# toolcap_monoids some standard tool_monoids. * `toolcap_monoids.full_punch` modifies the "full punch" interval. multiplicative. values > 1 will increase time between full punches, < 1 will decrease the same. * `toolcap_monoids.dig_speed` modifies dig times. multiplicative. values > 1 will increase dig time, < 1 will decrease dig time. values can also be tables mapping specific groupcaps to specific multipliers. * `toolcap_monoids.durability` modifies tool uses. multiplicative. values > 1 will increase durability, < 1 will decrease durability. values can also be tables mapping specific groupcaps to specific multipliers. * `toolcap_monoids.damage` modifies tool damage groups. *additive*, not multiplicative. values must be tables mapping damage groups to the increase (or decrease) in damage for that group.