player , skill , chance )
if math.random ( 1 , chance ) == 1 then
local p_meta = player : get_meta ( )
local skill_num = p_meta : get_int ( skill )
if skill_num < max_gun_efficiency then
p_meta : set_int ( skill , skill_num + 1 )
2024-07-22 16:48:47 +05:00
minetest.chat_send_player ( player : get_player_name ( ) , " " .. core.colorize ( " #25c200 " , S ( " You've improved your skill with this type of gun! " ) ) )
2024-07-22 15:41:50 +05:00
rangedweapons_reload_gun = function ( itemstack , player )
local GunCaps = itemstack : get_definition ( ) . RW_gun_capabilities
local gun_unload_sound = " "
if GunCaps ~= nil then
gun_unload_sound = GunCaps.gun_unload_sound or " "
minetest.sound_play ( gun_unload_sound , { pos = player : get_pos ( ) } )
local gun_reload = 0.25
if GunCaps ~= nil then
gun_reload = GunCaps.gun_reload or 0.25
local playerMeta = player : get_meta ( )
local gunMeta = itemstack : get_meta ( )
gunMeta : set_float ( " RW_reload_delay " , gun_reload )
playerMeta : set_float ( " rw_cooldown " , gun_reload )
local player_has_ammo = 0
local clipSize = 0
local reload_ammo = " "
if GunCaps.suitable_ammo ~= nil then
local inv = player : get_inventory ( )
for i = 1 , inv : get_size ( " main " ) do
for _ , ammo in pairs ( GunCaps.suitable_ammo ) do
if inv : get_stack ( " main " , i ) : get_name ( ) == ammo [ 1 ] then
reload_ammo = inv : get_stack ( " main " , i )
clipSize = ammo [ 2 ]
player_has_ammo = 1
end end
if player_has_ammo == 1 then
end end
if player_has_ammo == 1 then
local gunMeta = itemstack : get_meta ( )
local ammoCount = gunMeta : get_int ( " RW_bullets " )
local ammoName = gunMeta : get_string ( " RW_ammo_name " )
local inv = player : get_inventory ( )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_infinite_ammo " , false ) then
gunMeta : set_int ( " RW_bullets " , clipSize )
inv : add_item ( " main " , ammoName .. " " .. ammoCount )
if inv : contains_item ( " main " , reload_ammo : get_name ( ) .. " " .. clipSize ) then
inv : remove_item ( " main " , reload_ammo : get_name ( ) .. " " .. clipSize )
gunMeta : set_int ( " RW_bullets " , clipSize )
gunMeta : set_int ( " RW_bullets " , reload_ammo : get_count ( ) )
inv : remove_item ( " main " , reload_ammo : get_name ( ) .. " " .. reload_ammo : get_count ( ) )
gunMeta : set_string ( " RW_ammo_name " , reload_ammo : get_name ( ) )
update_ammo_counter_on_gun ( gunMeta )
if GunCaps.gun_magazine ~= nil then
local pos = player : get_pos ( )
local dir = player : get_look_dir ( )
local yaw = player : get_look_horizontal ( )
if pos and dir and yaw then
pos.y = pos.y + 1.4
local obj = minetest.add_entity ( pos , " rangedweapons:mag " )
if obj then
obj : set_properties ( { textures = { GunCaps.gun_magazine } } )
obj : set_velocity ( { x = dir.x * 2 , y = dir.y * 2 , z = dir.z * 2 } )
obj : set_acceleration ( { x = 0 , y =- 5 , z = 0 } )
obj : set_rotation ( { x = 0 , y = yaw - math.pi / 2 , z = 0 } )
end end end
if GunCaps.gun_unloaded ~= nil then
itemstack : set_name ( GunCaps.gun_unloaded )
rangedweapons_single_load_gun = function ( itemstack , player )
local GunCaps = itemstack : get_definition ( ) . RW_gun_capabilities
if GunCaps ~= nil then
gun_unload_sound = GunCaps.gun_unload_sound or " "
minetest.sound_play ( gun_unload_sound , { pos = player : get_pos ( ) } )
local gun_reload = 0.25
if GunCaps ~= nil then
gun_reload = GunCaps.gun_reload or 0.25
local playerMeta = player : get_meta ( )
local gunMeta = itemstack : get_meta ( )
gunMeta : set_float ( " RW_reload_delay " , gun_reload )
playerMeta : set_float ( " rw_cooldown " , gun_reload )
local player_has_ammo = 0
local clipSize = 0
local reload_ammo = " "
if GunCaps.suitable_ammo ~= nil then
local inv = player : get_inventory ( )
for i = 1 , inv : get_size ( " main " ) do
for _ , ammo in pairs ( GunCaps.suitable_ammo ) do
if inv : get_stack ( " main " , i ) : get_name ( ) == ammo [ 1 ] then
