From 93fdf83c079a5e7801389b37339e5e54bf0e1bb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wuzzy <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 04:43:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove saplings from temp helper recipes

 mods/MISC/mcl_temp_helper_recipes/init.lua | 31 ----------------------
 1 file changed, 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_temp_helper_recipes/init.lua b/mods/MISC/mcl_temp_helper_recipes/init.lua
index 23288bf95..024c48191 100644
--- a/mods/MISC/mcl_temp_helper_recipes/init.lua
+++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_temp_helper_recipes/init.lua
@@ -120,34 +120,3 @@ minetest.register_craft({
 -- TODO: Remove/fix these drops when creeper drops music discs properly
--- Saplings, to complete the set of saplings in v6 mapgen.
--- 3 tree species are missing in v6.
-local mg_name = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mg_name")
-if mg_name == "v6" then
-	minetest.register_craft({
-		output = "mcl_core:darksapling",
-		recipe = {
-			{ "mcl_core:sapling", "mcl_core:sapling", "mcl_core:sapling" },
-			{ "mcl_core:sapling", "mcl_core:sapling", "mcl_core:sapling" },
-			{ "mcl_core:sapling", "mcl_core:sapling", "mcl_core:sapling" },
-		},
-	})
-	minetest.register_craft({
-		output = "mcl_core:acaciasapling",
-		recipe = {
-			{ "mcl_core:junglesapling", "mcl_core:junglesapling", "mcl_core:junglesapling" },
-			{ "mcl_core:junglesapling", "mcl_core:junglesapling", "mcl_core:junglesapling" },
-			{ "mcl_core:junglesapling", "mcl_core:junglesapling", "mcl_core:junglesapling" },
-		},
-	})
-	minetest.register_craft({
-		output = "mcl_core:birchsapling",
-		recipe = {
-			{ "mcl_core:sprucesapling", "mcl_core:sprucesapling", "mcl_core:sprucesapling" },
-			{ "mcl_core:sprucesapling", "mcl_core:sprucesapling", "mcl_core:sprucesapling" },
-			{ "mcl_core:sprucesapling", "mcl_core:sprucesapling", "mcl_core:sprucesapling" },
-		},
-	})