2021-01-27 02:56:53 -06:00
-- build schematic, replace material, rotation
function settlements . build_schematic ( vm , data , va , pos , building , replace_wall , name )
-- get building node material for better integration to surrounding
local platform_material = minetest.get_node_or_nil ( pos )
if not platform_material then
platform_material = platform_material.name
-- pick random material
local material = wallmaterial [ math.random ( 1 , # wallmaterial ) ]
-- schematic conversion to lua
local schem_lua = minetest.serialize_schematic ( building ,
" lua " ,
{ lua_use_comments = false , lua_num_indent_spaces = 0 } ) .. " return(schematic) "
-- replace material
if replace_wall == " y " then
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:cobble " , material )
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:dirt_with_grass " ,
platform_material )
-- Disable special junglewood for now.
-- special material for spawning npcs
-- schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_core:junglewood",
-- "settlements:junglewood")
-- format schematic string
local schematic = loadstring ( schem_lua ) ( )
-- build foundation for the building an make room above
local width = schematic [ " size " ] [ " x " ]
local depth = schematic [ " size " ] [ " z " ]
local height = schematic [ " size " ] [ " y " ]
local possible_rotations = { " 0 " , " 90 " , " 180 " , " 270 " }
local rotation = possible_rotations [ math.random ( # possible_rotations ) ]
settlements.foundation (
pos ,
width ,
depth ,
height ,
rotation )
vm : set_data ( data )
-- place schematic
minetest.place_schematic_on_vmanip (
vm ,
pos ,
schematic ,
rotation ,
nil ,
true )
vm : write_to_map ( true )
end ] ]
-- initialize settlement_info
function settlements . initialize_settlement_info ( pr )
local count_buildings = { }
-- count_buildings table reset
2021-01-29 22:49:33 +04:00
for k , v in pairs ( settlements.schematic_table ) do
2021-01-27 02:56:53 -06:00
count_buildings [ v [ " name " ] ] = 0
-- randomize number of buildings
local number_of_buildings = pr : next ( 10 , 25 )
local number_built = 1
settlements.debug ( " Village " .. number_of_buildings )
return count_buildings , number_of_buildings , number_built
-- fill settlement_info
function settlements . create_site_plan ( maxp , minp , pr )
local settlement_info = { }
local building_all_info
local possible_rotations = { " 0 " , " 90 " , " 180 " , " 270 " }
-- find center of chunk
local center = {
x = maxp.x - half_map_chunk_size ,
y = maxp.y ,
z = maxp.z - half_map_chunk_size
-- find center_surface of chunk
local center_surface , surface_material = settlements.find_surface ( center )
-- go build settlement around center
if not center_surface then return false end
-- add settlement to list
table.insert ( settlements_in_world , center_surface )
-- save list to file
settlements.save ( )
-- initialize all settlement_info table
local count_buildings , number_of_buildings , number_built = settlements.initialize_settlement_info ( pr )
-- first building is townhall in the center
2021-01-29 22:49:33 +04:00
building_all_info = settlements.schematic_table [ 1 ]
2021-01-27 02:56:53 -06:00
local rotation = possible_rotations [ pr : next ( 1 , # possible_rotations ) ]
-- add to settlement info table
local index = 1
settlement_info [ index ] = {
pos = center_surface ,
name = building_all_info [ " name " ] ,
hsize = building_all_info [ " hsize " ] ,
rotat = rotation ,
surface_mat = surface_material
--increase index for following buildings
index = index + 1
-- now some buildings around in a circle, radius = size of town center
local x , z , r = center_surface.x , center_surface.z , building_all_info [ " hsize " ]
-- draw j circles around center and increase radius by math.random(2,5)
for j = 1 , 20 do
if number_built < number_of_buildings then
-- set position on imaginary circle
for j = 0 , 360 , 15 do
local angle = j * math.pi / 180
local ptx , ptz = x + r * math.cos ( angle ) , z + r * math.sin ( angle )
ptx = settlements.round ( ptx , 0 )
ptz = settlements.round ( ptz , 0 )
local pos1 = { x = ptx , y = center_surface.y + 50 , z = ptz }
local pos_surface , surface_material = settlements.find_surface ( pos1 )
if not pos_surface then break end
2021-01-29 22:49:33 +04:00
local randomized_schematic_table = shuffle ( settlements.schematic_table , pr )
2021-01-27 02:56:53 -06:00
-- pick schematic
local size = # randomized_schematic_table
for i = size , 1 , - 1 do
-- already enough buildings of that type?