reload_ammo = inv : get_stack ( " main " , i )
clipSize = ammo [ 2 ]
player_has_ammo = 1
end end
if player_has_ammo == 1 then
end end
if player_has_ammo == 1 then
local gunMeta = itemstack : get_meta ( )
local ammoCount = gunMeta : get_int ( " RW_bullets " )
local ammoName = gunMeta : get_string ( " RW_ammo_name " )
local inv = player : get_inventory ( )
if ammoName ~= reload_ammo : get_name ( ) then
inv : add_item ( " main " , ammoName .. " " .. ammoCount )
gunMeta : set_int ( " RW_bullets " , 0 )
if inv : contains_item ( " main " , reload_ammo : get_name ( ) ) and
gunMeta : get_int ( " RW_bullets " ) < clipSize then
if not minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_infinite_ammo " , false ) then
inv : remove_item ( " main " , reload_ammo : get_name ( ) )
gunMeta : set_int ( " RW_bullets " , gunMeta : get_int ( " RW_bullets " ) + 1 )
gunMeta : set_string ( " RW_ammo_name " , reload_ammo : get_name ( ) )
update_ammo_counter_on_gun ( gunMeta )
if GunCaps.gun_unloaded ~= nil then
itemstack : set_name ( GunCaps.gun_unloaded )
rangedweapons_yeet = function ( itemstack , player )
if minetest.find_node_near ( player : get_pos ( ) , 10 , " rangedweapons:antigun_block " )
2024-07-22 16:48:47 +05:00
minetest.chat_send_player ( player : get_player_name ( ) , " " .. core.colorize ( " #ff0000 " , S ( " throwable weapons are prohibited in this area! " ) ) )
2024-07-22 15:41:50 +05:00
local ThrowCaps = itemstack : get_definition ( ) . RW_throw_capabilities
local playerMeta = player : get_meta ( )
local throw_cooldown = 0
if ThrowCaps ~= nil then
throw_cooldown = ThrowCaps.throw_cooldown or 0
if playerMeta : get_float ( " rw_cooldown " ) <= 0 then
playerMeta : set_float ( " rw_cooldown " , throw_cooldown )
local throw_damage = { fleshy = 1 }
local throw_sound = " rangedweapons_throw "
local throw_velocity = 20
local throw_accuracy = 100
local throw_cooling = 0
local throw_crit = 0
local throw_critEffc = 1
local throw_mobPen = 0
local throw_nodePen = 0
local throw_dps = 0
local throw_gravity = 0
local throw_door_breaking = 0
local throw_skill = " "
local throw_skillChance = 0
local throw_smokeSize = 0
local throw_ent = " rangedweapons:shot_bullet "
local throw_visual = " wielditem "
local throw_texture = " rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual "
local throw_glass_breaking = 0
local throw_particles = { }
local throw_sparks = 0
local throw_bomb_ignite = 0
local throw_size = 0
local throw_glow = 0
local OnCollision = function ( ) end
if ThrowCaps ~= nil then
throw_damage = ThrowCaps.throw_damage or { fleshy = 1 }
throw_sound = ThrowCaps.throw_sound or " rangedweapons_glock "
throw_velocity = ThrowCaps.throw_velocity or 20
throw_accuracy = ThrowCaps.throw_accuracy or 100
throw_cooling = ThrowCaps.throw_cooling or itemstack : get_name ( )
throw_crit = ThrowCaps.throw_crit or 0
throw_critEffc = ThrowCaps.throw_critEffc or 1
throw_projectiles = ThrowCaps.throw_projectiles or 1
throw_mobPen = ThrowCaps.throw_mob_penetration or 0
throw_nodePen = ThrowCaps.throw_node_penetration or 0
throw_dps = ThrowCaps.throw_dps or 0
throw_gravity = ThrowCaps.throw_gravity or 0
throw_door_breaking = ThrowCaps.throw_door_breaking or 0
throw_ent = ThrowCaps.throw_entity or " rangedweapons:shot_bullet "
throw_visual = ThrowCaps.throw_visual or " wielditem "
throw_texture = ThrowCaps.throw_texture or " rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual "
throw_glass_breaking = ThrowCaps.throw_glass_breaking or 0
throw_particles = ThrowCaps.throw_particles or nil
throw_sparks = ThrowCaps.throw_sparks or 0
throw_bomb_ignite = ThrowCaps.ignites_explosives or 0
throw_size = ThrowCaps.throw_projectile_size or 0
throw_glow = ThrowCaps.throw_projectile_glow or 0
OnCollision = ThrowCaps.OnCollision or function ( ) end
if ThrowCaps.throw_skill ~= nil then
throw_skill = ThrowCaps.throw_skill [ 1 ] or " "
throw_skillChance = ThrowCaps.throw_skill [ 2 ] or 0
