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# textdomain: mcl_farming
2024-12-03 23:42:44 +01:00
##[ soil.lua ]##
Surface for crops=农作物生长的地面
Can become wet=能变湿润
Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=耕地用于耕种,是种植农作物的必要地面。当用锄头对泥土或类似方块使用时可开垦出耕地。植物能在耕地上生长,但速度较慢。当下雨或附近有水源时,耕地会变成湿润的耕地(植物在湿润耕地上生长更快)。当上方出现固体方块或活塞臂伸展到上方时,这个方块会变回泥土。
Hydrated Farmland=湿润耕地
Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=湿润耕地用于耕种,在这里你可以种植并培育一些植物。当耕地处于雨中或靠近水时就会形成湿润耕地。没有水时,这个方块最终会变干。当上方出现固体方块或活塞臂伸展到上方时,这个方块会变回泥土。
##[ hoes.lua ]##
Turns block into farmland=将方块变成耕地
Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=锄头是种植农作物的必备工具。它们用于开垦耕地以便在上面种植种子。在紧急情况下,锄头也可当作很弱的武器使用。
Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=对可耕种的方块(通过右键点击它)使用锄头可将其变成耕地。泥土、草方块和草径是可耕种的方块。对砂土使用锄头会将其变成泥土。
Wood Hoe=木锄
Stone Hoe=石锄
Iron Hoe=铁锄
Golden Hoe=金锄
Diamond Hoe=钻石锄
Netherite Hoe=下界合金锄
2024-12-03 23:42:44 +01:00
##[ wheat.lua ]##
Grows on farmland=在耕地上生长
This is a food item which can be eaten.=这是一种可食用的食物。
Wheat Seeds=小麦种子
Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=会长成小麦植株。鸡喜欢小麦种子。
Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.=将小麦种子放置在耕地(可用锄头开垦出耕地)上以种植小麦植株。
They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=它们在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。右键点击动物可喂它小麦种子。
Premature Wheat Plant=未成熟小麦植株
Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages.=未成熟小麦植株在阳光下于耕地上分8个阶段生长。
On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=在湿润的耕地上,它们生长更快。它们可以随时收获,但只有成熟时才有收益。
Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟小麦植株(第@1阶段
Mature Wheat Plant=成熟小麦植株
Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.=成熟的小麦植株可收获小麦和小麦种子。
They won't grow any further.=它们不会再继续生长了。
Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=小麦用于制作物品。一些动物喜欢小麦。
Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=对动物使用“放置”键尝试喂它小麦。
Hay Bale=干草块
Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=干草块是由小麦制成的装饰性方块。
##[ pumpkin.lua ]##
Pumpkin Seeds=南瓜种子
Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=会长成南瓜梗,南瓜梗进而会长出南瓜。鸡喜欢南瓜种子。
Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=将南瓜种子放置在耕地(可用锄头开垦出耕地)上以种植南瓜梗。南瓜梗在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。成熟时,南瓜梗会尝试在旁边长出南瓜。右键点击动物可喂它南瓜种子。
Premature Pumpkin Stem=未成熟南瓜梗
Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=南瓜梗在耕地上分8个阶段生长。在湿润的耕地上生长速度会快一点。成熟的南瓜梗能够长出南瓜。
Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=未成熟南瓜梗(第@1阶段
Mature Pumpkin Stem=成熟南瓜梗
A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=成熟的南瓜梗会尝试在其相邻的四个方块中的一个上长出南瓜。南瓜只能生长在耕地、泥土或草方块的顶部。当南瓜挨着南瓜梗时,南瓜梗会立即弯曲并与南瓜相连。相连时,南瓜梗不能再长出另一个南瓜。一旦梗周围的所有南瓜都被移除,它就会断开连接,准备再长出一个南瓜。
A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=
To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=
Carved Pumpkin=
A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=
Jack o'Lantern=南瓜灯
A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=
Pumpkin Pie=南瓜派
A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=南瓜派是一种可食用的美味食物。
##[ melon.lua ]##
Melon Seeds=西瓜种子
Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=会长成西瓜梗,西瓜梗进而会长出西瓜。鸡喜欢西瓜种子。
Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=将西瓜种子放置在耕地(可用锄头开垦出耕地)上以种植西瓜梗。西瓜梗在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。成熟时,西瓜梗会尝试在旁边长出西瓜。右键点击动物可喂它西瓜种子。
A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=西瓜是一种可由西瓜梗长出的方块,西瓜梗又是由西瓜种子长成的。它可收获为西瓜片。
Premature Melon Stem=未成熟西瓜梗
Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=西瓜梗在耕地上分8个阶段生长。在湿润的耕地上生长速度会快一点。成熟的西瓜梗能够长出西瓜。
Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=未成熟西瓜梗(第@1阶段
Mature Melon Stem=成熟西瓜梗
A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=成熟的西瓜梗会尝试在其相邻的四个方块中的一个上长出西瓜。西瓜只能生长在耕地、泥土或草方块的顶部。当西瓜挨着西瓜梗时,西瓜梗会立即弯曲并与西瓜相连。相连时,西瓜梗不能再长出另一个西瓜。一旦梗周围的西瓜都被移除,它就会断开连接,准备再长出一个西瓜。
Melon Slice=西瓜片
2024-12-03 23:42:44 +01:00
##[ carrots.lua ]##
Premature Carrot Plant=未成熟胡萝卜植株
Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=胡萝卜植株是在阳光下于耕地上分8个阶段生长的植物但只有4个阶段能从外观上区分开来。在湿润的耕地上它们生长会快一点。它们可以随时收获但只有成熟时才有收益。
Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟胡萝卜植株(第@1阶段
Mature Carrot Plant=成熟胡萝卜植株
Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=成熟的胡萝卜植株可收获胡萝卜,不会再继续生长了。
Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=胡萝卜可食用也可种植。猪和兔子喜欢胡萝卜。
Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手持胡萝卜并右键点击可食用。将胡萝卜放置在耕地上可种植。它在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。右键点击动物可喂它胡萝卜。
Golden Carrot=金胡萝卜
A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=金胡萝卜是一种珍贵的可食用食物,非常饱腹!
##[ potatoes.lua ]##
Premature Potato Plant=未成熟土豆植株
Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=土豆植株是在阳光下于耕地上分8个阶段生长的植物但只有4个阶段能从外观上区分开来。在湿润的耕地上它们生长会快一点。它们可以随时收获但只有成熟时才有收益。
Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟土豆植株(第@1阶段
Mature Potato Plant=成熟土豆植株
Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.=成熟的土豆植株可收获土豆,不会再继续生长了。
Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.=土豆是可食用、能在熔炉中烹饪且可种植的食物。猪喜欢土豆。
Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手持土豆并右键点击可食用。将土豆放置在耕地上可种植。它在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。右键点击动物可喂它土豆。
Baked Potato=烤土豆
Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=烤土豆是比未烤的土豆更饱腹的食物。
Poisonous Potato=毒土豆
2024-12-03 23:42:44 +01:00
60% chance of poisoning=60%的中毒几率
This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=这个土豆看起来不太健康。你可以吃它来恢复饥饿值但有60%的几率会让你短暂中毒。
2024-12-03 23:42:44 +01:00
##[ beetroot.lua ]##
Beetroot Seeds=甜菜种子
Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=会长成甜菜植株。鸡喜欢甜菜种子。
Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=将甜菜种子放置在耕地(可用锄头开垦出耕地)上以种植甜菜植株。它们在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。右键点击动物可喂它甜菜种子。
Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=甜菜植株是在阳光下于耕地上分4个阶段生长的植物。在湿润的耕地上它们生长会快一点。它们可以随时收获但只有成熟时才有收益。
Premature Beetroot Plant=未成熟甜菜植株
Mature Beetroot Plant=成熟甜菜植株
A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=成熟的甜菜植株是一种农作物,可收获甜菜和一些甜菜种子,不会再继续生长了。
Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=甜菜既可作为食物,也可作为染料原料。猪也喜欢甜菜。
Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手持甜菜并右键点击可食用。右键点击动物可喂它甜菜。
Beetroot Soup=甜菜汤
Beetroot soup is a food item.=甜菜汤是一种食物。
##[ sweet_berry.lua ]##
Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)=甜浆果丛(第@1阶段
Sweet Berry=甜浆果
##### not used anymore #####
2024-12-30 22:29:38 +01:00
Uses: @1=用途:@1
2024-12-03 23:42:44 +01:00
Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=未成熟甜菜植株(第一阶段)
Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=未成熟甜菜植株(第二阶段)
Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=未成熟甜菜植株(第三阶段)
Faceless Pumpkin=无脸南瓜
A faceless pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain pumpkin seeds.=无脸南瓜是一种装饰性方块。可用剪刀雕刻它来获取南瓜种子。
A pumpkin can be worn as a helmet. Pumpkins grow from pumpkin stems, which in turn grow from pumpkin seeds.=南瓜可以当作头盔佩戴。南瓜由南瓜梗长出,南瓜梗又是由南瓜种子长成的。
A jack o'Lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=南瓜灯是一种用南瓜做成的传统万圣节装饰品,它会明亮地发光。
To carve a face into the pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want to carve.=要在南瓜上雕刻面容,在想要雕刻的那一面使用剪刀。