A simple modpack that adds some zombies to your world and a few other things... - BY : DUCKGO - LICENSE : MIT - TEXTURE : CC-BY-4.0 - depends = default, mobs ,rangedweapons - optional_depends = awards Zumbis : - Walking zombie - crawler Zombie - Survivor Zombie - Lumberjack Zombie - Doctor Zombie - Miner Zombie - Runner Zombie (Has higher speed than other zombies) - Spitter Zombie (A little more life, and spits acid) - Tank (Lots of health and lots of damage) Sounds : Zombie death : https://freesound.org/people/tonsil5/sounds/555412/ Zombie Hit : https://freesound.org/people/tonsil5/sounds/555420/ Zombie Angry : https://freesound.org/people/ChuckChuckGoof/sounds/559558/ ...