throw_skill = " "
throw_skillChance = 0
if throw_skillChance > 0 and throw_skill ~= " " then
rangedweapons_gain_skill ( player , throw_skill , throw_skillChance )
local skill_value = 1
if throw_skill ~= " " then
skill_value = playerMeta : get_int ( throw_skill ) / 100
rangedweapons_launch_projectile ( player , throw_projectiles , throw_damage , throw_ent , throw_visual , throw_texture , throw_sound , throw_velocity , throw_accuracy , skill_value , OnCollision , throw_crit , throw_critEffc , throw_mobPen , throw_nodePen , 0 , " " , " " , " " , throw_dps , throw_gravity , throw_door_breaking , throw_glass_breaking , throw_particles , throw_sparks , throw_bomb_ignite , throw_size , 0 , itemstack : get_wear ( ) , throw_glow )
itemstack : take_item ( )
rangedweapons_shoot_gun = function ( itemstack , player )
if minetest.find_node_near ( player : get_pos ( ) , 10 , " rangedweapons:antigun_block " )
minetest.sound_play ( " rangedweapons_empty " , { pos = player : get_pos ( ) } )
2024-07-22 16:48:47 +05:00
minetest.chat_send_player ( player : get_player_name ( ) , " " .. core.colorize ( " #ff0000 " , S ( " Guns are prohibited in this area! " ) ) )
2024-07-22 15:41:50 +05:00
local gun_cooldown = 0
local GunCaps = itemstack : get_definition ( ) . RW_gun_capabilities
local gun_ammo_save = 0
if GunCaps ~= nil then
gun_cooldown = GunCaps.gun_cooldown or 0
gun_ammo_save = GunCaps.ammo_saving or 0
local gunMeta = itemstack : get_meta ( )
local playerMeta = player : get_meta ( )
if gunMeta : get_int ( " RW_bullets " ) > 0 and
playerMeta : get_float ( " rw_cooldown " ) <= 0 then
playerMeta : set_float ( " rw_cooldown " , gun_cooldown )
if math.random ( 1 , 100 ) > gun_ammo_save then
gunMeta : set_int ( " RW_bullets " , gunMeta : get_int ( " RW_bullets " ) - 1 )
update_ammo_counter_on_gun ( gunMeta )
local OnCollision = function ( ) end
local bulletStack = ItemStack ( { name = gunMeta : get_string ( " RW_ammo_name " ) } )
local AmmoCaps = bulletStack : get_definition ( ) . RW_ammo_capabilities
local gun_damage = { fleshy = 1 }
local gun_sound = " rangedweapons_glock "
local gun_velocity = 20
local gun_accuracy = 100
local gun_cooling = 0
local gun_crit = 0
local gun_critEffc = 1
local gun_projectiles = 1
local gun_mobPen = 0
local gun_nodePen = 0
local gun_shell = 0
local gun_durability = 0
local gun_dps = 0
local gun_gravity = 0
local gun_door_breaking = 0
local gun_skill = " "
local gun_skillChance = 0
local gun_smokeSize = 0
local bullet_damage = { fleshy = 0 }
local bullet_velocity = 0
local bullet_ent = " rangedweapons:shot_bullet "
local bullet_visual = " wielditem "
local bullet_texture = " rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual "
local bullet_crit = 0
local bullet_critEffc = 0
local bullet_projMult = 1
local bullet_mobPen = 0
local bullet_nodePen = 0
local bullet_shell_ent = " rangedweapons:empty_shell "
local bullet_shell_visual = " wielditem "
local bullet_shell_texture = " rangedweapons:shelldrop "
local bullet_dps = 0
local bullet_gravity = 0
local bullet_glass_breaking = 0
local bullet_particles = { }
local bullet_sparks = 0
local bullet_bomb_ignite = 0
local bullet_size = 0
local bullet_glow = 20
if GunCaps ~= nil then
gun_damage = GunCaps.gun_damage or { fleshy = 1 }
gun_sound = GunCaps.gun_sound or " rangedweapons_glock "
gun_velocity = GunCaps.gun_velocity or 20
gun_accuracy = GunCaps.gun_accuracy or 100
gun_cooling = GunCaps.gun_cooling or itemstack : get_name ( )
gun_crit = GunCaps.gun_crit or 0
gun_critEffc = GunCaps.gun_critEffc or 1
gun_projectiles = GunCaps.gun_projectiles or 1
gun_mobPen = GunCaps.gun_mob_penetration or 0
gun_nodePen = GunCaps.gun_node_penetration or 0
gun_shell = GunCaps.has_shell or 0
gun_durability = GunCaps.gun_durability or 0
gun_dps = GunCaps.gun_dps or 0
gun_ammo_save = GunCaps.ammo_saving or 0
gun_gravity = GunCaps.gun_gravity or 0