if count_buildings [ randomized_schematic_table [ i ] [ " name " ] ] < randomized_schematic_table [ i ] [ " max_num " ] * number_of_buildings then
building_all_info = randomized_schematic_table [ i ]
-- check distance to other buildings
local distance_to_other_buildings_ok = settlements.check_distance ( settlement_info , pos_surface , building_all_info [ " hsize " ] )
if distance_to_other_buildings_ok then
-- count built houses
count_buildings [ building_all_info [ " name " ] ] = count_buildings [ building_all_info [ " name " ] ] + 1
rotation = possible_rotations [ pr : next ( 1 , # possible_rotations ) ]
number_built = number_built + 1
settlement_info [ index ] = {
pos = pos_surface ,
name = building_all_info [ " name " ] ,
hsize = building_all_info [ " hsize " ] ,
rotat = rotation ,
surface_mat = surface_material
index = index + 1
if number_of_buildings == number_built then
r = r + pr : next ( 2 , 5 )
settlements.debug ( " really " .. number_built )
return settlement_info
-- evaluate settlement_info and place schematics
function settlements . place_schematics ( settlement_info , pr )
local building_all_info
for i , built_house in ipairs ( settlement_info ) do
2021-01-29 22:49:33 +04:00
for j , schem in ipairs ( settlements.schematic_table ) do
2021-01-27 02:56:53 -06:00
if settlement_info [ i ] [ " name " ] == schem [ " name " ] then
building_all_info = schem
local pos = settlement_info [ i ] [ " pos " ]
local rotation = settlement_info [ i ] [ " rotat " ]
-- get building node material for better integration to surrounding
2021-01-29 22:49:33 +04:00
local platform_material = settlement_info [ i ] [ " surface_mat " ]
2021-01-27 02:56:53 -06:00
--platform_material_name = minetest.get_name_from_content_id(platform_material)
-- pick random material
2021-01-28 23:59:01 -06:00
--local material = wallmaterial[pr:next(1,#wallmaterial)]
2021-01-27 02:56:53 -06:00
local building = building_all_info [ " mts " ]
local replace_wall = building_all_info [ " rplc " ]
-- schematic conversion to lua
local schem_lua = minetest.serialize_schematic ( building ,
" lua " ,
{ lua_use_comments = false , lua_num_indent_spaces = 0 } ) .. " return(schematic) "
-- replace material
2021-01-29 22:49:33 +04:00
if replace_wall then
2021-01-28 23:59:01 -06:00
--Note, block substitution isn't matching node names exactly; so nodes that are to be substituted that have the same prefixes cause bugs.
-- Example: Attempting to swap out 'mcl_core:stonebrick'; which has multiple, additional sub-variants: (carved, cracked, mossy). Will currently cause issues, so leaving disabled.
if platform_material == " mcl_core:snow " or platform_material == " mcl_core:dirt_with_grass_snow " or platform_material == " mcl_core:podzol " then
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:tree " , " mcl_core:sprucetree " )
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:wood " , " mcl_core:sprucewood " )
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_fences:fence", "mcl_fences:spruce_fence")
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_stairs:slab_wood_top", "mcl_stairs:slab_sprucewood_top")
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_stairs:stair_wood", "mcl_stairs:stair_sprucewood")
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_wood_off", "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_sprucewood_off")
elseif platform_material == " mcl_core:sand " or platform_material == " mcl_core:redsand " then
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:tree " , " mcl_core:sandstonecarved " )
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:cobble " , " mcl_core:sandstone " )
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:wood " , " mcl_core:sandstonesmooth " )
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_fences:fence", "mcl_fences:birch_fence")
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_stairs:slab_wood_top", "mcl_stairs:slab_birchwood_top")
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_stairs:stair_wood", "mcl_stairs:stair_birchwood")
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_wood_off", "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_birchwood_off")
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_stairs:stair_stonebrick", "mcl_stairs:stair_redsandstone")
--schem_lua = schem_lua:gsub("mcl_core:stonebrick", "mcl_core:redsandstonesmooth")
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:brick_block " , " mcl_core:redsandstone " )
2021-01-27 02:56:53 -06:00
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:dirt_with_grass " , platform_material )
--[[ Disable special junglewood for now.
-- special material for spawning npcs
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_core:junglewood " , " settlements:junglewood " )
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_stairs:stair_wood_outer " , " mcl_stairs:slab_wood " )
schem_lua = schem_lua : gsub ( " mcl_stairs:stair_stone_rough_outer " , " air " )
-- format schematic string
local schematic = loadstring ( schem_lua ) ( )
-- build foundation for the building an make room above
-- place schematic
minetest.place_schematic (
pos ,
schematic ,
rotation ,
nil ,
true )