All the chests added by technic specify their material in their description, so the description "Chest" for the default chest looks ambiguous. Rename it to seamlessly fit into the range of chest types.
42 lines
716 B
42 lines
716 B
# German Translation for technic_chests
# Deutsche Übersetzung von technic_chests
# by Xanthin
%s Chest = %struhe
%s Locked Chest = Verschlossene %struhe
%s Locked Chest (owned by %s) = Verschlossene %struhe (gehoert %s)
Color Filter: %s = Farbfilter: %s
Edit chest description: = Bearbeite die Beschreibung
# Colors
Black = Schwarz
Blue = Blau
Brown = Braun
Cyan = Tuerkis
Dark Green = Dunkelgruen
Dark Grey = Dunkelgrau
Green = Gruen
Grey = Grau
Magenta = Magenta
Orange = Orange
Pink = Rosa
Red = Rot
Violet = Violett
White = Weiss
Yellow = Gelb
None = Farblos
# Materials
Copper = Kupfer
Gold = Gold
Iron = Eisen
Mithril = Mithril
Silver = Silber
Wooden = Holz
# Sorting
Sort =
Auto-sort is %s =
Off =
On =