gun_door_breaking = GunCaps.gun_door_breaking or 0
gun_smokeSize = GunCaps.gun_smokeSize or 0
if GunCaps.gun_skill ~= nil then
gun_skill = GunCaps.gun_skill [ 1 ] or " "
gun_skillChance = GunCaps.gun_skill [ 2 ] or 0
gun_skill = " "
gun_skillChance = 0
if gun_skillChance > 0 and gun_skill ~= " " then
rangedweapons_gain_skill ( player , gun_skill , gun_skillChance )
if AmmoCaps ~= nil then
OnCollision = AmmoCaps.OnCollision or function ( ) end
bullet_damage = AmmoCaps.ammo_damage or { fleshy = 1 }
bullet_velocity = AmmoCaps.ammo_velocity or 0
bullet_ent = AmmoCaps.ammo_entity or " rangedweapons:shot_bullet "
bullet_visual = AmmoCaps.ammo_visual or " wielditem "
bullet_texture = AmmoCaps.ammo_texture or " rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual "
bullet_crit = AmmoCaps.ammo_crit or 0
bullet_critEffc = AmmoCaps.ammo_critEffc or 0
bullet_projMult = AmmoCaps.ammo_projectile_multiplier or 1
bullet_mobPen = AmmoCaps.ammo_mob_penetration or 0
bullet_nodePen = AmmoCaps.ammo_node_penetration or 0
bullet_shell_ent = AmmoCaps.shell_entity or " rangedweapons:empty_shell "
bullet_shell_visual = AmmoCaps.shell_visual or " wielditem "
bullet_shell_texture = AmmoCaps.shell_texture or " rangedweapons:shelldrop "
bullet_dps = AmmoCaps.ammo_dps or 0
bullet_gravity = AmmoCaps.ammo_gravity or 0
bullet_glass_breaking = AmmoCaps.ammo_glass_breaking or 0
bullet_particles = AmmoCaps.ammo_particles or nil
bullet_sparks = AmmoCaps.has_sparks or 0
bullet_bomb_ignite = AmmoCaps.ignites_explosives or 0
bullet_size = AmmoCaps.ammo_projectile_size or 0.0025
bullet_glow = AmmoCaps.ammo_projectile_glow or 20
local combined_crit = gun_crit + bullet_crit
local combined_critEffc = gun_critEffc + bullet_critEffc
local combined_velocity = gun_velocity + bullet_velocity
local combined_projNum = math.ceil ( gun_projectiles * bullet_projMult )
local combined_mobPen = gun_mobPen + bullet_mobPen
local combined_nodePen = gun_nodePen + bullet_nodePen
local combined_dps = gun_dps + bullet_dps
local combined_dmg = { }
local combined_gravity = gun_gravity + bullet_gravity
for _ , gunDmg in pairs ( gun_damage ) do
if bullet_damage [ _ ] ~= nil then
combined_dmg [ _ ] = gun_damage [ _ ] + bullet_damage [ _ ]
combined_dmg [ _ ] = gun_damage [ _ ]
for _ , bulletDmg in pairs ( bullet_damage ) do
if gun_damage [ _ ] == nil then
combined_dmg [ _ ] = bullet_damage [ _ ]
local skill_value = 1
if gun_skill ~= " " then
skill_value = playerMeta : get_int ( gun_skill ) / 100
rangedweapons_launch_projectile ( player , combined_projNum , combined_dmg , bullet_ent , bullet_visual , bullet_texture , gun_sound , combined_velocity , gun_accuracy , skill_value , OnCollision , combined_crit , combined_critEffc , combined_mobPen , combined_nodePen , gun_shell , bullet_shell_ent , bullet_shell_texture , bullet_shell_visual , combined_dps , combined_gravity , gun_door_breaking , bullet_glass_breaking , bullet_particles , bullet_sparks , bullet_bomb_ignite , bullet_size , gun_smokeSize , 0 , bullet_glow )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_gun_wear " , true ) then
itemstack : add_wear ( 65535 / gun_durability )
itemstack : set_name ( gun_cooling )
end end
rangedweapons_shoot_powergun = function ( itemstack , player )
if minetest.find_node_near ( player : get_pos ( ) , 10 , " rangedweapons:antigun_block " )
minetest.sound_play ( " rangedweapons_empty " , { pos = player : get_pos ( ) } )
2024-07-22 16:48:47 +05:00
minetest.chat_send_player ( player : get_player_name ( ) , " " .. core.colorize ( " #ff0000 " , S ( " Guns are prohibited in this area! " ) ) )
2024-07-22 15:41:50 +05:00
local power_cooldown = 0
local power_consumption = 0
local PowerCaps = itemstack : get_definition ( ) . RW_powergun_capabilities
if PowerCaps ~= nil then
power_cooldown = PowerCaps.power_cooldown or 0
power_consumption = PowerCaps.power_consumption or 0
local inv = player : get_inventory ( )
