2021-05-14 18:50:16 +02:00
Signs Bot
Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Joachim Stolberg
GPL v3
See LICENSE.txt for more information
2022-09-24 11:01:30 +02:00
2021-05-14 18:50:16 +02:00
Signs Bot: Commands for the compost mod
-- Load support for I18n.
local S = signs_bot.S
local NUM_LEAVES = 2
-- we reuse the minecart hopper API here
local function additem(mem, stack)
local pos = signs_bot.lib.next_pos(mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if ndef.minecart_hopper_additem then
return ndef.minecart_hopper_additem(pos, stack)
2022-09-24 11:01:30 +02:00
2021-05-14 18:50:16 +02:00
pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}
node = minetest.get_node(pos)
ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
2021-08-01 11:00:22 +02:00
if ndef and ndef.minecart_hopper_additem then
2021-05-14 18:50:16 +02:00
return ndef.minecart_hopper_additem(pos, stack)
2022-09-24 11:01:30 +02:00
2021-05-14 18:50:16 +02:00
return stack
local function takeitem(mem)
local pos = signs_bot.lib.next_pos(mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if ndef.minecart_hopper_takeitem then
return ndef.minecart_hopper_takeitem(pos, 1)
2022-09-24 11:01:30 +02:00
2021-05-14 18:50:16 +02:00
pos = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}
node = minetest.get_node(pos)
ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
2021-08-01 11:00:22 +02:00
if ndef and ndef.minecart_hopper_takeitem then
2021-05-14 18:50:16 +02:00
return ndef.minecart_hopper_takeitem(pos, 1)
2023-05-09 18:41:56 +02:00
if minetest.global_exists("compost") then
2021-05-14 18:50:16 +02:00
signs_bot.register_botcommand("add_compost", {
mod = "compost",
params = "<slot>",
num_param = 1,
description = S("Put 2 leaves into the compost barrel\n"..
"<slot> is the bot inventory slot (1..8)\n"..
"with the leaves."),
check = function(slot)
slot = tonumber(slot) or 0
return slot > 0 and slot < 9
cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot)
slot = tonumber(slot) or 0
local taken = signs_bot.bot_inv_take_item(base_pos, slot, NUM_LEAVES)
local leftover = additem(mem, taken)
if leftover and leftover:get_count() > 0 then
signs_bot.bot_inv_put_item(base_pos, slot, leftover)
return signs_bot.DONE
signs_bot.register_botcommand("take_compost", {
mod = "compost",
params = "<slot>",
num_param = 1,
description = S("Take a compost item from the barrel.\n"..
"<slot> (1..8 or 0 for the first free slot) is the bot\n"..
"slot for the compost item."),
check = function(num, slot)
slot = tonumber(slot) or 0
return slot >= 0 and slot < 9
cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot)
slot = tonumber(slot) or 0
local taken = takeitem(mem)
local leftover = signs_bot.bot_inv_put_item(base_pos, slot, taken)
if leftover and leftover:get_count() > 0 then
signs_bot.lib.drop_items(mem.robot_pos, leftover)
return signs_bot.DONE