local playerMeta = player : get_meta ( )
if inv : contains_item ( " main " , " rangedweapons:power_particle " .. PowerCaps.power_consumption ) and
playerMeta : get_float ( " rw_cooldown " ) <= 0 then
playerMeta : set_float ( " rw_cooldown " , power_cooldown )
local OnCollision = function ( ) end
local power_damage = { fleshy = 1 }
local power_sound = " rangedweapons_laser "
local power_velocity = 20
local power_accuracy = 100
local power_cooling = 0
local power_crit = 0
local power_critEffc = 1
local power_mobPen = 0
local power_nodePen = 0
local power_durability = 0
local power_dps = 0
local power_gravity = 0
local power_door_breaking = 0
local power_skill = " "
local power_skillChance = 0
local power_ent = " rangedweapons:shot_bullet "
local power_visual = " wielditem "
local power_texture = " rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual "
local power_glass_breaking = 0
local power_particles = { }
local power_sparks = 0
local power_bomb_ignite = 0
local power_size = 0
local power_glow = 20
local power_projectiles = 1
if PowerCaps ~= nil then
power_damage = PowerCaps.power_damage or { fleshy = 1 }
power_sound = PowerCaps.power_sound or " rangedweapons_glock "
power_velocity = PowerCaps.power_velocity or 20
power_accuracy = PowerCaps.power_accuracy or 100
power_cooling = PowerCaps.power_cooling or itemstack : get_name ( )
power_crit = PowerCaps.power_crit or 0
power_critEffc = PowerCaps.power_critEffc or 1
power_projectiles = PowerCaps.power_projectiles or 1
power_mobPen = PowerCaps.power_mob_penetration or 0
power_nodePen = PowerCaps.power_node_penetration or 0
power_durability = PowerCaps.power_durability or 0
power_dps = PowerCaps.power_dps or 0
power_gravity = PowerCaps.power_gravity or 0
power_door_breaking = PowerCaps.power_door_breaking or 0
OnCollision = PowerCaps.OnCollision or function ( ) end
power_ent = PowerCaps.power_entity or " rangedweapons:shot_bullet "
power_visual = PowerCaps.power_visual or " wielditem "
power_texture = PowerCaps.power_texture or " rangedweapons:shot_bullet_visual "
power_glass_breaking = PowerCaps.power_glass_breaking or 0
power_particles = PowerCaps.power_particles or nil
power_sparks = PowerCaps.has_sparks or 0
power_bomb_ignite = PowerCaps.ignites_explosives or 0
power_size = PowerCaps.power_projectile_size or 0.0025
power_glow = PowerCaps.power_projectile_glow or 20
if PowerCaps.power_skill ~= nil then
power_skill = PowerCaps.power_skill [ 1 ] or " "
power_skillChance = PowerCaps.power_skill [ 2 ] or 0
power_skill = " "
power_skillChance = 0
if power_skillChance > 0 and power_skill ~= " " then
rangedweapons_gain_skill ( player , power_skill , power_skillChance )
local skill_value = 1
if power_skill ~= " " then
skill_value = playerMeta : get_int ( power_skill ) / 100
rangedweapons_launch_projectile ( player , power_projectiles , power_damage , power_ent , power_visual , power_texture , power_sound , power_velocity , power_accuracy , skill_value , OnCollision , power_crit , power_critEffc , power_mobPen , power_nodePen , 0 , " " , " " , " " , power_dps , power_gravity , power_door_breaking , power_glass_breaking , power_particles , power_sparks , power_bomb_ignite , power_size , 0 , 0 , power_glow )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_gun_wear " , true ) then
itemstack : add_wear ( 65535 / power_durability )
itemstack : set_name ( power_cooling )
inv : remove_item ( " main " , " rangedweapons:power_particle " .. PowerCaps.power_consumption )
end end
rangedweapons_launch_projectile = function ( player , projNum , projDmg , projEnt , visualType , texture , shoot_sound , combined_velocity , accuracy , skill_value , ColResult , projCrit , projCritEffc , mobPen , nodePen , has_shell , shellEnt , shellTexture , shellVisual , dps , gravity , door_break , glass_break , bullet_particles , sparks , ignite , size , smokeSize , proj_wear , proj_glow )
local pos = player : get_pos ( )
local dir = player : get_look_dir ( )
local yaw = player : get_look_horizontal ( )
local svertical = player : get_look_vertical ( )
if pos and dir and yaw then
minetest.sound_play ( shoot_sound , { pos = pos , max_hear_distance = 500 } )
pos.y = pos.y + 1.45
if has_shell > 0 and minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_animate_empty_shells " , true ) then
local shl = minetest.add_entity ( pos , shellEnt )
shl : set_velocity ( { x = dir.x * - 10 , y = dir.y * - 10 , z = dir.z * - 10 } )
shl : set_acceleration ( { x = dir.x * - 5 , y = - 10 , z = dir.z * - 5 } )
shl : set_rotation ( { x = 0 , y = yaw - math.pi / 2 , z =- svertical } )
shl : set_properties ( {
textures = { shellTexture } ,
visual = shellVisual , } )
if smokeSize > 0 then
minetest.add_particle ( {
pos = pos ,
velocity = { x = ( dir.x * 3 ) + ( math.random ( - 10 , 10 ) / 10 ) , y = ( dir.y * 3 ) + ( math.random ( - 10 , 10 ) / 10 ) , z = ( dir.z * 3 ) + ( math.random ( - 10 , 10 ) / 10 ) } ,
acceleration = { x = dir.x * - 3 , y = 2 , z = dir.z * - 3 } ,
expirationtime = math.random ( 5 , 10 ) / 10 ,
size = smokeSize / 2 ,
collisiondetection = false ,
vertical = false ,
texture = " tnt_smoke.png " ,
glow = 5 ,
} )
local projectiles = projNum or 1
for i = 1 , projectiles do
local obj = minetest.add_entity ( pos , projEnt )
local ent = obj : get_luaentity ( )
obj : set_properties (
{ textures = { texture } ,
visual = visualType ,
collisionbox = { - size , - size , - size , size , size , size } ,
glow = proj_glow , }
ent.owner = player : get_player_name ( )
if obj then
ent.damage = projDmg
ent.crit = projCrit
ent.critEffc = projCritEffc
ent.OnCollision = ColResult
ent.mobPen = mobPen
ent.nodePen = nodePen
ent.dps = dps
ent.door_break = door_break
ent.glass_break = glass_break
ent.skill_value = skill_value
ent.bullet_particles = bullet_particles
ent.sparks = sparks
ent.ignite = ignite
ent.size = size
ent.timer = 0 + ( combined_velocity / 2000 )
ent.wear = proj_wear
local acc = ( ( ( 100 - accuracy ) / 10 ) / skill_value ) or 0
obj : set_velocity ( { x = dir.x * combined_velocity + math.random ( - acc , acc ) , y = dir.y * combined_velocity + math.random ( - acc , acc ) , z = dir.z * combined_velocity + math.random ( - acc , acc ) } )
obj : set_acceleration ( { x = 0 , y =- gravity , z = 0 } )
obj : set_rotation ( { x = 0 , y = yaw - math.pi / 2 , z =- svertical } )
end end end
eject_shell = function ( itemstack , player , rld_item , rld_time , rldsound , shell )
itemstack : set_name ( rld_item )
local meta = player : get_meta ( )
meta : set_float ( " rw_cooldown " , rld_time )
local gunMeta = itemstack : get_meta ( )
local bulletStack = ItemStack ( { name = gunMeta : get_string ( " RW_ammo_name " ) } )
local pos = player : get_pos ( )
minetest.sound_play ( rldsound , { pos = pos } )
local dir = player : get_look_dir ( )
local yaw = player : get_look_horizontal ( )
if pos and dir and yaw then
pos.y = pos.y + 1.6
local obj = minetest.add_entity ( pos , " rangedweapons:empty_shell " )
if bulletStack ~= " " then
local AmmoCaps = bulletStack : get_definition ( ) . RW_ammo_capabilities
local bullet_shell_visual = " wielditem "
local bullet_shell_texture = " rangedweapons:shelldrop "
bullet_shell_visual = AmmoCaps.shell_visual or " wielditem "
bullet_shell_texture = AmmoCaps.shell_texture or " rangedweapons:shelldrop "
obj : set_properties ( { textures = { bullet_shell_texture } } )
obj : set_properties ( { visual = bullet_shell_visual } )
if obj then
obj : set_velocity ( { x = dir.x *- 10 , y = dir.y *- 10 , z = dir.z *- 10 } )
obj : set_acceleration ( { x = dir.x *- 5 , y =- 10 , z = dir.z *- 5 } )
obj : set_yaw ( yaw - math.pi / 2 )
end end end
dofile ( modpath .. " /cooldown_stuff.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /skills.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /misc.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /bullet_knockback.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /ammo.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /crafting.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_shurikens " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /shurikens.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_handguns " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /makarov.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /luger.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /beretta.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /m1991.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /glock17.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /deagle.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapon_forceguns " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /forcegun.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_javelins " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /javelin.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_power_weapons " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /generator.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /laser_blaster.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /laser_rifle.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /laser_shotgun.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_machine_pistols " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /tmp.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /tec9.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /uzi.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /kriss_sv.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_shotguns " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /remington.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /spas12.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /benelli.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_auto_shotguns " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /jackhammer.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /aa12.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_smgs " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /mp5.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /ump.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /mp40.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /thompson.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_rifles " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /awp.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /svd.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /m200.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_heavy_machineguns " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /m60.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /rpk.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /minigun.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_revolvers " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /python.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /taurus.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_assault_rifles " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /m16.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /g36.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /ak47.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /scar.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_explosives " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /explosives.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /m79.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /milkor.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /rpg.lua " )
dofile ( modpath .. " /hand_grenade.lua " )
if minetest.settings : get_bool ( " rangedweapons_glass_breaking " , true ) then
dofile ( modpath .. " /glass_breaking.lua " )
--[[ What is this good for?
minetest.register_abm ( {
nodenames = { " rangedweapons:broken_glass " } ,
interval = 1 ,
chance = 1 ,
action = function ( pos , node )
if minetest.get_node ( pos ) . name == " rangedweapons:broken_glass " then
node.name = " default:glass "
minetest.set_node ( pos , node )
} )
local rangedweapons_empty_shell = {
physical = false ,
timer = 0 ,
visual = " wielditem " ,
visual_size = { x = 0.3 , y = 0.3 } ,
textures = { " rangedweapons:shelldrop " } ,
lastpos = { } ,
collisionbox = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
rangedweapons_empty_shell.on_step = function ( self , dtime , pos )
self.timer = self.timer + dtime
local pos = self.object : get_pos ( )
local node = minetest.get_node ( pos )
if self.lastpos . y ~= nil then
if minetest.registered_nodes [ node.name ] ~= nil then
if minetest.registered_nodes [ node.name ] . walkable then
local vel = self.object : get_velocity ( )
local acc = self.object : get_acceleration ( )
self.object : set_velocity ( { x = vel.x *- 0.3 , y = vel.y *- 0.75 , z = vel.z *- 0.3 } )
minetest.sound_play ( " rangedweapons_shellhit " , { pos = self.lastpos , gain = 0.8 } )
self.object : set_acceleration ( { x = acc.x , y = acc.y , z = acc.z } )
end end
if self.timer > 1.69 then
minetest.sound_play ( " rangedweapons_bulletdrop " , { pos = self.lastpos , gain = 0.8 } )
self.object : remove ( )
self.lastpos = { x = pos.x , y = pos.y , z = pos.z }
minetest.register_entity ( " rangedweapons:empty_shell " , rangedweapons_empty_shell )
minetest.register_abm ( {
nodenames = { " doors:hidden " } ,
interval = 1 ,
chance = 1 ,
action = function ( pos , node )
pos.y = pos.y - 1
if minetest.get_node ( pos ) . name == " air " then
pos.y = pos.y + 1
node.name = " air "
minetest.set_node ( pos , node )
} )
minetest.register_on_joinplayer ( function ( player )
2024-07-22 16:03:28 +05:00
--[[hit =
2024-07-22 15:41:50 +05:00
player : hud_add ( {
hud_elem_type = " image " ,
text = " rangedweapons_empty_icon.png " ,
scale = { x = 2 , y = 2 } ,
position = { x = 0.5 , y = 0.5 } ,
offset = { x = 0 , y = 0 } ,
alignment = { x = 0 , y = 0 }
2024-07-22 16:03:28 +05:00
} ) ] ]
2024-07-22 15:41:50 +05:00
scope_hud =
player : hud_add ( {
hud_elem_type = " image " ,
position = { x = 0.5 , y = 0.5 } ,
scale = { x =- 100 , y =- 100 } ,
text = " rangedweapons_empty_icon.png " ,
} )
end )